RINO Kasich stops Stand Your Ground law in Ohio.

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions
Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions

. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

I have no problem with that
Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions

. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

I have no problem with that

Why is that? The way our laws are now, you can be convicted of a crime for simply defending yourself from an attacker.

In other words, let's say I'm in my car at a stop light and somebody starts shooting at me. I use my firearm to shoot back and kill or injure the shooter. However a video camera on a business shows that I had the ability to drive away even though that would have given my attacker a nice target to shoot at. So I'm convicted of murder instead of self-defense. I don't know how anybody could be okay with that.
Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions

Kasich is a pathetic girly man.

What good does a gun do if using it to protect yourself makes you guilty of a crime? We have idiots telling us what and what we can not do so stupid I can't believe there's that many idiots out there to get them elected.

Carried by six, or judged by twelve. You can bet his sorry ass is protected by security not restricted and would be wishing he had approved of a stand your ground law if someone was pointing a gun at him or his family.

Unfortunately, there's no cure for libtardism.
Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions

Kasich is a pathetic girly man.

What good does a gun do if using it to protect yourself makes you guilty of a crime? We have idiots telling us what and what we can not do so stupid I can't believe there's that many idiots out there to get them elected.

Carried by six, or judged by twelve. You can bet his sorry ass is protected by security not restricted and would be wishing he had approved of a stand your ground law if someone was pointing a gun at him or his family.

Unfortunately, there's no cure for libtardism.

I voted for the guy twice as Governor and even in the presidential primaries. I'm sure a lot of gun advocates did the same. But now that he's out of the loop, he's stabbing us in the back in spite of our past support. That doesn't surprise me.

It seems to me he may be setting himself up for a party change or perhaps a presidential run as third party candidate just to try to F-up Trump's reelection. This is a bitter and petulant man who's revenge is paramount to his ethics; if he even has any.
Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions

Kasich is a pathetic girly man.

What good does a gun do if using it to protect yourself makes you guilty of a crime? We have idiots telling us what and what we can not do so stupid I can't believe there's that many idiots out there to get them elected.

Carried by six, or judged by twelve. You can bet his sorry ass is protected by security not restricted and would be wishing he had approved of a stand your ground law if someone was pointing a gun at him or his family.

Unfortunately, there's no cure for libtardism.

I voted for the guy twice as Governor and even in the presidential primaries. I'm sure a lot of gun advocates did the same. But now that he's out of the loop, he's stabbing us in the back in spite of our past support. That doesn't surprise me.

It seems to me he may be setting himself up for a party change or perhaps a presidential run as third party candidate just to try to F-up Trump's reelection. This is a bitter and petulant man who's revenge is paramount to his ethics; if he even has any.

Kasich wants to be the nicest guy in the room. Ohio's Jimmy Carter. When does an elected official get to decide if you live or die before the police get there? Oh, ya, the guy with 24/7 police protection. The rest can just eat a bullet and become a martyr for the pacifist cause.

Chris Matthews supports him... certainly not a conservative
Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions

You are aware that every state which has enacted “Stand your ground” legislation has seen an increase in murder rates, aren’t you.

Evaluating America’s “stand-your-ground” laws
Very stupid move. Many if not most states have these laws to protect VICTIMS. Instead Kasich is protecting the CRIMINAL. I actually half liked him until now, more from his old days in the conservative media, Turns out he is just a poseur.
He gets off on dead victims of killers. Especially if it's a dead white American and a non white killer.
Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions

You are aware that every state which has enacted “Stand your ground” legislation has seen an increase in murder rates, aren’t you.

Evaluating America’s “stand-your-ground” laws

What is your source?

Murder..........In the United States, the law regarding murder varies by jurisdiction. In most U.S. jurisdictions there is a hierarchy of acts, known collectively as homicide, of which first degree murder and felony murder are the most serious, followed by second degree murder, followed by voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter which are less serious, and ending finally in justifiable homicide, which is not a crime at all. However, because there are at least 52 relevant jurisdictions, each with its own criminal code, this is a considerable simplification.

Anyhow are you including justifiable homicide in your stats....as in a homeowner killing a home invader etc.

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