Rights of conscience religious may be removed by British


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Apparently some people over there believe parents and students should be mandated to learn about religion and the right of refusal should be removed.

.......The research, carried out by Liverpool Hope University and published in the British Journal of Religious Education (RE) today, found that 41% of school leaders interviewed had received requests for students to be withdrawn from teaching about one religion.

By far the largest number of these requests related to teaching about Islam. As one participant stated: "students that have been removed are the ones that need to understand different cultures the most".

Earlier this year members of a local education body in Essex blamed "integration issues" on a rise in such withdrawals.

The study's authors Dr Cathal O'Siochru and Dr David Lundie have compiled the first hard data on the process of parents taking their children out of RE classes in this country.

They found that 71% of the 450 headteachers and heads of RE surveyed think the withdrawal element of the 1944 Education Act is "no longer required".

The right was included in the 75-year-old law to protect the rights of conscience of religious minorities from being forced to receive Christian religious instruction.........

Law allowing parents to withdraw children from RE education should be overturned
I am all for forcing muslim students to recite passages from the bible-----and for teaching purposes----attend catholic mass and get baptized in the "name of the father, son, and holy ghost" and for CULTURAL diversity----
lift a glass on new year's eve. In the USA one of the traditional easter lunches is a nice big BAKED HAM ------studded all over with cloves.
In the USA-----Christmas egg-nog is made with rum (I think, not sure---don't quote me)
I am all for forcing muslim students to recite passages from the bible-----and for teaching purposes----attend catholic mass and get baptized in the "name of the father, son, and holy ghost" and for CULTURAL diversity----
lift a glass on new year's eve. In the USA one of the traditional easter lunches is a nice big BAKED HAM ------studded all over with cloves.
In the USA-----Christmas egg-nog is made with rum (I think, not sure---don't quote me)

RE education isn't about indoctrination. It's about education of different religions. They don't for force children to participate in prayers or anything like that. I've taught the British national curriculum before, and RE was one of the subjects I had to teach. It is very general information about religions and their history.

The children are taught about all the abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, Buddhism and a few others.
I am all for forcing muslim students to recite passages from the bible-----and for teaching purposes----attend catholic mass and get baptized in the "name of the father, son, and holy ghost" and for CULTURAL diversity----
lift a glass on new year's eve. In the USA one of the traditional easter lunches is a nice big BAKED HAM ------studded all over with cloves.
In the USA-----Christmas egg-nog is made with rum (I think, not sure---don't quote me)

RE education isn't about indoctrination. It's about education of different religions. They don't for force children to participate in prayers or anything like that. I've taught the British national curriculum before, and RE was one of the subjects I had to teach. It is very general information about religions and their history.

The children are taught about all the abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, Buddhism and a few others.

according to what I have read---there have been some abuses ALL AROUND---in Britain-----as to muslim countries----I will manage to RESIST commenting
I am all for forcing muslim students to recite passages from the bible-----and for teaching purposes----attend catholic mass and get baptized in the "name of the father, son, and holy ghost" and for CULTURAL diversity----
lift a glass on new year's eve. In the USA one of the traditional easter lunches is a nice big BAKED HAM ------studded all over with cloves.
In the USA-----Christmas egg-nog is made with rum (I think, not sure---don't quote me)

RE education isn't about indoctrination. It's about education of different religions. They don't for force children to participate in prayers or anything like that. I've taught the British national curriculum before, and RE was one of the subjects I had to teach. It is very general information about religions and their history.

The children are taught about all the abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, Buddhism and a few others.

according to what I have read---there have been some abuses ALL AROUND---in Britain-----as to muslim countries----I will manage to RESIST commenting
I think all Islimeasts outside of their own slimest countries should be immediately baptized in bacon grease.Na Allah. No problems. Then they can convert to something else and be saved or reincarnated or........and toss that POS Koran in a dump where it belongs. Preferably a dump with an incinerator.
Too bad those perverts in Rome didn't add a paragraph in their script:
"Rock shaped like lil boys ass spoke out and said":Catholic, there is a Muslime hiding behind me, come and kill it"

One lousy statement and this could have been over thousands of years ago.
I am all for forcing muslim students to recite passages from the bible-----and for teaching purposes----attend catholic mass and get baptized in the "name of the father, son, and holy ghost" and for CULTURAL diversity----
lift a glass on new year's eve. In the USA one of the traditional easter lunches is a nice big BAKED HAM ------studded all over with cloves.
In the USA-----Christmas egg-nog is made with rum (I think, not sure---don't quote me)

RE education isn't about indoctrination. It's about education of different religions. They don't for force children to participate in prayers or anything like that. I've taught the British national curriculum before, and RE was one of the subjects I had to teach. It is very general information about religions and their history.

The children are taught about all the abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, Buddhism and a few others.

according to what I have read---there have been some abuses ALL AROUND---in Britain-----as to muslim countries----I will manage to RESIST commenting
I think all Islimeasts outside of their own slimest countries should be immediately baptized in bacon grease.Na Allah. No problems. Then they can convert to something else and be saved or reincarnated or........and toss that POS Koran in a dump where it belongs. Preferably a dump with an incinerator.
Too bad those perverts in Rome didn't add a paragraph in their script:
"Rock shaped like lil boys ass spoke out and said":Catholic, there is a Muslime hiding behind me, come and kill it"

One lousy statement and this could have been over thousands of years ago.
I am all for forcing muslim students to recite passages from the bible-----and for teaching purposes----attend catholic mass and get baptized in the "name of the father, son, and holy ghost" and for CULTURAL diversity----
lift a glass on new year's eve. In the USA one of the traditional easter lunches is a nice big BAKED HAM ------studded all over with cloves.
In the USA-----Christmas egg-nog is made with rum (I think, not sure---don't quote me)

Well this thread is turning up some tolerant types.............

OP, I took a course in college which ended up being about wars of the reformation. It was quite interesting to count the deaths in Europe caused by religion.

Religion, like it or not, is a big mover of policy in the world. Its important to know the evils of them and the good. If anyone wants to force something like that into a high school curriculum I'm all for it.
I am all for forcing muslim students to recite passages from the bible-----and for teaching purposes----attend catholic mass and get baptized in the "name of the father, son, and holy ghost" and for CULTURAL diversity----
lift a glass on new year's eve. In the USA one of the traditional easter lunches is a nice big BAKED HAM ------studded all over with cloves.
In the USA-----Christmas egg-nog is made with rum (I think, not sure---don't quote me)

RE education isn't about indoctrination. It's about education of different religions. They don't for force children to participate in prayers or anything like that. I've taught the British national curriculum before, and RE was one of the subjects I had to teach. It is very general information about religions and their history.

The children are taught about all the abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, Buddhism and a few others.

according to what I have read---there have been some abuses ALL AROUND---in Britain-----as to muslim countries----I will manage to RESIST commenting
I think all Islimeasts outside of their own slimest countries should be immediately baptized in bacon grease.Na Allah. No problems. Then they can convert to something else and be saved or reincarnated or........and toss that POS Koran in a dump where it belongs. Preferably a dump with an incinerator.
Too bad those perverts in Rome didn't add a paragraph in their script:
"Rock shaped like lil boys ass spoke out and said":Catholic, there is a Muslime hiding behind me, come and kill it"

One lousy statement and this could have been over thousands of years ago.
I am all for forcing muslim students to recite passages from the bible-----and for teaching purposes----attend catholic mass and get baptized in the "name of the father, son, and holy ghost" and for CULTURAL diversity----
lift a glass on new year's eve. In the USA one of the traditional easter lunches is a nice big BAKED HAM ------studded all over with cloves.
In the USA-----Christmas egg-nog is made with rum (I think, not sure---don't quote me)

Well this thread is turning up some tolerant types.............

OP, I took a course in college which ended up being about wars of the reformation. It was quite interesting to count the deaths in Europe caused by religion.

Religion, like it or not, is a big mover of policy in the world. Its important to know the evils of them and the good. If anyone wants to force something like that into a high school curriculum I'm all for it.

long long long ago-----I went to high school. "religion" was discussed in the
course called "social studies" which included stuff like history, civics and
WORLD "''cultures"" My high school had a singular demographic. ---all white kids----
(that includes anything Hispanic or mixed stuff). All English speakers. 1/3 protestants, 1/3 catholic and 1/3 jews.
"religion" discussion got nowhere------
except for the input of some missionary types-----missionary, because those few
were children of actual missionaries. No one actually LEARNED anything---anyway it was the 60s----we were all reading the
Kama Sudtra along with THE BEATLES.
History of massive religion galvanized
genocides is IMHO ---not for feral adolescents

Your signature "We are all born atheists until someone starts telling us lies" is by the way an interesting form of difaming ("racistic") lie on its own and ignores the knowledge about the phylogenetic and ontogenetic human evolvement. A supremacy of the belief in atheism and the rebound in materialism instead of a rebound in spirituality and belief in god not exists.

Your signature "We are all born atheists until someone starts telling us lies" is by the way an interesting form of difamatorty ("racistic") lie on its own and ignores the knowledge about the phylogenetic and ontogenetic human evolvement. A supremacy of the belief in atheism and the rebound in materialism instead of a rebound in spirituality and belief in god not exists.

Firstly, atheism isn't a belief, it's a lack of belief.

If I have a baby, and don't teach him any religion, that child will not believe in God. Children only come to know about God from what their parents tell them.

The stories my parents fed me were a bunch of nonsense. Stories of animals on a boat, splitting of seas, Virgin births, Muhammed splitting the moon.
Apparently some people over there believe parents and students should be mandated to learn about religion and the right of refusal should be removed.

.......The research, carried out by Liverpool Hope University and published in the British Journal of Religious Education (RE) today, found that 41% of school leaders interviewed had received requests for students to be withdrawn from teaching about one religion.

By far the largest number of these requests related to teaching about Islam. As one participant stated: "students that have been removed are the ones that need to understand different cultures the most".

Earlier this year members of a local education body in Essex blamed "integration issues" on a rise in such withdrawals.

The study's authors Dr Cathal O'Siochru and Dr David Lundie have compiled the first hard data on the process of parents taking their children out of RE classes in this country.

They found that 71% of the 450 headteachers and heads of RE surveyed think the withdrawal element of the 1944 Education Act is "no longer required".

The right was included in the 75-year-old law to protect the rights of conscience of religious minorities from being forced to receive Christian religious instruction.........

Law allowing parents to withdraw children from RE education should be overturned

What I don't understand. The Brits teach children what exactly? A kind of history and sociology of different forms of religion from the point of view of the british state? And they call this "religious education"? ... I this not a kind of "egg-laying, milk-bearing woolly sow", a "could be everything or nothing"-religion?
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Apparently some people over there believe parents and students should be mandated to learn about religion and the right of refusal should be removed.

.......The research, carried out by Liverpool Hope University and published in the British Journal of Religious Education (RE) today, found that 41% of school leaders interviewed had received requests for students to be withdrawn from teaching about one religion.

By far the largest number of these requests related to teaching about Islam. As one participant stated: "students that have been removed are the ones that need to understand different cultures the most".

Earlier this year members of a local education body in Essex blamed "integration issues" on a rise in such withdrawals.

The study's authors Dr Cathal O'Siochru and Dr David Lundie have compiled the first hard data on the process of parents taking their children out of RE classes in this country.

They found that 71% of the 450 headteachers and heads of RE surveyed think the withdrawal element of the 1944 Education Act is "no longer required".

The right was included in the 75-year-old law to protect the rights of conscience of religious minorities from being forced to receive Christian religious instruction.........

Law allowing parents to withdraw children from RE education should be overturned

What I don't understand. The Brits teach children what exactly? A kind of history and sociology of different forms of religion from the point of view of the british state? And they call this "religious education"? ... I this not a kind of "egg-laying, milk-bearing woolly sow", a "could be everything or nothing"-religion?
Just add this to all the other things you don't understand. That must be quite a pile.

Your signature "We are all born atheists until someone starts telling us lies" is by the way an interesting form of difamatorty ("racistic") lie on its own and ignores the knowledge about the phylogenetic and ontogenetic human evolvement. A supremacy of the belief in atheism and the rebound in materialism instead of a rebound in spirituality and belief in god not exists.

Firstly, atheism isn't a belief, it's a lack of belief.

What's wrong from the point of view of an agnostic philosophy.

If I have a baby, and don't teach him any religion, that child will not believe in God.

What's wrong too. Magical thinking is not only quite normal for babies - someone who tries to block this developement step is perhaps even doing a crime - comparable with some vegans who risk the health of their children with a wrong nutrition.

Children only come to know about God from what their parents tell them.

Children learn everything. What is a child without education? ... One moment ... It was ... Now I remember it: an emperor of the holy roman empire of the house "Staufer"- he lived in the South of Italy ... his name was Friedrich II. Got it: Born in december 26th 1194. He tried to find out what's the natural language of all human beings. He took some babies and educated them without language. No one of the people who educted them had to speak with them. They all died because of a lack of love.

What do you like to do? To steal all babies and to let them eductate from the state? And the parents who love god and their children - what do you do with them?

The stories my parents fed me were a bunch of nonsense.

Perhaps they were idiots? ... Angry now? ... You said so - not I - isn't it?

Stories of animals on a boat,

Noahs arch? Every child understands the story of Noahs arch. It needs a lot of educated idiocy not to understand this story any longer.

splitting of seas,

The "Red Sea" vs "Reed Sea" nonsense from Hollywood. Neverthelress: God opens ways where sometimes people think there is no way.

Virgin births,

Hmm... Aphrodite was born in the foam of the sea. ... Pallas Athene was born out of a splitted head. ... What are you worried about in context of a virgin birth?

Muhammed splitting the moon.

Muhammed splitted the moon? Fine to hear it exist still stories I never heard about.

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Apparently some people over there believe parents and students should be mandated to learn about religion and the right of refusal should be removed.

.......The research, carried out by Liverpool Hope University and published in the British Journal of Religious Education (RE) today, found that 41% of school leaders interviewed had received requests for students to be withdrawn from teaching about one religion.

By far the largest number of these requests related to teaching about Islam. As one participant stated: "students that have been removed are the ones that need to understand different cultures the most".

Earlier this year members of a local education body in Essex blamed "integration issues" on a rise in such withdrawals.

The study's authors Dr Cathal O'Siochru and Dr David Lundie have compiled the first hard data on the process of parents taking their children out of RE classes in this country.

They found that 71% of the 450 headteachers and heads of RE surveyed think the withdrawal element of the 1944 Education Act is "no longer required".

The right was included in the 75-year-old law to protect the rights of conscience of religious minorities from being forced to receive Christian religious instruction.........

Law allowing parents to withdraw children from RE education should be overturned

What I don't understand. The Brits teach children what exactly? A kind of history and sociology of different forms of religion from the point of view of the british state? And they call this "religious education"? ... I this not a kind of "egg-laying, milk-bearing woolly sow", a "could be everything or nothing"-religion?
Just add this to all the other things you don't understand. That must be quite a pile.

A pile of universes, I guess. Enlighten me: What let teach the British Queen - the head of the Anglican church - her millions of spiritual children since 1944? A war philosophy?
Apparently some people over there believe parents and students should be mandated to learn about religion and the right of refusal should be removed.

.......The research, carried out by Liverpool Hope University and published in the British Journal of Religious Education (RE) today, found that 41% of school leaders interviewed had received requests for students to be withdrawn from teaching about one religion.

By far the largest number of these requests related to teaching about Islam. As one participant stated: "students that have been removed are the ones that need to understand different cultures the most".

Earlier this year members of a local education body in Essex blamed "integration issues" on a rise in such withdrawals.

The study's authors Dr Cathal O'Siochru and Dr David Lundie have compiled the first hard data on the process of parents taking their children out of RE classes in this country.

They found that 71% of the 450 headteachers and heads of RE surveyed think the withdrawal element of the 1944 Education Act is "no longer required".

The right was included in the 75-year-old law to protect the rights of conscience of religious minorities from being forced to receive Christian religious instruction.........

Law allowing parents to withdraw children from RE education should be overturned

What I don't understand. The Brits teach children what exactly? A kind of history and sociology of different forms of religion from the point of view of the british state? And they call this "religious education"? ... I this not a kind of "egg-laying, milk-bearing woolly sow", a "could be everything or nothing"-religion?
Just add this to all the other things you don't understand. That must be quite a pile.

A pile of universes, I guess. Enlighten me: What let teach the British Queen - the head of the Anglican church - her millions of spiritual children since 1944? A war philosophy?
To turn England into a brown country.
Apparently some people over there believe parents and students should be mandated to learn about religion and the right of refusal should be removed.

.......The research, carried out by Liverpool Hope University and published in the British Journal of Religious Education (RE) today, found that 41% of school leaders interviewed had received requests for students to be withdrawn from teaching about one religion.

By far the largest number of these requests related to teaching about Islam. As one participant stated: "students that have been removed are the ones that need to understand different cultures the most".

Earlier this year members of a local education body in Essex blamed "integration issues" on a rise in such withdrawals.

The study's authors Dr Cathal O'Siochru and Dr David Lundie have compiled the first hard data on the process of parents taking their children out of RE classes in this country.

They found that 71% of the 450 headteachers and heads of RE surveyed think the withdrawal element of the 1944 Education Act is "no longer required".

The right was included in the 75-year-old law to protect the rights of conscience of religious minorities from being forced to receive Christian religious instruction.........

Law allowing parents to withdraw children from RE education should be overturned

What I don't understand. The Brits teach children what exactly? A kind of history and sociology of different forms of religion from the point of view of the british state? And they call this "religious education"? ... I this not a kind of "egg-laying, milk-bearing woolly sow", a "could be everything or nothing"-religion?
Just add this to all the other things you don't understand. That must be quite a pile.

A pile of universes, I guess. Enlighten me: What let teach the British Queen - the head of the Anglican church - her millions of spiritual children since 1944? A war philosophy?
To turn England into a brown country.

What is wrong with your racistic brain? I thought more about a philsophy like "We are all the same. Forget all differences." How they combined this with the Anglo-American racism I don't know. In the French army were for example 60% black soldiers. In the parade for the liberation of Paris a French corps was leading. But without Blacks - what was the will of the US-Americans.

And when the USA went into the war in Iraq all big serios Christian churchces had criticised George W. Bush, because of his wrong concept of a preemptive strike. A premptive strike is not defense. Even US-American churches criticised this. The only serios Christian church, who had supported this wrong justification to do war, was the Anglican church. But the Christian religion is not a whateverism in questions of war. So perhaps they have a problem, because they never switched back after world war 2 into the logic of peace. Who knows?
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Apparently some people over there believe parents and students should be mandated to learn about religion and the right of refusal should be removed.

.......The research, carried out by Liverpool Hope University and published in the British Journal of Religious Education (RE) today, found that 41% of school leaders interviewed had received requests for students to be withdrawn from teaching about one religion.

By far the largest number of these requests related to teaching about Islam. As one participant stated: "students that have been removed are the ones that need to understand different cultures the most".

Earlier this year members of a local education body in Essex blamed "integration issues" on a rise in such withdrawals.

The study's authors Dr Cathal O'Siochru and Dr David Lundie have compiled the first hard data on the process of parents taking their children out of RE classes in this country.

They found that 71% of the 450 headteachers and heads of RE surveyed think the withdrawal element of the 1944 Education Act is "no longer required".

The right was included in the 75-year-old law to protect the rights of conscience of religious minorities from being forced to receive Christian religious instruction.........

Law allowing parents to withdraw children from RE education should be overturned

What I don't understand. The Brits teach children what exactly? A kind of history and sociology of different forms of religion from the point of view of the british state? And they call this "religious education"? ... I this not a kind of "egg-laying, milk-bearing woolly sow", a "could be everything or nothing"-religion?
Just add this to all the other things you don't understand. That must be quite a pile.

A pile of universes, I guess. Enlighten me: What let teach the British Queen - the head of the Anglican church - her millions of spiritual children since 1944? A war philosophy?
To turn England into a brown country.

What is wrong with your racistic brain? I thought more about a philsophy like "We are all the same. Forget all differences." How they combined this with the Anglo-Amercina racims I don't know. In the French army were for example 60% black soldiers. In the parade for the liberaiton of Paris a French corps twas leading. But without Blacks - what was the will of the US-Americans for example.

And when the USA went into the war in Iraq all big serios christians churchces criticised George W. Bush, because of the wrong concept of a preemptive strike. A premptive strike is not defense. Even US-American churches criticised this. The only serios christian church, who had supported this wrong justification to do war was the Anglican church. But the Christian religion is not a Whateverism in question of war. So üerhasp they have apernerm because they never switched back after world war 2 into the logic of peace.
Without brown people, the world would be a much more peaceful place.
I am all for forcing muslim students to recite passages from the bible-----and for teaching purposes----attend catholic mass and get baptized in the "name of the father, son, and holy ghost" and for CULTURAL diversity----
lift a glass on new year's eve. In the USA one of the traditional easter lunches is a nice big BAKED HAM ------studded all over with cloves.
In the USA-----Christmas egg-nog is made with rum (I think, not sure---don't quote me)
How immoral of you. Gross.
What I don't understand. The Brits teach children what exactly? A kind of history and sociology of different forms of religion from the point of view of the british state? And they call this "religious education"? ... I this not a kind of "egg-laying, milk-bearing woolly sow", a "could be everything or nothing"-religion?
Just add this to all the other things you don't understand. That must be quite a pile.

A pile of universes, I guess. Enlighten me: What let teach the British Queen - the head of the Anglican church - her millions of spiritual children since 1944? A war philosophy?
To turn England into a brown country.

What is wrong with your racistic brain? I thought more about a philsophy like "We are all the same. Forget all differences." How they combined this with the Anglo-Amercina racims I don't know. In the French army were for example 60% black soldiers. In the parade for the liberaiton of Paris a French corps twas leading. But without Blacks - what was the will of the US-Americans for example.

And when the USA went into the war in Iraq all big serios christians churchces criticised George W. Bush, because of the wrong concept of a preemptive strike. A premptive strike is not defense. Even US-American churches criticised this. The only serios christian church, who had supported this wrong justification to do war was the Anglican church. But the Christian religion is not a Whateverism in question of war. So üerhasp they have apernerm because they never switched back after world war 2 into the logic of peace.
Without brown people, the world would be a much more peaceful place.
Same for white people....
What I don't understand. The Brits teach children what exactly? A kind of history and sociology of different forms of religion from the point of view of the british state? And they call this "religious education"? ... I this not a kind of "egg-laying, milk-bearing woolly sow", a "could be everything or nothing"-religion?
Just add this to all the other things you don't understand. That must be quite a pile.

A pile of universes, I guess. Enlighten me: What let teach the British Queen - the head of the Anglican church - her millions of spiritual children since 1944? A war philosophy?
To turn England into a brown country.

What is wrong with your racistic brain? I thought more about a philsophy like "We are all the same. Forget all differences." How they combined this with the Anglo-Amercina racims I don't know. In the French army were for example 60% black soldiers. In the parade for the liberaiton of Paris a French corps twas leading. But without Blacks - what was the will of the US-Americans for example.

And when the USA went into the war in Iraq all big serios christians churchces criticised George W. Bush, because of the wrong concept of a preemptive strike. A premptive strike is not defense. Even US-American churches criticised this. The only serios christian church, who had supported this wrong justification to do war was the Anglican church. But the Christian religion is not a Whateverism in question of war. So üerhasp they have apernerm because they never switched back after world war 2 into the logic of peace.
Without brown people, the world would be a much more peaceful place.

What are "brown people" for you? Nazis or Latinos and Negrous? Do you like to eliminate all people who don't share your ideological view to the world - or do you like to eliminate people, who don't have the color of your own skin?

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Just add this to all the other things you don't understand. That must be quite a pile.

A pile of universes, I guess. Enlighten me: What let teach the British Queen - the head of the Anglican church - her millions of spiritual children since 1944? A war philosophy?
To turn England into a brown country.

What is wrong with your racistic brain? I thought more about a philsophy like "We are all the same. Forget all differences." How they combined this with the Anglo-Amercina racims I don't know. In the French army were for example 60% black soldiers. In the parade for the liberaiton of Paris a French corps twas leading. But without Blacks - what was the will of the US-Americans for example.

And when the USA went into the war in Iraq all big serios christians churchces criticised George W. Bush, because of the wrong concept of a preemptive strike. A premptive strike is not defense. Even US-American churches criticised this. The only serios christian church, who had supported this wrong justification to do war was the Anglican church. But the Christian religion is not a Whateverism in question of war. So üerhasp they have apernerm because they never switched back after world war 2 into the logic of peace.
Without brown people, the world would be a much more peaceful place.

What are "brown people" for you? Nazis or Latinos and Negrous? Do you like to eliminate all people who don't share your ideological view to the world - or do you like to eliminate people, who don't have the color of your own skin?

I'd start with eliminating the brown people then I'd move on to anyone who can speak English... like you.

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