Right-Winger In Germany Runs Car Over Muslim Immigrants -- Terrorism? Or Patriotism?

Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
And even more cheerleaders showing up. Interesting to see all the support for this guy.....maybe you all can set up a GFM account for him.
Now some people are having a bit of an issue with this being called a terrorist attack; in fact, since it is a common belief around the world that Muslim immigrants are most likely the ones to commit terrorist attacks; any attempts to kill them should be seen as patriotic and necessary for protecting the country from foreign threat -- which is usually just shit xenophobic racists tell themselves to feel better about being xenophobic racists..

What gave you the notion that "terrorism" and "patriotism" would be mutually exclusive? Rather than, in certain circles, mutually reinforcing each other? Like, patriotism being the ideological underpinning of declaring Those People "not like us", followed by excluding Those People from humankind, and then using every excuse at hand to "justify" whatever atrocity these patriots then find to be within their capacity, terrorism by some individuals being foremost among them.

You see that kind of "argument" near every day on here, and parts of it also on this thread, incidentally.
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.

uh HUH.


Did the people Muslims mowed down do anything to warrant it?

Absolutely not.
Did the people he ran down do anything to warrant it ?

If Jews killed Nazis, would you ask the same thing?
I think anybody would be justified in killing Nazis. My Taid was one who did so. But I fail to see the connection here .

Islam is just as reprehensible as Nazism. They hate Jews, promote the murder of Jews, they don’t believe in freedom of speech or religion. They use violence to spread throughout the world. Islam is to the West as Nazism was to the Jews, Islam’s sole purpose is to destroy the West.

What's more, they all engage in blanket generalizations. Every last one of 'em.

Fucking DUMBASS.
Attack in which German driver mowed down migrants being treated as terrorism

So a couple of days ago, a 50 year old German guy who goes by the name of Andreas N.; deliberately drove his car into migrants celebrating the New Year -- unfortunately for Andreas, no one was killed; fortunately for the rest of the civilized world, no one was killed.

There is video of the guy initially trying to run over one single muslim, but when that person escaped -- the driver then crashed his car into a crowd of muslims in order to protect freedom or something. From the article:

He later fled back to his home city of Essen, where he again attempted to run down pedestrians before being apprehended by police. He told officers under questioning that he had deliberately targeted foreigners.

“Speaking cautiously, he appears to be some one who has developed a hatred of foreigners from personal unhappiness and dislike,” Herbert Reul, the regional interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia said. “This man had a clear intention to kill foreigners.”

Now some people are having a bit of an issue with this being called a terrorist attack; in fact, since it is a common belief around the world that Muslim immigrants are most likely the ones to commit terrorist attacks; any attempts to kill them should be seen as patriotic and necessary for protecting the country from foreign threat -- which is usually just shit xenophobic racists tell themselves to feel better about being xenophobic racists..
Wouldn't be a problem if Merkel hadn't turned Deutschland into such a target rich environment.

And in fact, instead of taking it out on the "refugees" they should be taking it out on leaders like Merkel. Germans should do a 'Mussolini' on her.
That is a common belief. Which is odd considering 3/4 of terrorist attacks in this country come from right wingers.
If right wingers used all that energy they use to power their hate, and instead used it for something positive like education, they could make their lives better and help the country.

You have that link for us?
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
And even more cheerleaders showing up. Interesting to see all the support for this guy.....maybe you all can set up a GFM account for him.

How about we set up a GFY (go fuck you) account for you ?
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
And even more cheerleaders showing up. Interesting to see all the support for this guy.....maybe you all can set up a GFM account for him.

How about we set up a GFY (go fuck you) account for you ?

Interesting post. Aren't you the same wag who just suggested Angele Merkel and her husband should be shot and then hung by the feet?
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
And even more cheerleaders showing up. Interesting to see all the support for this guy.....maybe you all can set up a GFM account for him.

How about we set up a GFY (go fuck you) account for you ?

Interesting post. Aren't you the same wag who just suggested Angele Merkel and her husband should be shot and then hung by the feet?

That reminds me, when are you going to stop displaying fake news ?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
And even more cheerleaders showing up. Interesting to see all the support for this guy.....maybe you all can set up a GFM account for him.

How about we set up a GFY (go fuck you) account for you ?

Interesting post. Aren't you the same wag who just suggested Angele Merkel and her husband should be shot and then hung by the feet?

That reminds me, when are you going to stop displaying fake news ?

Roll tape.

And in fact, instead of taking it out on the "refugees" they should be taking it out on leaders like Merkel. Germans should do a 'Mussolini' on her.

Your last post in this very thread. Right here on this very page.

The memory is the second thing to go.
It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
And even more cheerleaders showing up. Interesting to see all the support for this guy.....maybe you all can set up a GFM account for him.

How about we set up a GFY (go fuck you) account for you ?

Interesting post. Aren't you the same wag who just suggested Angele Merkel and her husband should be shot and then hung by the feet?

That reminds me, when are you going to stop displaying fake news ?

Roll tape.

And in fact, instead of taking it out on the "refugees" they should be taking it out on leaders like Merkel. Germans should do a 'Mussolini' on her.

Your last post in this very thread. Right here on this very page.

The memory is the second thing to go.

Yeah I see it, but you've ignored my question for weeks, so again, when are you going to dump the video in your sig ?
And even more cheerleaders showing up. Interesting to see all the support for this guy.....maybe you all can set up a GFM account for him.

How about we set up a GFY (go fuck you) account for you ?

Interesting post. Aren't you the same wag who just suggested Angele Merkel and her husband should be shot and then hung by the feet?

That reminds me, when are you going to stop displaying fake news ?

Roll tape.

And in fact, instead of taking it out on the "refugees" they should be taking it out on leaders like Merkel. Germans should do a 'Mussolini' on her.

Your last post in this very thread. Right here on this very page.

The memory is the second thing to go.

Yeah I see it, but you've ignored my question for weeks, so again, when are you going to dump the video in your sig ?

I don't have a "video" in my sig. I have a gif in my sig. And it's real, and I've proven that to you before. I've done that by posting the actual video from which it derives.

Yet here you are again, expecting different results. As if a historical video recording is somehow "negotiable".

As for when I'll "dump" it, why would I dump it when it's obviously working? Doesn't make sense.
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
When are bad things going to happen to Saudi Arabia?

and if it does, how quickly will we be there to rush to their defense?
How about we set up a GFY (go fuck you) account for you ?

Interesting post. Aren't you the same wag who just suggested Angele Merkel and her husband should be shot and then hung by the feet?

That reminds me, when are you going to stop displaying fake news ?

Roll tape.

And in fact, instead of taking it out on the "refugees" they should be taking it out on leaders like Merkel. Germans should do a 'Mussolini' on her.

Your last post in this very thread. Right here on this very page.

The memory is the second thing to go.

Yeah I see it, but you've ignored my question for weeks, so again, when are you going to dump the video in your sig ?

I don't have a "video" in my sig. I have a gif in my sig. And it's real, and I've proven that to you before. I've done that by posting the actual video from which it derives.

Yet here you are again, expecting different results. As if a historical video recording is somehow "negotiable".

As for when I'll "dump" it, why would I dump it when it's obviously working? Doesn't make sense.

Yeah yeah, it's a gif. Splitting hairs is fun.

Anyway, you know as well as I what you're trying to imply with the gif, and once anyone sees the entire video they'll quickly realize that you're trying to portray something that didn't actually happen.
muslims don't celebrate New Year -------it's "shirk" or maybe
in Germany it's schirken "zu schirken"?? du schirkst?
Interesting post. Aren't you the same wag who just suggested Angele Merkel and her husband should be shot and then hung by the feet?

That reminds me, when are you going to stop displaying fake news ?

Roll tape.

And in fact, instead of taking it out on the "refugees" they should be taking it out on leaders like Merkel. Germans should do a 'Mussolini' on her.

Your last post in this very thread. Right here on this very page.

The memory is the second thing to go.

Yeah I see it, but you've ignored my question for weeks, so again, when are you going to dump the video in your sig ?

I don't have a "video" in my sig. I have a gif in my sig. And it's real, and I've proven that to you before. I've done that by posting the actual video from which it derives.

Yet here you are again, expecting different results. As if a historical video recording is somehow "negotiable".

As for when I'll "dump" it, why would I dump it when it's obviously working? Doesn't make sense.

Yeah yeah, it's a gif. Splitting hairs is fun.

Anyway, you know as well as I what you're trying to imply with the gif, and once anyone sees the entire video they'll quickly realize that you're trying to portray something that didn't actually happen.

Oh it happened alright. If it didn't happen there would have been no video from which to make a gif.

And you've already seen that video. Yet here you are going :lalala:

Other than outright denial of reality the question this really brings up is ---- why does it wet your panties? Because Rump is doing his typical petulant look when somebody declines to kneel down and slob his knob? That offends you?

Whelp --- that's exactly why the line below the gif says "I'm with her". Because fuck him and everybody that thinks like him. Like it or lump it.
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
And even more cheerleaders showing up. Interesting to see all the support for this guy.....maybe you all can set up a GFM account for him.

Not supporting the guy. I am saying people like you created him.
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
When are bad things going to happen to Saudi Arabia?

and if it does, how quickly will we be there to rush to their defense?

Well they don’t allow Jews or Christians there, so I doubt anyone is going to run over Muslims in the streets unless it’s a Muslim. But no, why would we rush to their defense?
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.
When are bad things going to happen to Saudi Arabia?

and if it does, how quickly will we be there to rush to their defense?

Well they don’t allow Jews or Christians there, so I doubt anyone is going to run over Muslims in the streets unless it’s a Muslim. But no, why would we rush to their defense?
There are 2 million Christians in Saudi Arabia -- next deflection

Furthermore, that wasn't even the point of my comment...

if you feel that its ok to just attack muslims just because they are muslim, why not attack Saudi Arabia? and how quick do you think the US will be there to defend them?

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