'Right Wing Extremist' speaker withdraws from West Point event after protests

The Qu'ran encourages Muslims to lie to infidels if it advances the cause of Islam. You know that, don't you?

No, it doesn't.

Feel free to link to the relevant passage.

Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement

YUSUFALI: And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger, to the people (assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage,- that Allah and His Messenger dissolve (treaty) obligations with the Pagans. If then, ye repent, it were best for you; but if ye turn away, know ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah. And proclaim a grievous penalty to those who reject Faith.
PICKTHAL: And a proclamation from Allah and His messenger to all men on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage that Allah is free from obligation to the idolaters, and (so is) His messenger. So, if ye repent, it will be better for you; but if ye are averse, then know that ye cannot escape Allah. Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to those who disbelieve,
SHAKIR: And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters; therefore if you repent, it will be better for you, and if you turn back, then know that you will not weaken Allah; and announce painful punishment to those who disbelieve.

The Qu'ran encourages Muslims to lie to infidels if it advances the cause of Islam. You know that, don't you?

No, it doesn't.

Feel free to link to the relevant passage.

TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Taqiyya and Lying

There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.
Okay...so ya'll aren't racists, just religionists? Would ya'll be okay with a virulent anti-Christian speaker at West Point?

As a Catholic, yes, I would be. Supporting freedom of speech is easy when you agree with what's being said. It is when it is hard that counts.

Personally, I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend, with my life, your right to say it. Shame on you that you won't do likewise.
How many Caucasian Muslims do you know?

There are tons of Caucasian Muslims. You are aware that Iranians are Caucasians right?

I knew I made it too simple. Okay, how many white (W.A.S.P.) Muslims do you know?

And how many black WASPS's do you know?

Of course, the answer is none.

But what that has to do with the debate at hand, I dont know.

Bottom line...Islam is a religion where its believers are of several races...caucasian and black being the most prominant.

Now...that being said...how can a man who has a concern over a religion that is multi racial be deemed as a racist?

Unless, of course, it is just easy to call himn a racist.

Which makes those that call him a racist naive and using the race card where it is not applicable.

You want to criticize him for being naive to the Islam religion.....go for it....

But then I would think the American way would be to educate him.

Or do what the left likes to do....ciriticize him; and take away his freedom of speech.
Okay...so ya'll aren't racists, just religionists? Would ya'll be okay with a virulent anti-Christian speaker at West Point?

As a Catholic, yes, I would be. Supporting freedom of speech is easy when you agree with what's being said. It is when it is hard that counts.

Personally, I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend, with my life, your right to say it. Shame on you that you won't do likewise.

I swore an oath to defend it you douchnozzle. Did you?

The defenders of free speech shouldn't be inviting the fox into the hen house. Our military is a place for all qualified Americans and Muslim students at West Point should not be subject to an Islamaphobe anymore than Christian students should be subject to speeches from a Christianaphobe. Keep you phobias on the blogs, don't invite them to speak at West Point.
"Boykin has said that Muslims are trying to implement Shariah Law in the United States and that Islam is the greatest threat America faces."

Sounds like simple reality to me but I guess there are many in denial.


In interviews, American Muslims say they reject separate ‘sharia’ law system

A new study based on interviews with more than 200 North American Muslims concludes that a recent spate of state laws banning "sharia law" from the court system may be an overreaction to a non-existent threat.

Oklahoma, Tennessee and Louisiana each passed laws or referendums to ban state judges from considering sharia and other foreign laws last year, and more than 20 other states have debated similar legislation. Newt Gingrich has called for a federal law to ban sharia, while his fellow Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has said sharia law is an "existential threat" to America.

The qualitative study, by University of Windsor law professor Julie MacFarlane and published by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding think tank, is the first to ask American Muslims what they think of sharia, or Islamic religious law. MacFarlane interviewed 101 Muslim men and women, 41 imams and 70 community leaders and specialists about their uses of Islamic law in everyday life. (About a quarter of the respondents live in Canada, but MacFarlane found no significant difference between the Canadian and American responses.)

MacFarlane asked the respondents whether they thought American courts should apply Islamic law to non-Muslims in the legal system. All of them said no.

The Qu'ran encourages Muslims to lie to infidels if it advances the cause of Islam. You know that, don't you?

And did you know that Christians lie left and right despite the 10 Commandments?
Okay...so ya'll aren't racists, just religionists? Would ya'll be okay with a virulent anti-Christian speaker at West Point?

As a Catholic, yes, I would be. Supporting freedom of speech is easy when you agree with what's being said. It is when it is hard that counts.

Personally, I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend, with my life, your right to say it. Shame on you that you won't do likewise.

I swore an oath to defend it you douchnozzle. Did you?

The defenders of free speech shouldn't be inviting the fox into the hen house. Our military is a place for all qualified Americans and Muslim students at West Point should not be subject to an Islamaphobe anymore than Christian students should be subject to speeches from a Christianaphobe. Keep you phobias on the blogs, don't invite them to speak at West Point.

So, defend it then.

I still fail to see why this guys views are any different to some of the free speech from others.
There are tons of Caucasian Muslims. You are aware that Iranians are Caucasians right?

I knew I made it too simple. Okay, how many white (W.A.S.P.) Muslims do you know?

And how many black WASPS's do you know?

Of course, the answer is none.

But what that has to do with the debate at hand, I dont know.

Bottom line...Islam is a religion where its believers are of several races...caucasian and black being the most prominant.

Now...that being said...how can a man who has a concern over a religion that is multi racial be deemed as a racist?

Unless, of course, it is just easy to call himn a racist.

Which makes those that call him a racist naive and using the race card where it is not applicable.

You want to criticize him for being naive to the Islam religion.....go for it....

But then I would think the American way would be to educate him.

Or do what the left likes to do....ciriticize him; and take away his freedom of speech.

Nobody took away his right to free speech. He can still be an islamaphobe all he wants to...he just can't speak at West Point. He can still go on Fox and spout his nonsense.
As a Catholic, yes, I would be. Supporting freedom of speech is easy when you agree with what's being said. It is when it is hard that counts.

Personally, I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend, with my life, your right to say it. Shame on you that you won't do likewise.

I swore an oath to defend it you douchnozzle. Did you?

The defenders of free speech shouldn't be inviting the fox into the hen house. Our military is a place for all qualified Americans and Muslim students at West Point should not be subject to an Islamaphobe anymore than Christian students should be subject to speeches from a Christianaphobe. Keep you phobias on the blogs, don't invite them to speak at West Point.

So, defend it then.

I still fail to see why this guys views are any different to some of the free speech from others.

If his right to free speech were actually in danger, I would. It isn't.
I swore an oath to defend it you douchnozzle. Did you?

The defenders of free speech shouldn't be inviting the fox into the hen house. Our military is a place for all qualified Americans and Muslim students at West Point should not be subject to an Islamaphobe anymore than Christian students should be subject to speeches from a Christianaphobe. Keep you phobias on the blogs, don't invite them to speak at West Point.

So, defend it then.

I still fail to see why this guys views are any different to some of the free speech from others.

If his right to free speech were actually in danger, I would. It isn't.

Seems to me, it is. The protests caused him to be unable to speak. What would you call that? Cuz it don't sound like 'freedom' to me.
I swore an oath to defend it you douchnozzle. Did you?

The defenders of free speech shouldn't be inviting the fox into the hen house. Our military is a place for all qualified Americans and Muslim students at West Point should not be subject to an Islamaphobe anymore than Christian students should be subject to speeches from a Christianaphobe. Keep you phobias on the blogs, don't invite them to speak at West Point.

So, defend it then.

I still fail to see why this guys views are any different to some of the free speech from others.

If his right to free speech were actually in danger, I would. It isn't.

I just recently met a couple of Iranians that would love to see the guy speak. Their hatred of what some have done to their religion runs deep. No they would not be offended, infact they may wish to expand on the remarks.
So, defend it then.

I still fail to see why this guys views are any different to some of the free speech from others.

If his right to free speech were actually in danger, I would. It isn't.

Seems to me, it is. The protests caused him to be unable to speak. What would you call that? Cuz it don't sound like 'freedom' to me.

They prevented him from speaking THERE....he is not silenced in the least bit. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if he makes a pretty penny playing the victim on FOX.

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