Riddle me this:

Bipartisan leadership works best when you have bipartisanship

In the absence of parties working to reach common ground, complete leadership from one party is the best alternative.

Since Republicans have no agenda for our country, Democrats are the best option
It would be a terrible idea. Both ridiculous parties need the other ridiculous party to keep them in check.

The problem is that, since we've become so tribal, the parties aren't allowed to work together so that they both have skin in the game, and so that we can come up with some NEW IDEAS together.

It's like a reverse tug of war: Both parties are doing everything they can to push the rest of us away, instead of pulling us in.
Do the resident Leftists here really think that America would be much better off with them exclusively in charge? IOW zero Republican/Conservative representation or governance?
Independents don't. There needs to be a balancing side. Too bad, the loudest nut-balls in the house and senate are just loudmouth attention seeking assholes, more about party than country in that trumpist corrupted party, with few (if any) actual conservative legislators, left after their primary purges to support party populism.
Do the resident Leftists here really think that America would be much better off with them exclusively in charge? IOW zero Republican/Conservative representation or governance?
Not really a leftist but I would say yes if you are referring to the Trump portion of the Republican party. Traditional Republicans however is a different story.
Depends. It worked fairly well when the repubs still had integrity,and cared more about the good of the country than the good of their party. Since the crazy extreme MAGAs have consumed the republican party, they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the governance of our country.
You mean when the RINOs agree with the enemy. That's your definition of integrity.

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