Rich whites don't care about ordinary whites


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Think about it. If they did, would they keep on inviting an endless stream of immigrants in to destroy your communities and drive down wages?

They don't need you. They are perfectly content being the 1% in a sea of 99% non white workers.
Think about it. If they did, would they keep on inviting an endless stream of immigrants in to destroy your communities and drive down wages?

They don't need you. They are perfectly content being the 1% in a sea of 99% non white workers.
Greed is the malignant core of laissez faire capitalism, which needs to be controlled before it kills our Nation.

Wealth is good -- but it must be regulated, controlled, and sensibly distributed. The emergence of an economic One Percent is the rise of insidious royalty.
Think about it. If they did, would they keep on inviting an endless stream of immigrants in to destroy your communities and drive down wages?

They don't need you. They are perfectly content being the 1% in a sea of 99% non white workers.

I thought rich whites were ordinary.
Think about it. If they did, would they keep on inviting an endless stream of immigrants in to destroy your communities and drive down wages?

They don't need you. They are perfectly content being the 1% in a sea of 99% non white workers.
Greed is the malignant core of laissez faire capitalism, which needs to be controlled before it kills our Nation.

Wealth is good -- but it must be regulated, controlled, and sensibly distributed. The emergence of an economic One Percent is the rise of insidious royalty.

How must it: "be regulated, controlled, and sensibly distributed"?
How must it: "be regulated, controlled, and sensibly distributed"?
The way FDR did it. And if you want specifics start with the 97% income tax imposed on the super rich, which didn't break them but just made them a little less super rich. It helped to finance his WPA and CCC programs which put millions of unemployed victims of the Great Depression (including my father) to work.

Eisenhower continued the 97% tax structure which helped him put millions of post-War Americans to work constructing our interstate highway system.

That tax increase wasn't the only thing these progressive leaders did to launch the phenomenal economic boom that took place between the late 1940s to the early 1980s, which ended with Reagan's "trickle-down" scam -- that turned out to be the siphon-up policy which created the economic One Percent we're dealing with today.

That's just a little taste.
How must it: "be regulated, controlled, and sensibly distributed"?
The way FDR did it. And if you want specifics start with the 97% income tax imposed on the super rich, which didn't break them but just made them a little less super rich. It helped to finance his WPA and CCC programs which put millions of unemployed victims of the Great Depression (including my father) to work.

Eisenhower continued the 97% tax structure which helped him put millions of post-War Americans to work constructing our interstate highway system.

That tax increase wasn't the only thing these progressive leaders did to launch the phenomenal economic boom that took place between the late 1940s to the early 1980s, which ended with Reagan's "trickle-down" scam -- that turned out to be the siphon-up policy which created the economic One Percent we're dealing with today.

That's just a little taste.

True. There are a lot of cheerleaders for allowing the wealthy to keep more by paying less taxes, and then they will create more jobs. That never works either. If those at the bottom aren't making decent wages then there won't be demand. Trickle down certainly didn't work, as this country became a debtor nation under reagan and george bush senior's terms in office. Who to turn to. Republicans don't give a damn about the average American, and would love to end any programs that help the average guy. On the other hand, the demorats want to bring the entire third world here including lots and lots of muslims, vetted or not, for future voters. This will crush any safety nets the democrats in the old days worked for, including social security. It will also drive down wages due to the increased competition for the fewer and fewer jobs we have, especially since automation on job sites is increasing.
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The rich don't care about ordinary people of any race.
ordinary people don't care about the rich so what's the problem

The way I see it both parties should just be minding their own business

Plus, at least the Rich have their $$ and their stuff, and hopefully that makes them content.

My concern, as my Sig quote so aptly explains, is about those who try to make me do things not due to greed, but due to their belief that they are doing it for my own good, regardless of my view on the subject.
If people are so GREEDY that they have to sit around all day sulking and whining about the rich, then they should channel all that wasted energy into becoming rich themselves, then they won't have to cry about someone else having more than them.
SP, I hear what you are saying, but it does not work that way.

Sure it does.

All you have to do is mind your own business. it is the easiest thing in the world
That is not how society works. When you live in a community, you are part of it, whether you want to or not. The libertarians are so boring with their incessant whining.

All I am obligated to do for the community or society or whatever is obey the laws. Period.

I owe nothing to anyone
SP, I hear what you are saying, but it does not work that way.

Sure it does.

All you have to do is mind your own business. it is the easiest thing in the world
That is not how society works. When you live in a community, you are part of it, whether you want to or not. The libertarians are so boring with their incessant whining.
All I am obligated to do for the community or society or whatever is obey the laws. Period. I owe nothing to anyone
You are so boring. Obey the law, and we are fine.
SP, I hear what you are saying, but it does not work that way.

Sure it does.

All you have to do is mind your own business. it is the easiest thing in the world
That is not how society works. When you live in a community, you are part of it, whether you want to or not. The libertarians are so boring with their incessant whining.
All I am obligated to do for the community or society or whatever is obey the laws. Period. I owe nothing to anyone
You are so boring. Obey the law, and we are fine.

so WTF is your problem?

you obey the law and leave me the fuck alone
I will leave you the fuck alone

everyone wins

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