Rev 17:8


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
"The Beast that thou sawest was(alive considered christ), and is not (alive nor the Moshiach); and shall ascend(John 20:17) out of the Bottomless Pit, and go into perdition-(Acts 2:27, 1Peter 3:19) (Rev 1:18, Rev 9:1)
(Ezekiel 28:8-9)and they that dwell on the Earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the Beast that was(christ), and is not(Moshiach), and yet is(in deception considered messiah)"
-(Revelation 17:8).

This is not about a false prophet messiah returning from the dead nor a pope rising from the dead, as I've proven before the events were happening in John of Patmos' time thus already occured.
1)Rome was, then was not, but is still here under the guise of it's other horn religious authority of Rome.
2)the spiritual emulation=Jesus, the false prophet Rome created. Remember they themselves say this would happen in our day because they don't want to see it already was occuring in John's era.
Ezekiel 28New International Version (NIV)
A Prophecy Against the King of Tyre

28 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of say to the ruler of Tyre, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:

Duh it was a prophecy against the king of tyre.
Ezekiel 28New International Version (NIV)
A Prophecy Against the King of Tyre

28 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of say to the ruler of Tyre, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:

Duh it was a prophecy against the king of tyre.
Very good, Penelope! You're right!
Penelope, you just called all the pastors stupid for they are the ones who use Ezekiel 28 about the fallen one Lucifer.
1) Tyre(tyrus) means rock
2)was controlled by Rome
3)Ezekiel chapters lead to progressing eras and by ch28 no such king existed fitting the chapter as Israel and Tyre were at peace.
4)It's about a man claiming to be a god who falls to the pit by the hands of the seas (Rome)- acts 2:27,
1 peter 3:19 Jesus fell to the pit by the hands of Rome for claiming to be a god.
5)it's about a created image of a man=Jesus created image of many you admitted this.
6)the image walked the garden of eden which is why it's the false prophet and not a literal king of Tyre.
7)Jesus in the NT is very popular in Tyre=a prince of Tyre.
8)Tyre meaning Rock and Jesus and the pope are considered kings of that Rock (Tyre).
9)Tyre us where purple dye came from where rich people used and Jesus was cloaked in a purple garment in the NT.
10) once again no Christian has ever named a literal king of Tyre xause there wasn't one at war with Israel nor who Rome killed.

Next time you say 'duh', make sure you check your education or IQ level least you make a bigger fool of yourself then if you were to just ask about why it says King or prince of Tyre.
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Very good, Penelope! You're right!

She was wrong and you are joining her in the embarassment.
Especially since once again you are willing to
bust your own faith which says Ezekiel 28 is about Lucifer.

*NOTE WHAT YOU DID ENCOURAGING HER MISTAKE AND OR LYING=affiliation pride is more important then truth or accuracy.

Blatant lie was 28:2 in the Tanakh says
"Son of man, say to the "prince" of Tyre not "ruler". Jesus was considered prince of Tyre for popularity there just as Persian king Cyrus was prince of Greece for his popularity helping them against Babylon.
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Penelope, you just called all the pastors stupid for they are the ones who use Ezekiel 28 about the fallen one Lucifer.
1) Tyre(tyrus) means rock
2)was controlled by Rome
3)Ezekiel chapters lead to progressing eras and by ch28 no such king existed fitting the chapter as Israel and Tyre were at peace.
4)It's about a man claiming to be a god who falls to the pit by the hands of the seas (Rome)- acts 2:27,
1 peter 3:19 Jesus fell to the pit by the hands of Rome for claiming to be a god.
5)it's about a created image of a man=Jesus created image of many you admitted this.
6)the image walked the garden of eden which is why it's the false prophet and not a literal king of Tyre.
7)Jesus in the NT is very popular in Tyre=a prince of Tyre.
8)Tyre meaning Rock and Jesus and the pope are considered kings of that Rock (Tyre).
9)Tyre us where purple dye came from where rich people used and Jesus was cloaked in a purple garment in the NT.
10) once again no Christian has ever named a literal king of Tyre xause there wasn't one at war with Israel nor who Rome killed.

Next time you say 'duh', make sure you check your education or IQ level least you make a bigger fool of yourself then if you were to just ask about why it says King or prince of Tyre.

No it means the King of Tyre.
Penelope, you just called all the pastors stupid for they are the ones who use Ezekiel 28 about the fallen one Lucifer.
1) Tyre(tyrus) means rock
2)was controlled by Rome
3)Ezekiel chapters lead to progressing eras and by ch28 no such king existed fitting the chapter as Israel and Tyre were at peace.
4)It's about a man claiming to be a god who falls to the pit by the hands of the seas (Rome)- acts 2:27,
1 peter 3:19 Jesus fell to the pit by the hands of Rome for claiming to be a god.
5)it's about a created image of a man=Jesus created image of many you admitted this.
6)the image walked the garden of eden which is why it's the false prophet and not a literal king of Tyre.
7)Jesus in the NT is very popular in Tyre=a prince of Tyre.
8)Tyre meaning Rock and Jesus and the pope are considered kings of that Rock (Tyre).
9)Tyre us where purple dye came from where rich people used and Jesus was cloaked in a purple garment in the NT.
10) once again no Christian has ever named a literal king of Tyre xause there wasn't one at war with Israel nor who Rome killed.

Next time you say 'duh', make sure you check your education or IQ level least you make a bigger fool of yourself then if you were to just ask about why it says King or prince of Tyre.

Most of the protestant pastors are nuts and make up crap.
)the spiritual emulation=Jesus, the false prophet Rome created. Remember they themselves say this would happen in our day because they don't want to see it already was occuring in John's era.

It didn't happen in John's era. As you have already stated before, Rome created this false Jesus that was(existed in the past) but is not (has no real existence) in 325 c.e., centuries after Rev was written.

People who believe in this false triune virgin diddling edible mangod would think the real Jesus was the antichrist.
See Penelope you like Jeremiah place yourselves above all pastors, the texts, history, theologians, seminaries, scholars, prophets, & behavioral psychiatrists.
Notice 10 reasons against your 1, and still no name of your king. :)

Hobe it's possible before the Nicean creed that this farce was taking shape by Apollonias of Tyana called Pol.
Or that John is complaining about Rome favoring the half Roman Christ over his Theudas? Or even the Mithraic worship popular in Rome can be seen as Satanic to Jews.

Also back to rhe witnesses, the twin towers can be witnesses and not need to be people.
Can't go into detail, but it testifies to the prophetic and name of Moshiach that would get 3 politicians in trouble for not disclosing they were warned ahead of time. Not that they could grasp what was being revealed till after, but they themselves became witness and hid it.
Hobe i was under the impression that scholars place this revelation at around 95 ce.....rome was the city that ruled the known world at this time..... Quite frankly it doesnt for the twin towers being witnesses absolutely just like cameras or recording instruments or other gadgets are recognised and used as winesses...even old computers can be used as well....
Hobe i was under the impression that scholars place this revelation at around 95 ce.....rome was the city that ruled the known world at this time..... Quite frankly it doesnt for the twin towers being witnesses absolutely just like cameras or recording instruments or other gadgets are recognised and used as winesses...even old computers can be used as well....

Nonsense. The both of you.

The two witnesses are clearly two people who speak for God. "When they have completed their testimony, etc.,.... Revelation 11:7
Then you just got them all caught in an ah ha moment that needs self reflecting by all readers of the NT.
If it must be historically accurate then Christianity fails that standard when it goes outside the tenses and historical account and outside context to create it's claims on Jesus. They lose the very thing they use to stake their rediculous claims therefore have nothing that hold any weight including their text like Rev.
You didn't even think of the significance of the symbolism of the radicals taking down the twin towers.
Remember the fallen one is trying to emulate son of man "like unto" Rev 1:13=twin Moshiachs
Much in the (imposter's) created ones story will mimick the actual Shiloh=twin guardians seen on the ark of the covenant.
The 2 *arch* malakhs =2 twin *towers*.
Radical Islam is unwknowingly symbolically attacking & trying to topple down the Messiah ben Joseph (Christians)& Messiah ben David (Jews). Rev 9:11
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Okay how are Christians messiah Ben Joseph? And Jews messiah Ben David?

How do you consider revelation to be valid if you reject the true messiah Ben David Jesus Christ who is a central figure in the book written by His beloved apostle concerning His triumphant return?
Then you just got them all caught in an ah ha moment that needs self reflecting by all readers of the NT.
If it must be historically accurate then Christianity fails that standard when it goes outside the tenses and historical account and outside context to create it's claims on Jesus. They lose the very thing they use to stake their rediculous claims therefore have nothing that hold any weight including their text like Rev.
You didn't even think of the significance of the symbolism of the radicals taking down the twin towers.
Remember the fallen one is trying to emulate son of man "like unto" Rev 1:13=twin Moshiachs
Much in the (imposter's) created ones story will mimick the actual Shiloh=twin guardians seen on the ark of the covenant.
The 2 *arch* malakhs =2 twin *towers*.
Radical Islam is unwknowingly symbolically attacking & trying to topple down the Messiah ben Joseph (Christians)& Messiah ben David (Jews). Rev 9:11

A person can see what they want to see wherever they may look and nothing else. Some people look at a clover with three leaves and see evidence for a trinity but when they look at a marijuana plant with seven leaves they do not see evidence for a seven in one god.

That being said, the twin towers have nothing whatever to do with the two witnesses anymore than the angel of the abyss in Revelation 9:11 has to do with Osama Bin Laden. In case you haven't heard, the prick is dead.

You were on the right track when you identified the false messiah,the fallen star trying to emulate the son of man, as the fake edible mangod and counterfeit image of Jesus created by pagan Rome, the scarlet beast.

Bin Laden would seem to fit the description of one of three foul spirits who came out of the mouth of the false prophet who would fit the description of Mohammed who claimed to be the fulfillment of the second coming of Jesus and second witness by claiming to be the last and greatest prophet of God.
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quote: A person can see what they want to see wherever
they may look and nothing else.

and there's your ahh ha moment.
Christianity persistantly makes up placement of their icon into scripture that's not even messianic or about him or his time period. Including placing him into texts using somobe elses name.
That makes him the false prophet.

Avatar: you mix the 2, Jesus was the fallen failed first messiah ben Joseph= Christians follow.
By placing the first as the second proves my point about
your inability to keep sequences and tenses straight and your insistance in impostering Moshiach=creating a twin.
This is not a new discovery we see this in your nt accounts of the 2 christs in Acts. Your NT mixes the sequence of Christ Yehuda who died 6bc and Christ Theudas died 45ad, by claiming Theudas died before Yehuda. Proof you guys always mess up sequences.
Ironically sequences are a main part of IQ and SAT tests.
Hobe, never said it was about that guy, the spiritual destroyer is the man made image Jesus.
Remember I keep saying 3 layers+repeats, the historical destroyer Rome recorded, the history repeating Hitler using and emulating the RCC synods , the repeat again this time radical Islam is the destroyer learning their hate propaganda from Berlin. And the spiritual divider destroyer jesus as theimage of the sun which destroys the earth in the end.
quote: A person can see what they want to see wherever
they may look and nothing else.

and there's your ahh ha moment.
Christianity persistantly makes up placement of their icon into scripture that's not even messianic or about him or his time period. Including placing him into texts using somobe elses name.
That makes him the false prophet.

Avatar: you mix the 2, Jesus was the fallen failed first messiah ben Joseph= Christians follow.
By placing the first as the second proves my point about
your inability to keep sequences and tenses straight and your insistance in impostering Moshiach=creating a twin.
This is not a new discovery we see this in your nt accounts of the 2 christs in Acts. Your NT mixes the sequence of Christ Yehuda who died 6bc and Christ Theudas died 45ad, by claiming Theudas died before Yehuda. Proof you guys always mess up sequences.
Ironically sequences are a main part of IQ and SAT tests.

Helpful resources for Yehuda & Theudas sequence error in book of Acts5.
Theudas came after Yehuda= Acts inaccuracies

New Testament Parallels to the Works of Josephus - Page Two

Theudas came after Judas -

Historical reliability of the Acts of the Apostles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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