Reuniting the kids/parents is easy to to--


Gold Member
Aug 6, 2017
All that needs to be done to re-unite the kids with their parents is DNA mapping.
Create a data base with the DNA of each child and then match this with parents who claim their child has been abducted.

Anyone here agree or not?
Not for nothing dude, but it's a bit more complicated than that. Granted, DNA could be used to verify a parent/child relationship, but simply doing a DNA test will accomplish nothing.

There are over 20 camps, all the way from places like Washington state, to New York state, to Florida, to Texas to California. Camps are all over the place, and the bad thing is, they didn't do a very good job of keeping track of who was who, and where they went.

What's even worse? They have been shipping the kids around the country late at night, almost like they didn't want anyone to know what was going on.
If a policy was put in place to DNA map the kids & any parent who claims their child was taken a match up could happen within days.

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