Returning troops help KKK build paramilitary force to ‘retake’ US in coming race war

Returning troops help KKK build paramilitary force to ‘retake’ US in coming race war

1) This is what happens when we turn our backs on vets -- they become disenfranchised and easy prey for fringe groups.

2) It won't be much of a "war" as most of these white guys wet their pants when confronted by a black dude. That's why they cling to their penis-substitute-guns.

What a sad irony - to serve your country and then come home to fight against it.

Maybe because it wasn't the same country that the left to defend.
With a president that wants to bankrupt businesses, cause utilities' rates to skyrocket, wished for higher gas prices?

hm, it is statements like yours that make people shake their heads in disbelief.

Have your opinions all you want, but hey there.
Do you understand this?


I'm not sure. I remember it was Republicans who let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him and even criticized Obama for suggesting we go into a country like Pakistan if he is found there and take him out.

Then when Obama did exactly what he said he would, Republicans tried to take credit for it. Why would they do that? Don't they know it's dishonest? Bearing false witness is why Republicans will end up in Hell. God doesn't like his commandments broken.

Don't they know it's dishonest?

you are an expert on being dishonest.....why dont you explain it to them....

Bearing false witness is why Republicans will end up in Hell.

well in that case you had better get to know them because you do that a Dean in hell with that is a real hell for you....
Most vets just want to be left alone, but liberals won't do that.

I worry more about these ACORN/Open Borders/ Friends of Obama folks.

I'm always surprised when right wingnuts bring up ACORN. Remember, the guy that brought ACORN down did so through lies and edited video. Not because of something ACORN did.

And deportations are up.

Admit it, you hate Obama and it's more than skin deep. Or is it?

so are people coming who is winning?..
Keep it up lefties. It's refreshing to see the radical left come out of the political closet and actually relate their crazy vision of society. Keep it up.

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