Retaliation!!?!! You Think So ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Guess how fast it would be for the US to start making the products that we import from China, Mexico, Germany, India, Vietnam, etc. Bottom line of trade war is, they need us, we don't need them. The US has what no other country has > the world's biggest (enormous) and wealthiest MARKET.

Not sure about that ? Just take a walk through WalMart sometime, and look at a few dozen items on the shelves (or clothes on racks). Check how many of them are made in China, or other countries. You don't even need to leave your home. Just look around inside. I just did. Here's what I found>>

All 5 kitchen appliances - made in China.

Clothing - China, Mexico (Wrangler jeans), Bangladesh, Vietnam, Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Egypt, Jordan. Only 2 items were made in USA >> Both T-shirts with the words US Army on them.

Electronics >>

Acer laptop - China
Wireless mouse - China
TV Set - China
VCR - Malaysia
DVD player -China
Calculator - Thailand
Universal TV remote - China

Musical instruments >>

Ibanez Acoustic guitar - China
Eastman mandolin -China
Oak Classic pennywhistle -Ireland
Miscellaneous >>
Christmas décor/figurines - China​
Wooden painting easel - Denmark​
Planner book -Taiwan​
Bottom line is that they hit U.S products with tariffs, while receiving far lower rates themselves. On top of their currency manipulation and near slave labor, how can the U.S fairly compete?

Hit them back with tariffs. It's not protectionism (though some might be needed with the gutting of so many industries), it's simple retaliation.
Guess how fast it would be for the US to start making the products that we import from China, Mexico, Germany, India, Vietnam, etc. Bottom line of trade war is, they need us, we don't need them. The US has what no other country has > the world's biggest (enormous) and wealthiest MARKET.

Not sure about that ? Just take a walk through WalMart sometime, and look at a few dozen items on the shelves (or clothes on racks). Check how many of them are made in China, or other countries. You don't even need to leave your home. Just look around inside. I just did. Here's what I found>>

All 5 kitchen appliances - made in China.

Clothing - China, Mexico (Wrangler jeans), Bangladesh, Vietnam, Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Egypt, Jordan. Only 2 items were made in USA >> Both T-shirts with the words US Army on them.

Electronics >>

Acer laptop - China
Wireless mouse - China
TV Set - China
VCR - Malaysia
DVD player -China
Calculator - Thailand
Universal TV remote - China

Musical instruments >>

Ibanez Acoustic guitar - China
Eastman mandolin -China
Oak Classic pennywhistle -Ireland

Miscellaneous >>

Christmas décor/figurines - China
Wooden painting easel - Denmark
Planner book -Taiwan​

Ford pick up truck, Hecho EN Mexico, lol.
Bottom line is that they hit U.S products with tariffs, while receiving far lower rates themselves. On top of their currency manipulation and near slave labor, how can the U.S fairly compete?

Hit them back with tariffs. It's not protectionism (though some might be needed with the gutting of so many industries), it's simple retaliation.
Nothing wrong with protectionism. What's wrong with protecting what's yours ? How many of us live in houses without locks on our doors and windows ?
Guess how fast it would be for the US to start making the products that we import from China, Mexico, Germany, India, Vietnam, etc. Bottom line of trade war is, they need us, we don't need them. The US has what no other country has > the world's biggest (enormous) and wealthiest MARKET.

Not sure about that ? Just take a walk through WalMart sometime, and look at a few dozen items on the shelves (or clothes on racks). Check how many of them are made in China, or other countries. You don't even need to leave your home. Just look around inside. I just did. Here's what I found>>

All 5 kitchen appliances - made in China.

Clothing - China, Mexico (Wrangler jeans), Bangladesh, Vietnam, Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Egypt, Jordan. Only 2 items were made in USA >> Both T-shirts with the words US Army on them.

Electronics >>

Acer laptop - China
Wireless mouse - China
TV Set - China
VCR - Malaysia
DVD player -China
Calculator - Thailand
Universal TV remote - China

Musical instruments >>

Ibanez Acoustic guitar - China
Eastman mandolin -China
Oak Classic pennywhistle -Ireland

Miscellaneous >>

Christmas décor/figurines - China
Wooden painting easel - Denmark
Planner book -Taiwan​

Ford pick up truck, Hecho EN Mexico, lol.

That's a good example.

You don't want to up the cost of a Ford pick-up sold in America
for 25% more...It would be wise to build them in America.
That's a good example.

You don't want to up the cost of a Ford pick-up sold in America
for 25% more...It would be wise to build them in America.

Guess how fast it would be for the US to start making the products that we import from China, Mexico, Germany, India, Vietnam, etc. Bottom line of trade war is, they need us, we don't need them. The US has what no other country has > the world's biggest (enormous) and wealthiest MARKET.

Not sure about that ? Just take a walk through WalMart sometime, and look at a few dozen items on the shelves (or clothes on racks). Check how many of them are made in China, or other countries. You don't even need to leave your home. Just look around inside. I just did. Here's what I found>>

All 5 kitchen appliances - made in China.

Clothing - China, Mexico (Wrangler jeans), Bangladesh, Vietnam, Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Egypt, Jordan. Only 2 items were made in USA >> Both T-shirts with the words US Army on them.

Electronics >>

Acer laptop - China
Wireless mouse - China
TV Set - China
VCR - Malaysia
DVD player -China
Calculator - Thailand
Universal TV remote - China

Musical instruments >>

Ibanez Acoustic guitar - China
Eastman mandolin -China
Oak Classic pennywhistle -Ireland

Miscellaneous >>

Christmas décor/figurines - China
Wooden painting easel - Denmark
Planner book -Taiwan​

Ford pick up truck, Hecho EN Mexico, lol.

I drive a Freightliner day cab at work. Assembled in Mexico. The straps on the hood don't line up well with the body. It's a SOB to shut the hood and strap it down after you check the oil.
Bottom line is that they hit U.S products with tariffs, while receiving far lower rates themselves. On top of their currency manipulation and near slave labor, how can the U.S fairly compete?

Hit them back with tariffs. It's not protectionism (though some might be needed with the gutting of so many industries), it's simple retaliation.

The problem is retaliation draws retaliation. We worry about American exports as well.
The problem is retaliation draws retaliation. We worry about American exports as well.
It's kind of like going to the dentist. You don't want to go, and that damn lidocaine needle does hurt temporarily, but when you get back home, you're better off, and you're glad you went.

Also, the countries who threaten retaliation are mostly bluffing. They need us more than we need them. if they retaliate against us too hard, and we shut down their exports to us, they're screwed. Read the OP. China would collapse back to being the hellhole they always were. Without our huge MARKET, they're toast.

That's why China pushed North Korea into this goofy missle posturing routine. And that's why the missle thing is over now. Because China sees the tariffs coming about anyway now.

And that's why Xi Jinping is declaring himself president for life. He knows once the tariffs get going (on ALL Chinese goods), China is going to nosedive, and Xi's popularity will also.
The US is the largest consumer market on the planet and the reason why companies worldwide want access to the American market:

"The United States represents the largest final consumer market with nearly 30 percent of global household consumption."

Will the Chinese consumer save the world? - Press | Allianz

China's hope for continued economic growth rests in large part on their continued sales to the US.

The US has the potential to manufacture everything presently made for consumers in China, creating both jobs for Americans as well as additional disposable income.

Our consumer base is a pillar of our global economic strength - we are stronger if create new manufacturing opportunities in the US.

Tariffs can work to our benefit.


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