Restoring Honor Rally

Funny how the usual suspects have NOTHING good to say about Americans wanting to restore some integrity back in their lives.

I wish I could be there, unfortunately I cant take off of work. Otherwise I'd be on a bus going to DC.

Tell us how we've lost it in the first place. Some of us disagree that our integrity as America is gone.

But then again, I guess it is once again fashionable to say that we have faults as a nation.....before, that did not seem to be acceptable.
Maybe they mean the torturing...there was a long period of time when Americans were the good guys of the world and now we are tarnished.
Funny how the usual suspects have NOTHING good to say about Americans wanting to restore some integrity back in their lives.

I wish I could be there, unfortunately I cant take off of work. Otherwise I'd be on a bus going to DC.

Tell us how we've lost it in the first place. Some of us disagree that our integrity as America is gone.

But then again, I guess it is once again fashionable to say that we have faults as a nation.....before, that did not seem to be acceptable.
Maybe they mean the torturing...there was a long period of time when Americans were the good guys of the world and now we are tarnished.

You tell yourself that if it makes you feel better.
"In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. George Orwell

I watched a bit of Beck trying to resurrect Joe McCarthy to the honorable as I was reading about the times and McCarthyism, when you pick and choose your honor based on your blind partisanship, it ceases to be honorable. Freud said the hardest thing there is is to be honest with oneself. Palin the quitter, and Beck the modern day McCarthy are American media examples of something less than honor.

"I keep six honest serving men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who." Rudyard Kipling
Have the 'nuts decided what the attendance figure for the rally is yet?

They'll definitely make one up; I'm just curious if they've settled on one yet.
I asked three times in a thread last week and never got a response......what honor is Glenn restoring?

I answered you and was completely ignored.

Again, look to my signature.

Your sig speaks to an individuals honor and our nation is made of many, many honorable people. You did not answer my question about what honor Beck is trying to restore. Are you saying he is trying to get people to act honorably? How does holding a rally accomplish that?
I asked three times in a thread last week and never got a response......what honor is Glenn restoring?

I answered you and was completely ignored.

Again, look to my signature.

Your sig speaks to an individuals honor and our nation is made of many, many honorable people. You did not answer my question about what honor Beck is trying to restore. Are you saying he is trying to get people to act honorably? How does holding a rally accomplish that?

They pick up after themselves...hold doors open for others...give up their seats to the elderly...use their indoor voices....raise their hand politely and wait to be called on...?
Is anyone planning to go to the Restoring Honor Rally Glenn is holding in DC next week?

Still haven't made up my mind. I'd like to but money's tight.

I'll be there in spirit only. Glenn Beck works hard towards peace and I admire him very much. :)

Beck does and says whatever is going to put the most money into his own pockets. Here he is in 2006 in praise of Islam. He had just been hired by CNN Headline News. Imagine that.

FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck*appeared to*call Imam Rauf a "good Muslim" | Media Matters for America
Glenn sure needs his honor restored. However a rally won't do that.

Could you tell me what's wrong with making an effort to inspire honor and integrity in people's lives?

Nothing, except when there's a hidden motive by attempting to show that the 'other' Americans are conspiring to destroy it.

Unfortunately, where Glenn Beck is concerned, there's always a hidden agenda with his daily portrayals that "conservatives" are the only patriotic Americans. Everyone else is conspiring to destroy America.
Yeah, they should all just stay home and remain apathetic.

I see the sarcasm, and understand it, as well..

In a recent speech, Stephen Hayes said

"One final point: For many Tea Partiers, the massive and unconstitutional growth of government is the fundamental issue. But I think there’s something deeper, too. After her husband had won several primaries in a row in the spring of 2008, Michelle Obama proclaimed that for the first time in her life she was proud of her country. It was a stunning statement. It also foreshadowed what was to come: Since Barack Obama took office in January 2009, he has devoted much of his time to criticizing his own country. He apologizes for the policy decisions of his predecessors. He worries aloud that the U.S. has become too powerful. He has explicitly rejected the doctrine of American exceptionalism.

And this is not mere rhetoric. For the first time ever, the U.S. is participating in the Universal Periodic Review—a United Nations initiative in which member countries investigate their own nation’s human rights abuses. The State Department has held ten “listening sessions” around the U.S. during which an alphabet soup of left-wing groups aired their numerous grievances. These complaints are to be included in a report that the U.S. will submit to the United Nations Human Rights Council. It will be evaluated by such paragons of human rights as Burkina Faso, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China, and Cuba."

I see much of this- both sides- reflected in this thread.

But it IS mere rhetoric, because Hayes chooses words TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT to make a point. If he honestly believed what he was saying, he would NOT have needed props to do it. Here is what Michelle Obama said, in two separate speeches during the campaign:

In Milwaukee she said, "People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and … for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback

In Madison, she said, "“For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country … not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment
Funny how the usual suspects have NOTHING good to say about Americans wanting to restore some integrity back in their lives.

I wish I could be there, unfortunately I cant take off of work. Otherwise I'd be on a bus going to DC.

What's confusing to most of US is that we don't feel we've even lost our integrity in the first place. Get it now?
Funny how the usual suspects have NOTHING good to say about Americans wanting to restore some integrity back in their lives.

I wish I could be there, unfortunately I cant take off of work. Otherwise I'd be on a bus going to DC.

Tell us how we've lost it in the first place. Some of us disagree that our integrity as America is gone.

But then again, I guess it is once again fashionable to say that we have faults as a nation.....before, that did not seem to be acceptable.

I just said the same thing. While I admit that many of the younger generations who have lost all sense of what's important other than who will be sending their next text messages, most adults over 30 are still patriotic Americans who are proud of our country--warts and all--and we will try to do what's best for us as a whole. Beck and his minions have frantically tried to tear down that truth. The vast majority of Republicans, Democrats, liberals/conservatives, black, white, or green, are still AMERICANS. We just differ on how to go about dealing with crises that affect us all. And it's been that way for time immemorial, so who the fuck is Glenn Beck to try to convince the world otherwise?
Any day of the year they could do this, and they chose this historic day. I can't believe these idiots are going to protest, or whatever their gonna do, on the anniversary of the "I have a dream" speech.. And worse yet, Sarah Palin -who most recently came out in support of Dr. Laura Ingram who recently showed blatant racism in carelessly throwing around the "n-word".- is one of the main speakers.
I read that Sarah Palin was going to start yelling out the word "******" and while it is bouncing around the Lincoln Memorial she's gonna cheer "you betcha!"
First a REAL murkin will speak.


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Any day of the year they could do this, and they chose this historic day. I can't believe these idiots are going to protest, or whatever their gonna do, on the anniversary of the "I have a dream" speech.. And worse yet, Sarah Palin -who most recently came out in support of Dr. Laura Ingram who recently showed blatant racism in carelessly throwing around the "n-word".- is one of the main speakers.
I read that Sarah Palin was going to start yelling out the word "******" and while it is bouncing around the Lincoln Memorial she's gonna cheer "you betcha!"

I heard she was just going to introduce the speakers and have no other role.

Place a bet on which one of us comes closer to reality? I win you rep me 3 times, you win I rep you 3 times?
Any day of the year they could do this, and they chose this historic day. I can't believe these idiots are going to protest, or whatever their gonna do, on the anniversary of the "I have a dream" speech.. And worse yet, Sarah Palin -who most recently came out in support of Dr. Laura Ingram who recently showed blatant racism in carelessly throwing around the "n-word".- is one of the main speakers.
I read that Sarah Palin was going to start yelling out the word "******" and while it is bouncing around the Lincoln Memorial she's gonna cheer "you betcha!"

I heard she was just going to introduce the speakers and have no other role.

Place a bet on which one of us comes closer to reality? I win you rep me 3 times, you win I rep you 3 times?
:lol: I didn't say it was true, just that I read it. :cuckoo:
I read that Sarah Palin was going to start yelling out the word "******" and while it is bouncing around the Lincoln Memorial she's gonna cheer "you betcha!"

I heard she was just going to introduce the speakers and have no other role.

Place a bet on which one of us comes closer to reality? I win you rep me 3 times, you win I rep you 3 times?
:lol: I didn't say it was true, just that I read it. :cuckoo:

awwww so no bet? :(

I'll be there, staying in Springfield and will take the Metro into DC Sat. morning. Did this before for a 4th of July and it was easy in and out taking the metro. They are prepared, so those that want to go but no hotel, I suggested going out of DC area close to a metro station.

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