Resisting Vote On Born-Alive Bill, Democrats Are Desperate To Hide The Truth About Abortion


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats are desperately trying to avoid a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which Republicans are trying to bring to a floor vote via a discharge petition.

“House Republicans on Tuesday launched a long-shot bid to force a vote on anti-abortion legislation — an issue they plan to hammer vulnerable Democrats on even if they can’t secure action on the floor.”

Democrats claim that they do not seek to make murdering a baby legal; however, intentionally withholding care from a newborn baby IS killing the newborn baby. It IS 'murder.!

'Deliberately killing a preborn baby is never medically necessary. When the health or life of either patient is in danger from continuing the pregnancy, the child is delivered and care is administered to both patients according to standard medical practices. Sometimes those babies are too under-developed or too sick to survive, and that is nothing short of a tragedy.

The supposed rarity of late-term abortions is no excuse to reject basic protections for infants born alive after the attempt to kill them in the womb, either. Whether these abortions are committed once a year or a thousand times has exactly nothing to do with the morality of leaving infants, struggling to breathe, to die in utility closets or medical waste bins.

It would seem Democrats think some lives are, at the very least, not worth taking the time to protect. But that would be too generous an assumption, since they have spent more energy blocking 25 attempts to bring the bill to the floor and grandstanding about protecting alleged threats to “chip away at abortion rights” than it would take to just vote on the matter.'

Democrats continue to demonstrate they are more concerned with preventing a bill that protects the lives of newborn babies from murder and preserving the right to do so is more important to them than those innocent lives of newborn American citizens.

Resisting Born-Alive Bill, Democrats Are Desperate To Hide Abortion


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