Rescue team rushes to help ailing orca spotted off Canada


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Rescue team rushes to help ailing orca spotted off Canada

SEATTLE (AP) — Teams of whale experts on Thursday were racing out to sea to help an ailing young killer whale, but they don't plan to intervene to help a mother orca in the same critically endangered pod that has been pushing the body of her dead calf for more than two weeks.
The people involved in this rescue effort had lost sight of the J pod between last Friday and the beginning of this week and then once they found them, they couldn't take immediate action because they were still waiting for appoval from NOAA and the pod had entered Candian waters.

Nonetheless this has been a joint effort between U.S. and Canadian officials and scientists and hearing they had located J-50 and had begun trying to save her life made me very happy. On the other hand hearing that J-35 is still carrying around her dead calf is heart breaking.
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I love orcas. Very intelligent amazing creatures.
Agreed. Scientists are worried because there are only 75 of them left here. Several things are contributing to their decline including the lack of salmon which is their primary food source, pollution and noise from ships in the area. Apparently sea lions and fishing are depleting their supplies.
I love orcas. Very intelligent amazing creatures.
Agreed. Scientists are worried because there are only 75 of them left here. Several things are contributing to their decline including the lack of salmon which is their primary food source, pollution and noise from ships in the area. Apparently sea lions and fishing are depleting their supplies.
75 left in the wild or in your area?
She is STILL carrying that baby around???
Yes she is, although it's been reported that other family members of the pod have been helping her carry it. Everyone is worried that instead of forging and eating she's neglecting her own health to focus on keeping the calf with her. They have stated that this is very unusual behavior for an orca.
Its a goddamn shame people have fucked up the environment to the point these animals are being affected.
True. Sort of off topic but there is someone in Thurston County who has been killing and mutilating cats, then laying them out on the lawns of neighbors so that whoever finds them will be traumatized. There were 3 incidents just since the end of last week. Acts like this are meant to hurt the pet owner far beyond just the loss of their pet.

Then there is someone who has committed acts of arson against several Jehovah Witness temples in the last few months, once setting the same facility alight twice.

In all of the cases above, the perpetrators are increasing their activity both in quantity and frequency.

There are a lot of people that are a danger to other living beings. Have you ever seen the garbage patch that's floating around in the Pacific that's said to be twice the size of the state of Texas?
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch - The Ocean Cleanup
Its a goddamn shame people have fucked up the environment to the point these animals are being affected.

Blame Asia and Africa, they pollute the oceans worse than anyone else.
You sound like an idiot as usual.

Its a goddamn shame people have fucked up the environment to the point these animals are being affected.

Blame Asia and Africa, they pollute the oceans worse than anyone else.
You sound like an idiot as usual.


As you can see, the top ten are all Asian and African nations.
The top 12 include the US and countries are not continents you moron.

You’re the one that brought up countries. I said Asia and Africa, I never claimed those are countries.

Now, why don’t you be a good little monkey and add up all the Asian countries and all the African countries and come back and whine about US pollution.
She is STILL carrying that baby around???
Yes she is, although it's been reported that other family members of the pod have been helping her carry it. Everyone is worried that instead of forging and eating she's neglecting her own health to focus on keeping the calf with her. They have stated that this is very unusual behavior for an orca.

Cases like this, make me believe that sometimes animals have bigger and kinder hearts than humans. :cry:

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