Republicans would make deficit worse


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Aug 27, 2010
Its a cruel ol world, but the republicans can't save the ship they created, as much as they lie about it. It's back to the question, why would you elect a republican to mess up the budget again and toss more debt on your grandchildren. And the party of "do Whatever It Takes" Boehner would sacrifice your families in order to help the rich get richer. Amazing!!

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge

Nothing is more important to Republican politicians these days than jobs and the deficit—at least according to Republican politicians. As House Minority Leader John Boehner put it in a "major economic address" on Tuesday, President Obama is "doing everything possible to prevent jobs from being created" while refusing to do anything at all "about bringing down the deficits that threaten our economy." Elect Republicans in November, Boehner assured his audience, and we will put an end to this insanity.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, Obama's stimulus plan is projected to increase budget deficits over the next decade by $814 billion. But Republicans opposed the legislation refused to provide an alternative, and now insist that it's been a total failure. Republicans want to repeal it "lock, stock, and barrel," the reason, as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell explained in July, is that "we all know that it's going to increase the deficit."

Obama wants to extend them for the 95 percent of taxpayers making less than $250,000 a year; Republicans want to extend them for everybody.

According to data compiled by The Washington Post, "the Democratic proposal would add about $3 trillion to the deficit during the next decade, while the GOP plan would cost $3.7 trillion." That brings the total Obama deficit to $3.784 trillion over 10 years, and its GOP counterpart to—drumroll, please—$4.155 trillion.

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge - Newsweek
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Seems to me that the only objection the libs at Newsweak have with adding to the debt is when republicans do it.


That maybe so, however the point being, if republicans do take control we can expect the deficit to be higher. Will Becks raiders vote for more spending or less?
Its a cruel ol world, but the republicans can't save the ship they created, as much as they lie about it. It's back to the question, why would you elect a republican to mess up the budget again and toss more debt on your grandchildren. And they party of "do Whatever It Takes" Boehner would sacrifice your families in order to help the rich get richer. Amazing!!

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge

Nothing is more important to Republican politicians these days than jobs and the deficit—at least according to Republican politicians. As House Minority Leader John Boehner put it in a "major economic address" on Tuesday, President Obama is "doing everything possible to prevent jobs from being created" while refusing to do anything at all "about bringing down the deficits that threaten our economy." Elect Republicans in November, Boehner assured his audience, and we will put an end to this insanity.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, Obama's stimulus plan is projected to increase budget deficits over the next decade by $814 billion. But Republicans opposed the legislation refused to provide an alternative, and now insist that it's been a total failure. Republicans want to repeal it "lock, stock, and barrel," the reason, as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell explained in July, is that "we all know that it's going to increase the deficit."

Obama wants to extend them for the 95 percent of taxpayers making less than $250,000 a year; Republicans want to extend them for everybody.

According to data compiled by The Washington Post, "the Democratic proposal would add about $3 trillion to the deficit during the next decade, while the GOP plan would cost $3.7 trillion." That brings the total Obama deficit to $3.784 trillion over 10 years, and its GOP counterpart to—drumroll, please—$4.155 trillion.

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge - Newsweek

Hate to break it to you but Obama has ALREADY added 3 Trillion to the debt in less then 2 years with plans to add even more. HALF of every dollar spent this year was BORROWED with plans for the same next year.

It took 8 years under Bush to add 5.7 trillion and in less then 2 we have added 3 trillion under Obama.

Your figures are a lie.
Seems to me that the only objection the libs at Newsweak have with adding to the debt is when republicans do it.


That maybe so, however the point being, if republicans do take control we can expect the deficit to be higher. Will Becks raiders vote for more spending or less?
I quit reading after "That may be so..."

It's more than may be so, it's the fact, Jack.
"They're more suicidal than we are" is not a good campaign strategy for the Dems this year, because unlike the new Republicans, the old Democrats have a four-year track record.
Its a cruel ol world, but the republicans can't save the ship they created, as much as they lie about it. It's back to the question, why would you elect a republican to mess up the budget again and toss more debt on your grandchildren. And they party of "do Whatever It Takes" Boehner would sacrifice your families in order to help the rich get richer. Amazing!!

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge

Nothing is more important to Republican politicians these days than jobs and the deficit—at least according to Republican politicians. As House Minority Leader John Boehner put it in a "major economic address" on Tuesday, President Obama is "doing everything possible to prevent jobs from being created" while refusing to do anything at all "about bringing down the deficits that threaten our economy." Elect Republicans in November, Boehner assured his audience, and we will put an end to this insanity.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, Obama's stimulus plan is projected to increase budget deficits over the next decade by $814 billion. But Republicans opposed the legislation refused to provide an alternative, and now insist that it's been a total failure. Republicans want to repeal it "lock, stock, and barrel," the reason, as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell explained in July, is that "we all know that it's going to increase the deficit."

Obama wants to extend them for the 95 percent of taxpayers making less than $250,000 a year; Republicans want to extend them for everybody.

According to data compiled by The Washington Post, "the Democratic proposal would add about $3 trillion to the deficit during the next decade, while the GOP plan would cost $3.7 trillion." That brings the total Obama deficit to $3.784 trillion over 10 years, and its GOP counterpart to—drumroll, please—$4.155 trillion.

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge - Newsweek

Hate to break it to you but Obama has ALREADY added 3 Trillion to the debt in less then 2 years with plans to add even more. HALF of every dollar spent this year was BORROWED with plans for the same next year.

It took 8 years under Bush to add 5.7 trillion and in less then 2 we have added 3 trillion under Obama.

Your figures are a lie.

Hmm, really? A lie. I don't think the article is talking about the past, rather the future. Are you refuting those figures??
Seems to me that the only objection the libs at Newsweak have with adding to the debt is when republicans do it.


That maybe so, however the point being, if republicans do take control we can expect the deficit to be higher. Will Becks raiders vote for more spending or less?
I quit reading after "That may be so..."

It's more than may be so, it's the fact, Jack.

No one is arguing media bias here, jack. That would be a thread out in the twilight zone, jack.
"They're more suicidal than we are" is not a good campaign strategy for the Dems this year, because unlike the new Republicans, the old Democrats have a four-year track record.

A lot can be said about the last 4 years of spending however, and why it had to occur. I don't think people will vote against their better issues.
"They're more suicidal than we are" is not a good campaign strategy for the Dems this year, because unlike the new Republicans, the old Democrats have a four-year track record.

A lot can be said about the last 4 years of spending however, and why it had to occur. I don't think people will vote against their better issues.
The generic Republican is beating the generic Democrat by 10% nationally, according to the latest polls.

That's historically unprecedented, period. Unless Obama performs a miracle in the next two months, the Democrats will lose the legislature.

RepubliCON$...lets say you get your wildest dreams take everything.

Then what?

What will you guys do to fix things?

How soon will the economy improve?
Its a cruel ol world, but the republicans can't save the ship they created, as much as they lie about it. It's back to the question, why would you elect a republican to mess up the budget again and toss more debt on your grandchildren. And the party of "do Whatever It Takes" Boehner would sacrifice your families in order to help the rich get richer. Amazing!!

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge

Nothing is more important to Republican politicians these days than jobs and the deficit—at least according to Republican politicians. As House Minority Leader John Boehner put it in a "major economic address" on Tuesday, President Obama is "doing everything possible to prevent jobs from being created" while refusing to do anything at all "about bringing down the deficits that threaten our economy." Elect Republicans in November, Boehner assured his audience, and we will put an end to this insanity.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, Obama's stimulus plan is projected to increase budget deficits over the next decade by $814 billion. But Republicans opposed the legislation refused to provide an alternative, and now insist that it's been a total failure. Republicans want to repeal it "lock, stock, and barrel," the reason, as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell explained in July, is that "we all know that it's going to increase the deficit."

Obama wants to extend them for the 95 percent of taxpayers making less than $250,000 a year; Republicans want to extend them for everybody.

According to data compiled by The Washington Post, "the Democratic proposal would add about $3 trillion to the deficit during the next decade, while the GOP plan would cost $3.7 trillion." That brings the total Obama deficit to $3.784 trillion over 10 years, and its GOP counterpart to—drumroll, please—$4.155 trillion.

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge - Newsweek

Did you honestly write this with a straight face? This blame the republicans for eveything has got to stop, that is if you want to fix the country. The democrats have had control of Congress for 4 years and things have steadly gotten worse. And there is nothing in the democrats plan to fix the mess they created. And it was said your numbers are wrong I agree.

RepubliCON$...lets say you get your wildest dreams take everything.

Then what?

What will you guys do to fix things?

How soon will the economy improve?

Theres got to be a stopping point and that is by removing all democrats from congress then the work to repairing the damage can begin
It's so funny seeing the RepubliCONs trying to convince everyone that they would balance the budget. All they have done for thirty years is drive up the debt.

They claim that when the deficits fell under President Clinton which led to the first balanced budget since 1980 that it was all because the RepubliCONs had taken the Congress.

But, of course, as soon as they had the Presidency too, the deficits started piling up again.

Now the RepubliCONs are trying to say that it is President Obama who is running up the debt. It's true that some of the borrowed money is due to the stimulus package (which by the way, CBO says created 3 million jobs) but most of the budget deficits are because the budgets now include the cost of the wars which Bush kept off budget, as if we weren't borrowing and spending the money.

The RepubliCONs try to weasle out of their record, saying that it was all the Dems fault that so much money ws borrowed under Reagan, but don't forget that Reagan signed every one of those spending bills. He could have vetoed them, but he didn't and neither did Papa Bush or Sons of a Bush.

Yep, let's put the RepubliCONs back in power and they'll balance the budget just like they have for the last thirty years!
Its a cruel ol world, but the republicans can't save the ship they created, as much as they lie about it. It's back to the question, why would you elect a republican to mess up the budget again and toss more debt on your grandchildren. And the party of "do Whatever It Takes" Boehner would sacrifice your families in order to help the rich get richer. Amazing!!

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge

Nothing is more important to Republican politicians these days than jobs and the deficit—at least according to Republican politicians. As House Minority Leader John Boehner put it in a "major economic address" on Tuesday, President Obama is "doing everything possible to prevent jobs from being created" while refusing to do anything at all "about bringing down the deficits that threaten our economy." Elect Republicans in November, Boehner assured his audience, and we will put an end to this insanity.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, Obama's stimulus plan is projected to increase budget deficits over the next decade by $814 billion. But Republicans opposed the legislation refused to provide an alternative, and now insist that it's been a total failure. Republicans want to repeal it "lock, stock, and barrel," the reason, as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell explained in July, is that "we all know that it's going to increase the deficit."

Obama wants to extend them for the 95 percent of taxpayers making less than $250,000 a year; Republicans want to extend them for everybody.

According to data compiled by The Washington Post, "the Democratic proposal would add about $3 trillion to the deficit during the next decade, while the GOP plan would cost $3.7 trillion." That brings the total Obama deficit to $3.784 trillion over 10 years, and its GOP counterpart to—drumroll, please—$4.155 trillion.

Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge - Newsweek
Well Boner is no Reagan CON$ervative! :rofl:

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

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