Republicans Want Sacrifice


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016

Unfortunately they want to sacrifice a large sector of the population

Remember the bogus claims of Death Panels?

They're here and they are being pushed by the Republicans
Nothing is stopping you from staying at home and being in quarantine for the next year.

Is it too much to ask that we don’t arrest people for going to a park together? Or that business owners and employees choose to keep working so they can pay their bills?
I love how people want to believe that the democrats are such caring and loving people and somehow miss the simple fact that the democrats have loaded down the virus relieve bill with things from their wish list. Things that have nothing to do with relief. Things that they know they could never have a hope of getting passed in normal times but hope that in the rush to help Repubicans will give in.
And democrats draft a 1400 page bill that contains things that have NOTHING to do with the problem. And they are willing to stall relief for individuals.
Both parties suck balls.

If you read opposing bills the dems actually want to give you more money and expand unemployment for laid off worker's, yes they should have left some of that other shit out but it looks like it's coming together this morning.
And democrats draft a 1400 page bill that contains things that have NOTHING to do with the problem. And they are willing to stall relief for individuals.
Both parties suck balls.

If you read opposing bills the dems actually want to give you more money and expand unemployment for laid off worker's, yes they should have left some of that other shit out but it looks like it's coming together this morning.

if the dem version still contains BS like diversity quotas, abortion funding, and solar subsidies it will not pass and the people will continue to wonder if they can pay their bills.
Is it too much to ask that we don’t arrest people for going to a park together?

Did you see pictures of the crowds in NYC Central Park? NYC now has the highest death toll in the nation
Or that business owners and employees choose to keep working so they can pay their bills?
I am a small business owner. I was devastated when I had to shut my doors...but if I am told to open them again now?

That scares me even more...because I'd HAVE to do it because there would be no financial aid coming if they make this a reality
if the dem version still contains BS like diversity quotas, abortion funding, and solar subsidies it will not pass and the people will continue to wonder if they can pay their bills.
You'd screw the nation over because of that?

What if those things are taken out but Dems still refuse that half trillion slush fund McConnell wants? You still blaming Dems?

Is it too much to ask that we don’t arrest people for going to a park together?

Did you see pictures of the crowds in NYC Central Park? NYC now has the highest death toll in the nation
Or that business owners and employees choose to keep working so they can pay their bills?
I am a small business owner. I was devastated when I had to shut my doors...but if I am told to open them again now?

That scares me even more...because I'd HAVE to do it because there would be no financial aid coming if they make this a reality

Yep, waiting for your handout, why are we not shocked.
if the dem version still contains BS like diversity quotas, abortion funding, and solar subsidies it will not pass and the people will continue to wonder if they can pay their bills.
You'd screw the nation over because of that?

What if those things are taken out but Dems still refuse that half trillion slush fund McConnell wants? You still blaming Dems?


those things have nothing to do with the virus impacts. they are dem agenda items that they know could never get passed under normal circumstances so they are trying to ram them through in this bill. Its corruption of the highest level and the american people see through it and will remember it this november.
if the dem version still contains BS like diversity quotas, abortion funding, and solar subsidies it will not pass and the people will continue to wonder if they can pay their bills.
You'd screw the nation over because of that?

What if those things are taken out but Dems still refuse that half trillion slush fund McConnell wants? You still blaming Dems?


there is no "slush fund" in the bill, the media is lying to you.
Is it too much to ask that we don’t arrest people for going to a park together?

Did you see pictures of the crowds in NYC Central Park? NYC now has the highest death toll in the nation
Or that business owners and employees choose to keep working so they can pay their bills?
I am a small business owner. I was devastated when I had to shut my doors...but if I am told to open them again now?

That scares me even more...because I'd HAVE to do it because there would be no financial aid coming if they make this a reality

the bill includes small business funding, unless you are operating illegally, you would be eligible.
Both parties suck.
Republicans suck for trying to give money to corporations with no strings attached, after corporations have shown over multiple bailouts that they will use the money selfishly.
Democrats suck for trying to ram in completely unrelated items into the bailout.
What really sucks is that not one of the politicians that make these decisions will pay a price for their incompetence. When it comes time to vote, it's much more important what their stance is on who can use what restroom, than how they played games with the economy in 2020.
Ya know what will be remembered?

Surviving this disaster...or not

That's ALL

We have already survived it.
so has China and the rest of the world. No, its not completely over and probably won't be for several more months, but it is not the end of the world or the end of the USA.

you dem prophets of doom are doing more harm than the virus.
the bill includes small business funding, unless you are operating illegally, you would be eligible.
Mush less than what is being given to corporations...and with lots more oversight.

You think it's OVER???

Newflash moron. It hasn't even started
they are trying to ram them through in this bill. Its corruption of the highest level
The corruption is that half trillion dollar slush fund

once again, there is no slush fund in the bill. there is money for small businesses and large businesses which begins as a loan that must be repaid if it is used for anything except paying employees and keeping the business alive. if it is used for stock buybacks or executive payments it reverts to being a loan. Even then it is a collateralized loan backed by stock or inventory.
the bill includes small business funding, unless you are operating illegally, you would be eligible.
Mush less than what is being given to corporations...and with lots more oversight.

its not being "given" I already explained that several times. and yes, a multi billion dollar corporations needs more than a convenience store.

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