S**t Is Gettin' Real


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!

Give it a few minutes, I'm sure you'll figure out how to spin it into Trump is bad.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
No, this doesn't smell good.

This is going to distort the living shit out of both stock and bond markets.

And while market players nervously await more clarity from Washington on the scope of its aid, the benchmark that tracks the most creditworthy part of the $9 trillion U.S. corporate bond market, the ICE Bank of America U.S. IG Corporate index, is having its worst month yet.

The index’s excess returns over U.S. Treasurys were negative 11.4% for March through Wednesday’s close, putting it on pace for the worse monthly performance ever, or at least since 1973, when the index data began being tracked, according to Marty Fridson, chief investment officer at Lehmann Livian Fridson Advisors.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
No, this doesn't smell good.

This is going to distort the living shit out of both stock and bond markets.
The Dow is up 1100+ points right now. Is that the Fed, or investor confidence in the Fed's actions?

No way to tell.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
No, this doesn't smell good.

This is going to distort the living shit out of both stock and bond markets.

March 23: In a dramatic, pre-market move, the Fed said aggressive action was needed to soften the blow of the pandemic. To that end, it unfurled a plan to buy an unlimited amount of bonds that already have government backstops, including some commercial mortgage debt.

What do you want to bet Goldmans Sachs, et al., are front running the shit out of this?


The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
No, this doesn't smell good.

This is going to distort the living shit out of both stock and bond markets.
The Dow is up 1100+ points right now. Is that the Fed, or investor confidence in the Fed's actions?

No way to tell.

Some of it is probably Fed action but the large part is investor hope there will be stimulus package approved...soon. But if that goes down in flames during trading hours, I'm guessing the market will tank faster than a Trump address to the nation.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
No, this doesn't smell good.

This is going to distort the living shit out of both stock and bond markets.
The Dow is up 1100+ points right now. Is that the Fed, or investor confidence in the Fed's actions?

No way to tell.

Some of it is probably Fed action but the large part is investor hope there will be stimulus package approved...soon. But if that goes down in flames during trading hours, I'm guessing the market will tank faster than a Trump address to the nation.
As far as the stock market goes, the Fed actions will have a more immediate and relevant impact than mailing checks and EBT cards to Main Street will.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
No, this doesn't smell good.

This is going to distort the living shit out of both stock and bond markets.

March 23: In a dramatic, pre-market move, the Fed said aggressive action was needed to soften the blow of the pandemic. To that end, it unfurled a plan to buy an unlimited amount of bonds that already have government backstops, including some commercial mortgage debt.

What do you want to bet Goldmans Sachs, et al., are front running the shit out of this?

No doubt. The more I think about it, the more it stinks.

I get the idea of throwing a lot at this, but this is not where that much money should be going. And I'm not convinced it will provide liquidity.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!

Excellent observation. Hard to trust a central bank when they didn’t give any warning that the market was going to bleed 30%. Yeah, I think I’ll put (pun intended) opposite the Fed.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
Isnt that socialism?

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!

Give it a few minutes, I'm sure you'll figure out how to spin it into Trump is bad.
Well that just goes without saying. Everyone knows Drumpfs a fuck up.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
Wait until the masses of ghetto liberals that are going to riot. That is my biggest fear.

So many people dependent on goobermint. The temptation to take things free and burn everything to the ground.

Where was Obama to prepare for this.Yeah, on his ass.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
Wait until the masses of ghetto liberals that are going to riot. That is my biggest fear.

So many people dependent on goobermint. The temptation to take things free and burn everything to the ground.

Where was Obama to prepare for this.Yeah, on his ass.

I support the Fed buying ETFs, and fucking over the short-sellers.
The ETFs I recommend are:
DIA the Dow ETF, it has all the Dow companies
QQQ, the Nasdaq ETF, it has all the Nasdaq companies
SPY, the S&P 500 companies

So the Fed won't only stabilize the markets, but make some money too.
I'm not sure how to interpret this. We had the thread yesterday on shutting down trading, but really that's impossible except for a short term, but I don't see how THAT would calm things. I can see how the Fed could "flatten" out some swings, which really are caused by uncertainty. No one knows where the bottom will be … because it is possible this could be worse than 1930, where there's just not a bottom, but no way of getting up from the bottom.

So long as the Fed and Govt allow the market to just sink, gradually, to where it is going to go, I think the Fed's action is pretty benign. It's simply not an economic viability to close a service economy for more than two months. I can see why, and how, we could essentially quarantine for five six weeks. That would let the spread of the virus flatten out. We'd still have millions infected, but that's actually a good thing, because after an infection, a person has an immunity to a particular virus. There will be future coronaviruses, but 19 will be history in its non-mutated form.

But the reality is there always is a way to restart an economy, but it is the dreaded national socialism practiced both by Germany in the 30s and by the US in 1942. But THAT reality would really tank the equity markets.
I support the Fed buying ETFs, and fucking over the short-sellers.
The ETFs I recommend are:
DIA the Dow ETF, it has all the Dow companies
QQQ, the Nasdaq ETF, it has all the Nasdaq companies
SPY, the S&P 500 companies

So the Fed won't only stabilize the markets, but make some money too.
I see you just spent five minutes looking up "ETF" and then which ones track the exchanges.

However, you should have spent some time reading the OP. The Fed is buying corporate bond ETFs.

Now go back to Google and tell us which ones you recommend, Einstein.
I support the Fed buying ETFs, and fucking over the short-sellers.
The ETFs I recommend are:
DIA the Dow ETF, it has all the Dow companies
QQQ, the Nasdaq ETF, it has all the Nasdaq companies
SPY, the S&P 500 companies

So the Fed won't only stabilize the markets, but make some money too.
I see you just spent five minutes looking up "ETF" and then which ones track the exchanges.

However, you should have spent some time reading the OP. The Fed is buying corporate bond ETFs.

Now go back to Google and tell us which ones you recommend, Einstein.
Ugh. I'm not a bond guy. No clue how that affects the stock prices and short-sellers?!
In that case I may not be a fan of the Fed picking winners and losers.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!
Someone has to do something to calm the markets since Dimsocialists in the House and Senate are blocking aid so they can get their New Green Deal bullshit.

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