Republicans state your case: why do you think your party cares about the middle class and poor?

Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
An example of the "logical policies" would be?
For Democrats, it would be invest in infrastructure, R&D and education. Proven winners.

For Republicans, it would be let him die. A good shout out at GOP presidential debates.
for you its call someone a racist and then not be able to prove it.....dean talk,more bullshit,less substance....
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Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
An example of the "logical policies" would be?
1) Extending unemployment benefits to the millions who lost their jobs during the recession.

2) Attempting to raise the min wage to a reasonable level.

3) Food stamps to poor families with one or more children. (By the way, raising the min wage would dramatically fix this problem)

4) Significant tax cuts for the middle class.

5) Expanding eligibility for over time pay
The minimum wage will never be the "fix it" you people believe it is. Raising it creates short term benefits and long term harm.
Overtime pay?.....Umm Jeb Bush was spot on when he said and you people deliberately took out of context "Americans need to work more"..The number of hours worked for the average hourly worker has decreased in this Obama economy. More companies, mostly small business are reducing hours. Hiring more workers who work fewer hours. This is done among other things, to cut labor costs.
BTW, Bush 43 urged and got Congress to pass a law the reclassified workers to their proper categories. Previously, companies were permitted to hand out titles to regular workers so that those employees could be placed on fixed salary. Then in turn not pay them overtime. For example, NASCAR teams were infamous for this practice. As were large firms in the banking and insurance industries,. Companies can no longer do this. Many workers went from exempt to non exempt status.
There was a huge backlash from this. Ironically, from unions.
Now, Overtime laws reach out to those making less than $50k per year. Of course as we know there are hundreds of thousands of workers who have base salaries over $50k but still are paid overtime for over 40 hours in a week.
One thing that has disappeared is overtime pay for more than 8 hours worked in a day. Overtime now only kicks in when a worker has exceeded 40 hours work time in a week.
More people are out of work and on welfare since O took office. Perhaps you should explain why this has happened under a democrat.
He inherited the biggest recession since the Great Depression. The main reason why people are discouraged from finding a job is how low wages are. He tried to fix this problem by raising the minimum wage. Why not blame the job creators for this problem? They are wealthier now than ever before.

Your response is predictable. I ask about republicans and you bring up Obama. Typical.

Wow, what an original reply that was. Try coming up with something besides left-wing talking points from MSDNC and the left-stream media.

Neither party cares about the middle class or poor. The Democrats are just better about lying how they are for the middle class and poor, and they have their stenographers in the media to make enough people believe their lies are true.

The only thing separating the Democrat party and Republican Party is the butt crack.

Social security is not an msdnc talking point. It's real, and has been for close to eighty years. Show one thing that republicans do for the needy besides giving them a map to the best dumpsters in town.
Who said anything about SS?
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
No they are not logical policies, are people out of jobs because they are not interested in low wages? What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Are companies going to higher more? No, in fact they will fire more people in entry level jobs, and then raise prices on their services or products. Who is that good for?? This happens every time the minimum wage is raised.

And wow raising taxes didn't bring us out of a recession? I wonder why that happened. And why is it so much industry is moving to Texas (which makes up about half of the current economic growth)? Could it be because their taxes are low? I think so. Why does are tax code allow so many loopholes, and why haven't the politicians fixed it?

If your saying that republicans only care about the rich, that might be so for some or even most, but the same goes for democrats, and most of the time that help doesn't come through tax all depends on who their biggest donors are. They will help those businesses/donors etc. But lowering taxes for EVERYBODY, it will only help. Look no further than the Kennedy tax plan and how much that helped jump start the economy. He added the equivalent to What would be 50,000 jobs per week. You should stop saying it's just the republicans and them helping cut taxes for the rich, bc most of the time it isn't true. How about a tax plan, flat tax for personal and corporate of say 14.5 percent, but here's the kicker you do not get taxed on your first 50,000, and the only write offs are your mortgage and for charity. Please respond with your concerns to that and maybe we can have an actual non-propagandized conversation.
These stupid Keynesian liberals have been told to believe that prosperity can only come from government intervention.
Uh it's bad because it is under funded. The money just needs to be spent intelligently.
Proof its underfunded?
Gee the fact that our country's public education ranks at #18 in the world is a big indicator

Of how badly our system SUCKS!!
Why can't you address the topic I raised in my OP?
Because you left so many open doors, no one knows where to start. Ask a spitball question, you get spit ball answers.
Look, you did not ask questions. You made a statement, followed up with your opinion of the conservative side. Then you demand a response in which you expect others to pigeon hole themselves.
Nice try comrade.
Lol it's a pretty straight forward question. I want examples of republican policies helping the poor and middle class.
YOU keep asking about helping the poor and the middle class, but you have failed to mention at what cost.

Perhaps the Right wants fiscal responsibility and a better society for our children.

How about our policies are for the good of all classes in America not just the poor.

You claim the dems have helped the middle class, I wonder how the middle class feels about that.

Seems like you folks forced them to buy health insurance at an unfair price, lied to them in the process and then had the gall to prance some princeton cock sucker out to talk about how stupid the American people are.

Not quite sure the middle class feels the same way as you.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?

First of all, you've been brainwashed into thinking the nation is divided by class. We don't have a class system here, it's a throwback from 19th century socialism. In America, people are able to define their own class and they do it all the time. You mention the "shrinking middle class" but the statistics show the middle-income families have declined since 1967 because they are becoming upper-income families. Low-income families are also "shrinking" albeit at a slower rate.

You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from.

Simply put, this is just not true. Our main tax revenue comes from middle-income and upper-income families. Wealthy people and corporations pay hardly any tax at all. Again, you have been brainwashed into thinking that "the wealthy" earn taxable incomes which are high... that's not true. Most wealthy people earn no taxable income, it's all investment dividends. They've already earned their incomes, that's why they are rich. Corporations simply pass taxes on to the consumers, they don't pay the tax.

You also fail to comprehend things... Like the fact that every time in modern history we've raised top marginal tax rates, it resulted in an actual DECREASE in revenue when compared by GDP. Subsequently, lowering the rate has historically produced greater revenues... So if we need more revenue, we should LOWER tax rates.

Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic.

AGAIN.... (we'll keep trying to penetrate) "The Wealthy Class" (which doesn't really exist) do not pay earned income tax. These people who you are jealous of, the "uber-rich," are not people who are earning high taxable income. I don't know why you can't understand this... they are fucking rich, they don't have to earn income anymore. You can be jealous of them... hate them.... despise them... say awful terrible things about them... but you can't harm them with income tax.

The ACTUAL high-income earners, are MOSTLY small businesses. Now..... I am going to assume, and you feel free to correct me if I am wrong, that when you get ready to buy something or you need a service, you kind of expect there to be a store or company to provide you with whatever... don't you? So, if you have angrily ran all the corporations out and foolishly taxed your small business to death... where are we going to buy our stuff?
More people are out of work and on welfare since O took office. Perhaps you should explain why this has happened under a democrat.

Obama did not cause the recession. Everyone I know is working and doing well. That was not the case when Obama was first elected.
Your point?

The case is simple; there are not more people out of work now than when Obama took office.
Yes there are, they changed the criteria for unemployment stats.... This is admitted, they do not count the people who give up looking for jobs and go to the govt for their breadcrumbs, they consider that a win. 93 million have dropped out of workforce
You must have forgotten the liberal line that the Republicans are the party of the brainless toothless rednecks, has that changed?

The reason you even ask a question like in the OP is because everyone can see that the Democrats are helping no one. Bitch about income inequality then flood the borer with people in competition for the very same jobs. It is madness what the democrats say and then do. There must be a grand plan to either make the country third world or bring down America there isn't any other answer. Or maybe just being stupid is the answer.
Generally speaking, Republicans care about the Middle Class and the Poor, also.

It's just that they rarely do anything worth a damn to make their lives better.

They're far too busy sending jobs off-shore and hiring Illegal Aliens to depress wage-levels and selling themselves to Big Business.

The Grand Old Party used to stand for the Common Man.

It lost its way, long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s and 1930s, as they began selling out to commercial interests and Big Money.

Not to mention picking up the racist Jim Crow -era Southern Democrats who jumped ship with LBJ's push for Civil Rights and his War on Poverty.

Nowadays, their primary use to the American People is as a brake on Runaway Socialism and Social Reengineering as served-up by dumb-ass Liberals.

But, taken separately, they aren't terribly attractive anymore, and stand for very little but themselves, and don't inspire either the Middle Class or the Poor.

Boring, uninspired, unimaginative and myopic dullards.

They stand a decent chance of winning, this time around, because they're Not Democrats - the Un-Cola - after 6-1/2 (soon to be 8) years of pseudo-Socialist Autocracy.

But nobody's overly excited at the prospect, and the dumb-ass Republicans, too, will make a botch of it all, and be on their asses again, soon enough.
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um; because the Middle Class fared better for most of the Bush years then they have under most of the obama years?
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?

I can't speak for Republicans, as I'm not one. But don't think government is there to take care of us, most especially not to care about specific "classes". It's there to protect our rights - equally for everyone.
We been fighting the Democrat War on Poverty for 50 years now and we have more people in poverty and depending on government than ever before.

Can you say where's the exit strategy?
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
No they are not logical policies, are people out of jobs because they are not interested in low wages? What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Are companies going to higher more? No, in fact they will fire more people in entry level jobs, and then raise prices on their services or products. Who is that good for?? This happens every time the minimum wage is raised.

And wow raising taxes didn't bring us out of a recession? I wonder why that happened. And why is it so much industry is moving to Texas (which makes up about half of the current economic growth)? Could it be because their taxes are low? I think so. Why does are tax code allow so many loopholes, and why haven't the politicians fixed it?

If your saying that republicans only care about the rich, that might be so for some or even most, but the same goes for democrats, and most of the time that help doesn't come through tax all depends on who their biggest donors are. They will help those businesses/donors etc. But lowering taxes for EVERYBODY, it will only help. Look no further than the Kennedy tax plan and how much that helped jump start the economy. He added the equivalent to What would be 50,000 jobs per week. You should stop saying it's just the republicans and them helping cut taxes for the rich, bc most of the time it isn't true. How about a tax plan, flat tax for personal and corporate of say 14.5 percent, but here's the kicker you do not get taxed on your first 50,000, and the only write offs are your mortgage and for charity. Please respond with your concerns to that and maybe we can have an actual non-propagandized conversation.
These stupid Keynesian liberals have been told to believe that prosperity can only come from government intervention.

Keynesian economics worked pretty well from FDR's first term on. The modern middle class was built during that period and USA was always a creditor nation. After Reagan took over, we became debtors and then the middle class began it's decline.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
No they are not logical policies, are people out of jobs because they are not interested in low wages? What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Are companies going to higher more? No, in fact they will fire more people in entry level jobs, and then raise prices on their services or products. Who is that good for?? This happens every time the minimum wage is raised.

And wow raising taxes didn't bring us out of a recession? I wonder why that happened. And why is it so much industry is moving to Texas (which makes up about half of the current economic growth)? Could it be because their taxes are low? I think so. Why does are tax code allow so many loopholes, and why haven't the politicians fixed it?

If your saying that republicans only care about the rich, that might be so for some or even most, but the same goes for democrats, and most of the time that help doesn't come through tax all depends on who their biggest donors are. They will help those businesses/donors etc. But lowering taxes for EVERYBODY, it will only help. Look no further than the Kennedy tax plan and how much that helped jump start the economy. He added the equivalent to What would be 50,000 jobs per week. You should stop saying it's just the republicans and them helping cut taxes for the rich, bc most of the time it isn't true. How about a tax plan, flat tax for personal and corporate of say 14.5 percent, but here's the kicker you do not get taxed on your first 50,000, and the only write offs are your mortgage and for charity. Please respond with your concerns to that and maybe we can have an actual non-propagandized conversation.
These stupid Keynesian liberals have been told to believe that prosperity can only come from government intervention.

Keynesian economics worked pretty well from FDR's first term on. The modern middle class was built during that period and USA was always a creditor nation. After Reagan took over, we became debtors and then the middle class began it's decline.
Keynesian economics produced years of high unemployment and Depression. If FDR had done nothing the economy would have recovered in probably 24 months. But the floors on prices, the regulatory and tax uncertainty, and labor policies all prolonged the Hoover Recession and created the FDR Depression.
Pretty much what we've seen with Obama.
We been fighting the Democrat War on Poverty for 50 years now and we have more people in poverty and depending on government than ever before.

Can you say where's the exit strategy?

How do you know things wouldn't have gotten worse without the war on poverty?
Because the poverty rate was declining faster before the War on Poverty than it was after it.
More people are out of work and on welfare since O took office. Perhaps you should explain why this has happened under a democrat.
He inherited the biggest recession since the Great Depression. The main reason why people are discouraged from finding a job is how low wages are. He tried to fix this problem by raising the minimum wage. Why not blame the job creators for this problem? They are wealthier now than ever before.

Your response is predictable. I ask about republicans and you bring up Obama. Typical.


Ok, that's rich... Face it dude, Barry the Zilch has been a DISASTER.

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