Republicans only want to help AIDS victims in Africa?



When you ask Republicans which of their policies helped the average American in the last 20 years, they say, "We give to charity and Bush helped AIDS victims in Africa".

Well, we know the government funds the bulk of the Catholic Charities. I suspect after Bush's "Faith Based Initiative", they also fund most charities.

Republicans certainly don't want to help blacks or AIDS victims here in this country. First, because one group is, well, "black" and most victims of AIDS are gay.

Worse, with an overseas policy of not helping any group that promotes the use of condoms, it's possible those policies caused more cases than helped.

And worst of all, Africa is not in the United States. So once again, let's ask, "What Republicans policies in the last 20 years have actually helped the US Middle Class?" How is that not a fair question? I know USMB Republicans will scream all outraged that they are being attacked. Calling me names is an attack. Asking how their policies help America used to be a "fair" question. Seems that may no longer be the case.

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