Republicans Need to Get Real About the 2016 Elections


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?

While I support your fight completely, I personally have concluded that God has given us over to our reprobate minds. I submit to you that God has left the building.

To understand my view, see Romans 1:18 - 1:32.
Unemployment is down, the stock market has been in record territory for many months now, and the economy is recovering.

If we elect Republicans, we're going to go backwards, because they want to sell us out to the corporations and big oil.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Well, break out the popcorn, folks, the GOP in Congress is going to give us another show. When they are not engaged in tearing down their own so called leadership, they will be threatening to shut down the government because they did not get peas on their plate at lunch.

By November 2016, the nation may well have had enough of these brainless adolescents to give us a Democratic Congress, Senate, and Executive. The Senate for sure for the same reason the GOP took the Senate in 2014.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The jew billionaires seem to like him as well. Way too hawkish for the likes of me.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?

Your right, if I have to settle for a rep, I will vote Trump , and I will vote Dem for the rest. At this point, unless Biden jumps in its not looking good.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?

While I support your fight completely, I personally have concluded that God has given us over to our reprobate minds. I submit to you that God has left the building.

To understand my view, see Romans 1:18 - 1:32.

Have you read the OT.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The jew billionaires seem to like him as well. Way too hawkish for the likes of me.
I didn't ask you. Jew billionaires? like George Soros?
Does their religion matter? Are you racist too, or just antisemitic?
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The jew billionaires seem to like him as well. Way too hawkish for the likes of me.
I didn't ask you. Jew billionaires? like George Soros?
Does their religion matter? Are you racist too, or just antisemitic?

I'm anti Zionist, and I don't much like the orthodox jews living on government aid in Brooklyn, the baby boom area of the US. OH I responded anyway, was this by invite. No I have no use for Zionist 5 columns in the US. Clear enough. No I'm not anti semite any more than the Zionist are anti Semitic against the Orthodox jews and Arabs in Israel . I guess that should educate you and answer your question.

They cover both the Dems and Gop, mainly the Gop when they want war. Anything else you want to know?
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?

While I support your fight completely, I personally have concluded that God has given us over to our reprobate minds. I submit to you that God has left the building.

To understand my view, see Romans 1:18 - 1:32.

Have you read the OT.

Indeed. The NT as well.
Unemployment is down, the stock market has been in record territory for many months now, and the economy is recovering.

If we elect Republicans, we're going to go backwards, because they want to sell us out to the corporations and big oil.

You forget to mention a 70% increase in food stamp usage and a record number not in the workforce.
According to the Democrat candidates, if we don't elect one of them, the planet will be uninhabitable by next year. Only one of them can save us. LOL!!
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The jew billionaires seem to like him as well. Way too hawkish for the likes of me.
I didn't ask you. Jew billionaires? like George Soros?
Does their religion matter? Are you racist too, or just antisemitic?

I'm anti Zionist, and I don't much like the orthodox jews living on government aid in Brooklyn, the baby boom area of the US. OH I responded anyway, was this by invite. No I have no use for Zionist 5 columns in the US. Clear enough. No I'm not anti semite any more than the Zionist are anti Semitic against the Orthodox jews and Arabs in Israel . I guess that should educate you and answer your question.

They cover both the Dems and Gop, mainly the Gop when they want war. Anything else you want to know?

fellow posters-------meet Penelope-----she has no idea what "Zionism" is -----but is "anti" it. Reminds me
of the 60s when every marijuana LSD, HEROIN strung out slob was "anti capitalism" or "anti west". She
also has no idea what "ORTHODOX JEW" means. It is not clear to me that Brooklyn is the
"baby boom" area of the US----but if it is-----it is certainly not so because of the minority of jews
who live in that Borough of the city of New York. I once lived in Brooklyn ------mother of one child and now
past child-bearing. I have no idea what the "5 COLUMNS" of Zionism" are. She has also never been
in Israel. Most orthodox jews are intensely Zionist. So from where does she derive the shit she posts?
I can answer that one since I have read the islamo Nazi literature promulgated in the USA---starting before
I reached the age of ten. (a helluva long time ago) I lived in a Nazi town in north-east USA ----the town was littered with the propaganda shit that Penelope now parrots. Unlike Penelope----I am a real healthcare
person and have encountered shit like Penelope in many places other than my home town--------some in alcoholic liver failure--------some cuffed to their hospital bedrails and almost all of the inhabitants of methadone
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The jew billionaires seem to like him as well. Way too hawkish for the likes of me.
I didn't ask you. Jew billionaires? like George Soros?
Does their religion matter? Are you racist too, or just antisemitic?

I'm anti Zionist, and I don't much like the orthodox jews living on government aid in Brooklyn, the baby boom area of the US. OH I responded anyway, was this by invite. No I have no use for Zionist 5 columns in the US. Clear enough. No I'm not anti semite any more than the Zionist are anti Semitic against the Orthodox jews and Arabs in Israel . I guess that should educate you and answer your question.

They cover both the Dems and Gop, mainly the Gop when they want war. Anything else you want to know?
From you? Nope.
To the OP: Perhaps you can tell us the last GOP president to cut government spending. You'll probably have to reach back before my lifetime to find them.

As for "getting serious", I agree. The longer this charade goes on, the harder it will be for serious public servants to stay in the race.
To the OP: Perhaps you can tell us the last GOP president to cut government spending. You'll probably have to reach back before my lifetime to find them.

As for "getting serious", I agree. The longer this charade goes on, the harder it will be for serious public servants to stay in the race.

The President controls spending?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Add to that the visible growth of the man the last few months.
Pairing Rubio with a Fiorina or Kasich would make the ticket electable (and that's the main objective).

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