Republicans Love Putin!


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.
Lindsey Graham is holed up in the South Carolina rhizome, a reactionary neurotic on nukes. Stupid Americans thinking republicanism originates with them. Russians preferred a Republican U.S. president long before this thread or the dipshit DNC thought of it.
America began importing Syrians in 1820. Have you though about going back to school?
Putin is a foe. He is a murderer and a thug. He is still better than any democrat.

We should have stayed out of Syria. Assad would have put that little rebellion down in a week. All those people would still be alive. Instead obama got hynotized by terrorists killing Christians and saw a total genocide. He drew a line in the sand and then did nothing but send isis more arms.
Why RINOs, Soros, Globalists, Liberals & Co. hate Putin?
Because he works for own folk and not for thieves - globalists, banksters and NWO.
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.

Romney had it right,

But that would mean Obama, and Hillary, had it wrong!!!
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.

Cold War is over. Why are we not happy about that?
Of course they do. Republicans like limited freedoms of the people and prefer the left be silent. Putin does exactly that. He is a conservative and silences his opponents by jailing them or executing them.
Of course they do. Republicans like limited freedoms of the people and prefer the left be silent. Putin does exactly that. He is a conservative and silences his opponents by jailing them or executing them.
Nah, we like it when you say things like that. It's why you lost.
...But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto. ...
1) I fail to see why so many on the right are sucking the cock of a tin-horn, communist-loving Russian dictator.

2) The Russians didn't help Trump win. Hillary's unfavorable rating was over 50% long before the Russians hacked her email. RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable Instead of blaming others for her loss, consider running a more favorable candidate in 2020.
Putin is a foe. He is a murderer and a thug. He is still better than any democrat.

We should have stayed out of Syria. Assad would have put that little rebellion down in a week. All those people would still be alive. Instead obama got hynotized by terrorists killing Christians and saw a total genocide. He drew a line in the sand and then did nothing but send isis more arms.
The line in the sand bullshit again. You really aren't very bright.

The war was ongoing for three years before the US got involved. I think that is a tad longer thanthe wek you claimed.
Dipshit #11: the Russians helped Trump win because of time itself. They did not have to do a thing. American prisoners such as yourself get screwed daily by not knowing whether it's Mohammed's hose nozzle they are performing fellatio on, or a White Petroleum Pimp's. None should bow to your cringing desire for credibility. You take your dumb ass to the books and read the history of republicanism in Spain, because romance carries a different placard in the Latin and Slavic countries. Or, you could eat something, masturbate, or buy a DVD.
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.

RealDave loves being a biased fucking idiot.
Dipshit #11: the Russians helped Trump win because of time itself. They did not have to do a thing. American prisoners such as yourself get screwed daily by not knowing whether it's Mohammed's hose nozzle they are performing fellatio on, or a White Petroleum Pimp's. None should bow to your cringing desire for credibility. You take your dumb ass to the books and read the history of republicanism in Spain, because romance carries a different placard in the Latin and Slavic countries. Or, you could eat something, masturbate, or buy a DVD.

The Russians helped Trump win because Flynn and Tillerson were buddies with Russia, and Russia and Trump had business dealings long before he ran for President.
Lindsey Graham has it right. Putin is a murderer & thug. Romney had it right, Putin is out foe.

But hey, not those Republicans. They love Putin especially since Putin helped elect the Giant Cheeto.

"Back in July 2014 just 10 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin, according to a poll conducted by the Economist and YouGov. By September of 2016, that number rose to 24 percent. And it's even higher today: 37 percent of Republicans view Putin favorably, the poll found in December."

Republicans love Putin who with Syria will create yet another Rwanda. That evidently is irrelevant.

RealDave loves being a biased fucking idiot.
I am biased toward those who would sell out our country for profit.
Just for the record, I, a Republican, do NOT like Putin, and want nothing to do with him. He's a old style Soviet, and not a friend of the U.S.

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