Republicans in Panic?


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
seems the party is concerned that the "base" is taking over the asylum

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.


According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.

For months, the GOP professional class assumed Trump and Carson would fizzle with time. Voters would get serious, the thinking went, after seeing the outsiders share a stage with more experienced politicians at the first debate. Or when summer turned to fall, kids went back to school and parents had time to assess the candidates. Or after the second, third or fourth debates, certainly

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.
who cares what the "establishment" is "worried" about?
american patriots are tired of the same old okey doke career politicians. The country will survive just fine if either or both parties fact it would be an improvement.
seems the party is concerned that the "base" is taking over the asylum

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.


According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.

For months, the GOP professional class assumed Trump and Carson would fizzle with time. Voters would get serious, the thinking went, after seeing the outsiders share a stage with more experienced politicians at the first debate. Or when summer turned to fall, kids went back to school and parents had time to assess the candidates. Or after the second, third or fourth debates, certainly

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.

who cares what the "establishment" is "worried" about?
american patriots are tired of the same old okey doke career politicians. The country will survive just fine if either or both parties fact it would be an improvement.

well, the "establishment" IS the party. the teatards are the interlopers who should probably start their own party instead of being a minority that is hijacking what used to be a great party.

the only thing that is going to collapse are GOP chances to win national elections.

so keep it up.
If Republicans allow George Soros to choose their candidate as well as The Democrat Party candidate then, yeah, America loses.


I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.
present something with some substance....leftist agitprop doesn't stir anyone.

i'm sorry, that a thoughtful article upsets you troll. if you have an actual opinion that doesn't include derailing the thread, then i'm sure someone might appreciate it i'll probably think it's stupid like everything else you post, but hell, maybe someone else wouldn't gag when they read your stuff.
The GOP should fear Trump. Hell, I figured he would have done slowed down by now. He hasn't.
Trump would focus on America/Americans and corporatists don't like that shit. Dem or Rep.
who cares what the "establishment" is "worried" about?
american patriots are tired of the same old okey doke career politicians. The country will survive just fine if either or both parties fact it would be an improvement.

well, the "establishment" IS the party. the teatards are the interlopers who should probably start their own party instead of being a minority that is hijacking what used to be a great party.

the only thing that is going to collapse are GOP chances to win national elections.

so keep it up.

And yet they keep winning more and more at the State level.... Why is that?
If Republicans allow George Soros to choose their candidate as well as The Democrat Party candidate then, yeah, America loses.


I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.

Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?
who cares what the "establishment" is "worried" about?
american patriots are tired of the same old okey doke career politicians. The country will survive just fine if either or both parties fact it would be an improvement.

well, the "establishment" IS the party. the teatards are the interlopers who should probably start their own party instead of being a minority that is hijacking what used to be a great party.

the only thing that is going to collapse are GOP chances to win national elections.

so keep it up.

Sure, marxist, whatever you say.
americans are tired of career politicians and their unamerican antics.

Some REAL change is coming...better brace yourself.
If Republicans allow George Soros to choose their candidate as well as The Democrat Party candidate then, yeah, America loses.


I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.

Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?
hyperpartisan agitprop only "concerns" those trying to use it and those naive enough to believe it.
If Republicans allow George Soros to choose their candidate as well as The Democrat Party candidate then, yeah, America loses.


I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.

Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

What happens happens. Some of us think that to fix the current fuck up that the US has become, that it has to get worse before it gets better.

Hillary as President might be the worse we are looking for.

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