Republicans have this strange double speak about socialism and how it is defined

We still have his tax rates and policies working. he was a agent for American corporation world. The dumbass greedy GOP version. Corrupt and stupid. What a great actor his finest role...

Do you ever consider policy? Or just garbage character assassination and Hate?

What policies? Be specific. I was born in 1980
not 1922 like you.
What I keep repeating endlessly. Every other Rich modern country has a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly texting the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise. This is a giveaway to the rich and is killing everyone else for 35 years now slowly. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world is here. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible, super duper. also known as socialism everywhere but cold war dinosaur GOP America. The UK and other English-speaking modern countries also have that problem. It's changing now everywhere but here LOL. France Germany Scandinavia Spain Italy etc etc know what socialism is. Their dominant parties are called socialists for many years. Not communist. But screw that you are too brainwashed to be able to handle any discussion of what it means. Obviously Bernie and Warren and AOC don't mean communism.

They text the rich more? What other countries? The UK is becoming little Mecca, certainly Brexit didn’t come out of nothing. France is turning much more conservative, do you read? Same for Germany. Scandinavian countries are extremely homogeneous sans Sweden who briefly let in immigrants and is now paying for it dearly. Spain is divided with Catalonia looking to leave and form it’s own country. Obviously Warren, Bernie and AOC are Jew hating idiots. AOC and Bernie stated they would not be against nationalizing some industries and ALL would give free healthcare to illegals. I dont mind being like Canada but firstly we need to lower college tuition, then we can debate healthcare and your living wage argument is idiotic. Probably because you’re an idiot. Your precious Scandinavian countries don’t have a minimum wage. do you explain that? Let me guess by giving me a smiley and running away.

Keep trying old man.
they don't have a minimum wage in Scandinavia because the unions are so strong they have among the highest wages in the world. But thanks for the garbage propaganda spin.

The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
you're all the same because you listen to the same crap propaganda that fear-mongers socialism is communism, brainwashed functional moron.

You people on the left are no more intelligent than an infant asking for his 'ba-ba'.

He knows what he wants, but he doesn't know what to call it. The infant expects the adult to understand him and will start crying if you don't. Just like dimocrap scum.

You know what would help?

If you idiots on the left knew how to label what it is you want. You're not asking for 'socialism' you're asking for a Welfare State.

I have no problem with discussing a Welfare State. socialism? I'd just as soon shoot a socialist as look at him.

Now, pick your ba-ba up and crawl back to your crib
socialism in the modern world is now known as fair capitalism with a good safety net. Yes I know you are brainwashed that it is communism.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force.

What kind of scumbag family lets their Matriarch die penniless?

Oh, nevermind.....
What kind of scumbag family lets their Matriarch die penniless?

Oh, nevermind...
She died within hours of the family finding out, Bitch.

Way to keep an eye on your elderly relatives, scumbag Bitch.

Your story reeks of bullshit. Just like everything else you say in here.
Don't forget to brush

socialism in the modern world is now known as fair capitalism with a good safety net. Yes I know you are brainwashed that it is communism.

Don't lecture me. I wrote a fucking book on it, dirtbag. Actually, a pamphlet. It was distributed over 3 million times.

Be patient, your significant other will let you out of the cuckshed any time now
What policies? Be specific. I was born in 1980
not 1922 like you.
What I keep repeating endlessly. Every other Rich modern country has a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly texting the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise. This is a giveaway to the rich and is killing everyone else for 35 years now slowly. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world is here. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible, super duper. also known as socialism everywhere but cold war dinosaur GOP America. The UK and other English-speaking modern countries also have that problem. It's changing now everywhere but here LOL. France Germany Scandinavia Spain Italy etc etc know what socialism is. Their dominant parties are called socialists for many years. Not communist. But screw that you are too brainwashed to be able to handle any discussion of what it means. Obviously Bernie and Warren and AOC don't mean communism.

They text the rich more? What other countries? The UK is becoming little Mecca, certainly Brexit didn’t come out of nothing. France is turning much more conservative, do you read? Same for Germany. Scandinavian countries are extremely homogeneous sans Sweden who briefly let in immigrants and is now paying for it dearly. Spain is divided with Catalonia looking to leave and form it’s own country. Obviously Warren, Bernie and AOC are Jew hating idiots. AOC and Bernie stated they would not be against nationalizing some industries and ALL would give free healthcare to illegals. I dont mind being like Canada but firstly we need to lower college tuition, then we can debate healthcare and your living wage argument is idiotic. Probably because you’re an idiot. Your precious Scandinavian countries don’t have a minimum wage. do you explain that? Let me guess by giving me a smiley and running away.

Keep trying old man.
they don't have a minimum wage in Scandinavia because the unions are so strong they have among the highest wages in the world. But thanks for the garbage propaganda spin.

The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
American live paycheque to paycheque b/c they spend their money on fast food and ridiculous fashion trends.
They behave like ten year olds with their money.
Those that behave like responsible adults always have savings put away.
This is a generalization of course.
What I keep repeating endlessly. Every other Rich modern country has a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly texting the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise. This is a giveaway to the rich and is killing everyone else for 35 years now slowly. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world is here. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible, super duper. also known as socialism everywhere but cold war dinosaur GOP America. The UK and other English-speaking modern countries also have that problem. It's changing now everywhere but here LOL. France Germany Scandinavia Spain Italy etc etc know what socialism is. Their dominant parties are called socialists for many years. Not communist. But screw that you are too brainwashed to be able to handle any discussion of what it means. Obviously Bernie and Warren and AOC don't mean communism.

They text the rich more? What other countries? The UK is becoming little Mecca, certainly Brexit didn’t come out of nothing. France is turning much more conservative, do you read? Same for Germany. Scandinavian countries are extremely homogeneous sans Sweden who briefly let in immigrants and is now paying for it dearly. Spain is divided with Catalonia looking to leave and form it’s own country. Obviously Warren, Bernie and AOC are Jew hating idiots. AOC and Bernie stated they would not be against nationalizing some industries and ALL would give free healthcare to illegals. I dont mind being like Canada but firstly we need to lower college tuition, then we can debate healthcare and your living wage argument is idiotic. Probably because you’re an idiot. Your precious Scandinavian countries don’t have a minimum wage. do you explain that? Let me guess by giving me a smiley and running away.

Keep trying old man.
they don't have a minimum wage in Scandinavia because the unions are so strong they have among the highest wages in the world. But thanks for the garbage propaganda spin.

The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
American live paycheque to paycheque b/c they spend their money on fast food and ridiculous fashion trends.
They behave like ten year olds with their money.
Those that behave like responsible adults always have savings put away.
This is a generalization of course.
Before Reagan people saved 7% of their paycheck. Nowadays they are 7% in debt instead in order to try and live the American dream. Blaming them for this problem is ridiculous. Blame GOP giveaway to the rich and screwjob for the rest...
socialism in the modern world is now known as fair capitalism with a good safety net. Yes I know you are brainwashed that it is communism.

Don't lecture me. I wrote a fucking book on it, dirtbag. Actually, a pamphlet. It was distributed over 3 million times.

Be patient, your significant other will let you out of the cuckshed any time now
You wrote a lot of brainwashed crap about it in your screed....
They text the rich more? What other countries? The UK is becoming little Mecca, certainly Brexit didn’t come out of nothing. France is turning much more conservative, do you read? Same for Germany. Scandinavian countries are extremely homogeneous sans Sweden who briefly let in immigrants and is now paying for it dearly. Spain is divided with Catalonia looking to leave and form it’s own country. Obviously Warren, Bernie and AOC are Jew hating idiots. AOC and Bernie stated they would not be against nationalizing some industries and ALL would give free healthcare to illegals. I dont mind being like Canada but firstly we need to lower college tuition, then we can debate healthcare and your living wage argument is idiotic. Probably because you’re an idiot. Your precious Scandinavian countries don’t have a minimum wage. do you explain that? Let me guess by giving me a smiley and running away.

Keep trying old man.
they don't have a minimum wage in Scandinavia because the unions are so strong they have among the highest wages in the world. But thanks for the garbage propaganda spin.

The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
American live paycheque to paycheque b/c they spend their money on fast food and ridiculous fashion trends.
They behave like ten year olds with their money.
Those that behave like responsible adults always have savings put away.
This is a generalization of course.
Before Reagan people saved 7% of their paycheck. Nowadays they are 7% in debt instead in order to try and live the American dream. Blaming them for this problem is ridiculous. Blame GOP giveaway to the rich and screwjob for the rest...
The American dream can be defines in many ways.
Eating fast food five times a week and buying cheap clothes that are out of style in a month is not my idea of the American dream.
Same with attempting to keep up with the Jones' bullshit.
Buying something on credit isn't really 'buying'. It's begging someone to give you something that you promise to pay for someday.
How degrading is that? It's asking for charity for something you rarely need......just want.
Last edited:
Socialism is the Republican name for almost everything that helps all the people:

"Senator Bernie Sanders, the only avowed socialist in the Presidential race, delivered a speech on Wednesday that presented his brand of democratic socialism as an unthreatening egalitarianism, in the spirit of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, Jr.

"He called it 'the unfinished business of the New Deal' and recited an 'economic bill of rights' that included the right to a living wage, health care, a secure retirement, and a clean environment.

"'Socialism,' Sanders quoted President Harry Truman as saying, in 1952, ' is the epithet they have hurled at every advance that people have made in the last twenty years.

"'Socialism is what they called Social Security.'

"'Socialism is what they called farm-price supports.'

"'Socialism is what they called bank-deposit insurance.'

"'Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor.'

"'Socialism is their name for almost everything that helps all of the people.'"

The Many, Tangled American Definitions of Socialism

The rich would never acquire their fortunes without government supplied welfare in the form of tax and trade policies.

Socialism for the rich and cut-throat capitalism for the rest.
I'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force. Imho, today's conservatives are making a similar mistake when they conflate government control of the means of production with worker self-directed enterprises.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
The difference is that today, there are better and more viable solutions than Social Security. The same can be said about any kind of entitlement that is offered to the citizens.

However, the very first lesson every person born in this country needs to learn is that a good citizen is one who does not place burdens on others.
What policies? Be specific. I was born in 1980
not 1922 like you.
What I keep repeating endlessly. Every other Rich modern country has a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly texting the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise. This is a giveaway to the rich and is killing everyone else for 35 years now slowly. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world is here. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible, super duper. also known as socialism everywhere but cold war dinosaur GOP America. The UK and other English-speaking modern countries also have that problem. It's changing now everywhere but here LOL. France Germany Scandinavia Spain Italy etc etc know what socialism is. Their dominant parties are called socialists for many years. Not communist. But screw that you are too brainwashed to be able to handle any discussion of what it means. Obviously Bernie and Warren and AOC don't mean communism.

They text the rich more? What other countries? The UK is becoming little Mecca, certainly Brexit didn’t come out of nothing. France is turning much more conservative, do you read? Same for Germany. Scandinavian countries are extremely homogeneous sans Sweden who briefly let in immigrants and is now paying for it dearly. Spain is divided with Catalonia looking to leave and form it’s own country. Obviously Warren, Bernie and AOC are Jew hating idiots. AOC and Bernie stated they would not be against nationalizing some industries and ALL would give free healthcare to illegals. I dont mind being like Canada but firstly we need to lower college tuition, then we can debate healthcare and your living wage argument is idiotic. Probably because you’re an idiot. Your precious Scandinavian countries don’t have a minimum wage. do you explain that? Let me guess by giving me a smiley and running away.

Keep trying old man.
they don't have a minimum wage in Scandinavia because the unions are so strong they have among the highest wages in the world. But thanks for the garbage propaganda spin.

The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
So people in Denmark don’t live paycheck to paycheck?
Here is the socialist's conception of helping all people.
Here is the socialist's conception of helping all people.
Here's where Capitalism's free market started:

And just like a good postmodernist operating by the "numbers" when you can't win an argument with fact or logic or even a modicum of integrity, you resort to accusations of racism, as your ideology demands. So typical; so damn predictable.
And just like a good postmodernist operating by the "numbers" when you can't win an argument with fact or logic or even a modicum of integrity, you resort to accusations of racism, as your ideology demands. So typical; so damn predictable.
Are you ignorant of logical connection between Capitalism and slavery?

The Clear Connection Between Slavery And American Capitalism
So do you imagine these men are free?

So do you imagine these men are free?
No more than these men are free
No one said they were free men. However, you did try to claim that slavery is peculiar to capitalism, while I just demonstrated that it exists under socialism.

Just admit that you're full of shit now while you're behind.
Scandinavian countries are homogenous in race and taught to work to contribute to the social safety net from birth.

Not entitled taking from the safety net provided by the working hands of others as in this country.

He cant figure that out
We used to call them the unfortunate until Ronald Reagan came along and told you they're all lazy scum. You're beautiful enjoy hell

No dummy! there's nothing wrong with helping the less fortunate but The point being, Socialism wont work in the US when it is first of all not Homogenous like say a place such as Iceland where everyone has a pretty common experience and goal. Here, we are importing entire new lower classes that will break the safety net.
Socialism doesn't work anywhere it has ever been tried.
What I keep repeating endlessly. Every other Rich modern country has a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly texting the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise. This is a giveaway to the rich and is killing everyone else for 35 years now slowly. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world is here. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible, super duper. also known as socialism everywhere but cold war dinosaur GOP America. The UK and other English-speaking modern countries also have that problem. It's changing now everywhere but here LOL. France Germany Scandinavia Spain Italy etc etc know what socialism is. Their dominant parties are called socialists for many years. Not communist. But screw that you are too brainwashed to be able to handle any discussion of what it means. Obviously Bernie and Warren and AOC don't mean communism.

They text the rich more? What other countries? The UK is becoming little Mecca, certainly Brexit didn’t come out of nothing. France is turning much more conservative, do you read? Same for Germany. Scandinavian countries are extremely homogeneous sans Sweden who briefly let in immigrants and is now paying for it dearly. Spain is divided with Catalonia looking to leave and form it’s own country. Obviously Warren, Bernie and AOC are Jew hating idiots. AOC and Bernie stated they would not be against nationalizing some industries and ALL would give free healthcare to illegals. I dont mind being like Canada but firstly we need to lower college tuition, then we can debate healthcare and your living wage argument is idiotic. Probably because you’re an idiot. Your precious Scandinavian countries don’t have a minimum wage. do you explain that? Let me guess by giving me a smiley and running away.

Keep trying old man.
they don't have a minimum wage in Scandinavia because the unions are so strong they have among the highest wages in the world. But thanks for the garbage propaganda spin.

The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
So people in Denmark don’t live paycheck to paycheck?
They text the rich more? What other countries? The UK is becoming little Mecca, certainly Brexit didn’t come out of nothing. France is turning much more conservative, do you read? Same for Germany. Scandinavian countries are extremely homogeneous sans Sweden who briefly let in immigrants and is now paying for it dearly. Spain is divided with Catalonia looking to leave and form it’s own country. Obviously Warren, Bernie and AOC are Jew hating idiots. AOC and Bernie stated they would not be against nationalizing some industries and ALL would give free healthcare to illegals. I dont mind being like Canada but firstly we need to lower college tuition, then we can debate healthcare and your living wage argument is idiotic. Probably because you’re an idiot. Your precious Scandinavian countries don’t have a minimum wage. do you explain that? Let me guess by giving me a smiley and running away.

Keep trying old man.
they don't have a minimum wage in Scandinavia because the unions are so strong they have among the highest wages in the world. But thanks for the garbage propaganda spin.

The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
So people in Denmark don’t live paycheck to paycheck?
And they get paid to go to college...
Scandinavian countries are homogenous in race and taught to work to contribute to the social safety net from birth.

Not entitled taking from the safety net provided by the working hands of others as in this country.

He cant figure that out
We used to call them the unfortunate until Ronald Reagan came along and told you they're all lazy scum. You're beautiful enjoy hell

No dummy! there's nothing wrong with helping the less fortunate but The point being, Socialism wont work in the US when it is first of all not Homogenous like say a place such as Iceland where everyone has a pretty common experience and goal. Here, we are importing entire new lower classes that will break the safety net.
Socialism doesn't work anywhere it has ever been tried.
That is communism, brainwashed functional moron. Socialism works everywhere and it is the final solution it's called fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic.
They text the rich more? What other countries? The UK is becoming little Mecca, certainly Brexit didn’t come out of nothing. France is turning much more conservative, do you read? Same for Germany. Scandinavian countries are extremely homogeneous sans Sweden who briefly let in immigrants and is now paying for it dearly. Spain is divided with Catalonia looking to leave and form it’s own country. Obviously Warren, Bernie and AOC are Jew hating idiots. AOC and Bernie stated they would not be against nationalizing some industries and ALL would give free healthcare to illegals. I dont mind being like Canada but firstly we need to lower college tuition, then we can debate healthcare and your living wage argument is idiotic. Probably because you’re an idiot. Your precious Scandinavian countries don’t have a minimum wage. do you explain that? Let me guess by giving me a smiley and running away.

Keep trying old man.
they don't have a minimum wage in Scandinavia because the unions are so strong they have among the highest wages in the world. But thanks for the garbage propaganda spin.

The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
So people in Denmark don’t live paycheck to paycheck?

You sure?
Poverty in Denmark - The Borgen Project
they don't have a minimum wage in Scandinavia because the unions are so strong they have among the highest wages in the world. But thanks for the garbage propaganda spin.

The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
So people in Denmark don’t live paycheck to paycheck?
And they get paid to go to college...

I agree that college tuition is insane. What did the prior administration do to address that?
The unions here are super strong. Are you saying all jobs in those countries are union jobs? LOL. Check out the payroll for police officers, firefighters and nurses in the US. They aren’t poor. You’re losing this debate badly.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
So people in Denmark don’t live paycheck to paycheck?
And they get paid to go to college...

I agree that college tuition is insane. What did the prior administration do to address that?
Totally obstructed by your scumbag GOP dumbass.
Scandinavian countries are homogenous in race and taught to work to contribute to the social safety net from birth.

Not entitled taking from the safety net provided by the working hands of others as in this country.

He cant figure that out
We used to call them the unfortunate until Ronald Reagan came along and told you they're all lazy scum. You're beautiful enjoy hell

No dummy! there's nothing wrong with helping the less fortunate but The point being, Socialism wont work in the US when it is first of all not Homogenous like say a place such as Iceland where everyone has a pretty common experience and goal. Here, we are importing entire new lower classes that will break the safety net.
Socialism doesn't work anywhere it has ever been tried.
That is communism, brainwashed functional moron. Socialism works everywhere and it is the final solution it's called fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic.
That's socialism. What you call socialism is really capitalism. You have even admitted that. There's no such thing as "fair" anything. Life is unfair. Government can't make it fair.
Bologna they've been destroyed by the GOP the last 35 years... In the private sector at least. 70% of the people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
So people in Denmark don’t live paycheck to paycheck?
And they get paid to go to college...

I agree that college tuition is insane. What did the prior administration do to address that?
Totally obstructed by your scumbag GOP dumbass.

I am not a registered Republican. What legislation did he push that got blocked? Why are you so hostile?

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