Republicans Following Trump On Immigration Equals Drinking Cult Leader's Poisonous Kool-Aid!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It appears that a tragic occurrence is about to occur for the American people in regard to its crisis level immigration problem. Bipartisan leadership in the Senate has reached a deal on protecting the southern border that will dramatically reduce the flow of illegal migrants, is now putting the deal in legislative text form that will be publicly released this week, and former President Donald Trump who is running in the 2024 Presidential election and is heavily heavily favored to win the Republican nomination has come out against the deal saying that the Republicans in Congress should not hand President Biden a legislative win that will help his reelection bid and Republicans should hold out for a border protection bill that has everything they want in it. The growing consensus amongst political analysts is that this Trump public opposition to the Senate Bi-partisan compromise bill will be enough to kill passage of this bill into law.

This is why the Republicans in Congress should ignore Trump on this issue. One and this is compelling in and of itself that it is in the overwhelming interests of the American people to enact this bill into law, America is currently seeing on some days over nine thousand people illegally emigrating at the border, this bill will create vital tools to reduce these numbers it will give border protection officials the power to deny frivolous asylum claims during the application process thereby denying illegal immigration by such individuals and it will give the President the power to shut down the border for a time when the number of illegal immigrants appearing at the border reaches specific thresholds which indicate it is just too much for the system to handle to name just two of the tools this bill will create to help with the problem.

The Republicans are mistaken if they think defeating this bill will help them in this year's election it will hurt them significantly. Amongst Republican moderates and independent American voters who decide a lot of purple Congressional elections and the Presidential election, they will see that the Republicans are not being responsible about the border problem the Republicans were presented with a bill that would significantly help on the problem and they rejected it for political reasons and during campaign season when Republicans are campaigning for votes and they try to use the immigration issue they will not get the traction they otherwise would because these swing voters will be thinking all the Republicans want to do is to use this issues to gain political power they aren't responsible on the issue. Further, this lack of backbone by Congressional Republicans will scare these swing voters because if Donald Trump is elected again he will certainly resort to often exhibiting his morally and character depraved behavior and these voters will believe and find it alarming that Republican congressional members won't be there to stand up against Trump and they will rightly believe there will be a big need for a Congressional bulwark against a future President Trump! This swing voting bloc is smart we know the "Trump show" backward and forward we know that it is principally about what is best for Trump and Trump knows that amongst all non-Maga Americans and people throughout out the world his reputation is unredeemable that he will always be perceived as an unbelievably morally and character depraved individual so a future President Trump will be performing for his Maga base thus doing things they will like. So a future President Trump will take action to remove what MAGA Americans believe exists which is The Deep State in the American government so a future President Trump is going to try fire en masse from the FBI, the NSA and ICE and other departments which if he succeeds will dramatically weaken the American government. So a future President Trump will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies; President Biden will be prosecuted for any money that came from his son Hunter's businesses trading on access or perception of access to the Vice-President where such money ended up in Joe Biden's pocket even if it was just for return of a loan, and the prosecutors of the many Trump criminal trials will have DOJ prosecutorial bulls-eyes on their person. So a future President Trump is going to repeal the President Barack Obama, who he really hates, signature legislation the Affordable Care Act with or without a repeal law from Congress it is easy as pie to do just give states the power to void the ACA mandates and most Americans will love it except for most of the thirty plus million of Americans with serious health problems or past problems who won't be able to get good health insurance and for those tens of thousands of Americans that get really sick or have bad injuries that find the health insurance they do have doesn't cover the health care they need to survive or recover their health so as to have a good quality of life! There is many other issues that a Depraved MAGA President Trump will be harming America on: NATO, Tariffs, LNG Export Terminals, Putin, etc..

Republicans shouldn't think kill this bi-partisan deal and follow Trump and hold out for a better deal; that would be incredibly foolish and naive because before this year's election the Republicans are getting the best deal Biden and Senator Schumer and his Democrat allies can give to the Republicans giving any more they won't be able to get rank and file Democrats to vote for the bill and this is the most important thing for Republicans to remember that after the election assuming Biden or Trump wins the Republicans won't get a better deal from the Democrats because the Democrats are giving this significant deal to Republicans because they know that their Party and Joe Biden is vulnerable on this issue and they want to protect against voter loss. Wise Republicans know that after the elections at minimum the Democrats are going to be requiring for the current deal a path to legalization for the million and a half illegal immigrants that were brought or came to America as children and are now adults and it would be too onerous to send these people back to their native countries, the DACA immigrants; even if Republicans were amenable to such negotiations the extra Republican conditions added to the bill the Democrats would find unacceptable. Republicans should not forget it took America forty years to get to this point where Congress could pass a significant helpful immigration bill, Republicans should not squander this opportunity for America, many American people will resent the Republicans for this loss for America if it happens.

Republicans should not follow the Trump lead to kill this bill because to centrist and Democrat voters the Republicans look like a bunch of fools defending their stance. Today, a lot of Trump allied Republicans are saying America doesn't need this bill because the President has all the power he needs to stop the illegal flow; the American people know that the current law gives illegal immigrants the legal right to apply for asylum and the pandemic is over so the President's power to block entry to asylum seekers for health reasons is over. Republicans say this bill will tie the hands of future Presidents in shutting down the border for security or other good reasons because it cites a specific instance when the President will be able to shut down the border when illegal immigrant flow reaches a threshold number, that is nonsense this bill does not take away any current power the President has to shut down the border it just gives him added authority to do so.

When Trump allied House Republicans talk about their opposition to the Bipartisan Senate bill they appear so dumb and unimpressive. They talk about renewing construction of the Trump wall (and this is from someone who actually believes the Trump wall was outstandingly good policy because most border patrol experts will tell you they work they steer illegal immigrants to transit points along the border where there is no wall and the Trump wall was tall and ominous and had a very strong deterrent effect) but their bill HR2 would undermine the current (Trump) wall because it expands the definition of border wall to include a physical barrier and surveillance technology so you idiot House Republicans are undermining the one great signature thing Donald Trump did because now Border Patrol authorities will be able to go back to the second rate strategies that were in place before Donald Trump because President like steel fences with corrugated steel sheathing that Coyotes just bent off the fence so illegal immigrants could pass through. House Republicans talk about their HR 2 bill requiring America's employers to check with the government database to insure that their employment applicants have the legal right to work in America; but, this is the mind boggling idiotic thing HR 2 requires the Federal Government to replace the current government verify database system, the E-Verify system, and build a new Federal government database system for the employers to check employment applicants eligibility. What a wasteful expenditure of money by the Republicans and how stupid from the fact it takes many years to build such a system and work out the bugs! Further, the way the House Republicans plan to shut off employment in America for illegals is very anti-business and anti-consumer it is not well thought out it is not slowly integrated into America's system it is going to hurt America's businesses from a workforce supply standpoint and thus cause inflation to increase!
It appears that a tragic occurrence is about to occur for the American people in regard to its crisis level immigration problem. Bipartisan leadership in the Senate has reached a deal on protecting the southern border that will dramatically reduce the flow of illegal migrants, is now putting the deal in legislative text form that will be publicly released this week, and former President Donald Trump who is running in the 2024 Presidential election and is heavily heavily favored to win the Republican nomination has come out against the deal saying that the Republicans in Congress should not hand President Biden a legislative win that will help his reelection bid and Republicans should hold out for a border protection bill that has everything they want in it. The growing consensus amongst political analysts is that this Trump public opposition to the Senate Bi-partisan compromise bill will be enough to kill passage of this bill into law.

This is why the Republicans in Congress should ignore Trump on this issue. One and this is compelling in and of itself that it is in the overwhelming interests of the American people to enact this bill into law, America is currently seeing on some days over nine thousand people illegally emigrating at the border, this bill will create vital tools to reduce these numbers it will give border protection officials the power to deny frivolous asylum claims during the application process thereby denying illegal immigration by such individuals and it will give the President the power to shut down the border for a time when the number of illegal immigrants appearing at the border reaches specific thresholds which indicate it is just too much for the system to handle to name just two of the tools this bill will create to help with the problem.

The Republicans are mistaken if they think defeating this bill will help them in this year's election it will hurt them significantly. Amongst Republican moderates and independent American voters who decide a lot of purple Congressional elections and the Presidential election, they will see that the Republicans are not being responsible about the border problem the Republicans were presented with a bill that would significantly help on the problem and they rejected it for political reasons and during campaign season when Republicans are campaigning for votes and they try to use the immigration issue they will not get the traction they otherwise would because these swing voters will be thinking all the Republicans want to do is to use this issues to gain political power they aren't responsible on the issue. Further, this lack of backbone by Congressional Republicans will scare these swing voters because if Donald Trump is elected again he will certainly resort to often exhibiting his morally and character depraved behavior and these voters will believe and find it alarming that Republican congressional members won't be there to stand up against Trump and they will rightly believe there will be a big need for a Congressional bulwark against a future President Trump! This swing voting bloc is smart we know the "Trump show" backward and forward we know that it is principally about what is best for Trump and Trump knows that amongst all non-Maga Americans and people throughout out the world his reputation is unredeemable that he will always be perceived as an unbelievably morally and character depraved individual so a future President Trump will be performing for his Maga base thus doing things they will like. So a future President Trump will take action to remove what MAGA Americans believe exists which is The Deep State in the American government so a future President Trump is going to try fire en masse from the FBI, the NSA and ICE and other departments which if he succeeds will dramatically weaken the American government. So a future President Trump will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies; President Biden will be prosecuted for any money that came from his son Hunter's businesses trading on access or perception of access to the Vice-President where such money ended up in Joe Biden's pocket even if it was just for return of a loan, and the prosecutors of the many Trump criminal trials will have DOJ prosecutorial bulls-eyes on their person. So a future President Trump is going to repeal the President Barack Obama, who he really hates, signature legislation the Affordable Care Act with or without a repeal law from Congress it is easy as pie to do just give states the power to void the ACA mandates and most Americans will love it except for most of the thirty plus million of Americans with serious health problems or past problems who won't be able to get good health insurance and for those tens of thousands of Americans that get really sick or have bad injuries that find the health insurance they do have doesn't cover the health care they need to survive or recover their health so as to have a good quality of life! There is many other issues that a Depraved MAGA President Trump will be harming America on: NATO, Tariffs, LNG Export Terminals, Putin, etc..

Republicans shouldn't think kill this bi-partisan deal and follow Trump and hold out for a better deal; that would be incredibly foolish and naive because before this year's election the Republicans are getting the best deal Biden and Senator Schumer and his Democrat allies can give to the Republicans giving any more they won't be able to get rank and file Democrats to vote for the bill and this is the most important thing for Republicans to remember that after the election assuming Biden or Trump wins the Republicans won't get a better deal from the Democrats because the Democrats are giving this significant deal to Republicans because they know that their Party and Joe Biden is vulnerable on this issue and they want to protect against voter loss. Wise Republicans know that after the elections at minimum the Democrats are going to be requiring for the current deal a path to legalization for the million and a half illegal immigrants that were brought or came to America as children and are now adults and it would be too onerous to send these people back to their native countries, the DACA immigrants; even if Republicans were amenable to such negotiations the extra Republican conditions added to the bill the Democrats would find unacceptable. Republicans should not forget it took America forty years to get to this point where Congress could pass a significant helpful immigration bill, Republicans should not squander this opportunity for America, many American people will resent the Republicans for this loss for America if it happens.

Republicans should not follow the Trump lead to kill this bill because to centrist and Democrat voters the Republicans look like a bunch of fools defending their stance. Today, a lot of Trump allied Republicans are saying America doesn't need this bill because the President has all the power he needs to stop the illegal flow; the American people know that the current law gives illegal immigrants the legal right to apply for asylum and the pandemic is over so the President's power to block entry to asylum seekers for health reasons is over. Republicans say this bill will tie the hands of future Presidents in shutting down the border for security or other good reasons because it cites a specific instance when the President will be able to shut down the border when illegal immigrant flow reaches a threshold number, that is nonsense this bill does not take away any current power the President has to shut down the border it just gives him added authority to do so.

When Trump allied House Republicans talk about their opposition to the Bipartisan Senate bill they appear so dumb and unimpressive. They talk about renewing construction of the Trump wall (and this is from someone who actually believes the Trump wall was outstandingly good policy because most border patrol experts will tell you they work they steer illegal immigrants to transit points along the border where there is no wall and the Trump wall was tall and ominous and had a very strong deterrent effect) but their bill HR2 would undermine the current (Trump) wall because it expands the definition of border wall to include a physical barrier and surveillance technology so you idiot House Republicans are undermining the one great signature thing Donald Trump did because now Border Patrol authorities will be able to go back to the second rate strategies that were in place before Donald Trump because President like steel fences with corrugated steel sheathing that Coyotes just bent off the fence so illegal immigrants could pass through. House Republicans talk about their HR 2 bill requiring America's employers to check with the government database to insure that their employment applicants have the legal right to work in America; but, this is the mind boggling idiotic thing HR 2 requires the Federal Government to replace the current government verify database system, the E-Verify system, and build a new Federal government database system for the employers to check employment applicants eligibility. What a wasteful expenditure of money by the Republicans and how stupid from the fact it takes many years to build such a system and work out the bugs! Further, the way the House Republicans plan to shut off employment in America for illegals is very anti-business and anti-consumer it is not well thought out it is not slowly integrated into America's system it is going to hurt America's businesses from a workforce supply standpoint and thus cause inflation to increase!

RIddle me this, JIm.

How does approving this bullshit "compromise" help the Republican Party's chances of electing President Trump this year?

I think they know more about politics than you do.
The Republicans are mistaken if they think defeating this bill will help them in this year's election it will hurt them significantly.

Do you think it would be fair, for you to qualify this statement? Can you give some proofs, some evidence, some imperatives which guarantees this? You posted a lot of good info there, but none of it had a qualifying quotient nor a guarantee.

Amongst Republican moderates and independent American voters who decide a lot of purple Congressional elections and the Presidential election,

Do you know how many "Republican moderates and independent American voters" are okay with how Middle East terrorists, go to Mexico, then try to enter the USA through our southern border?

Do you know how many "Republican moderates and independent American voters" are totally okay with the amt of their tax dollars used for subsistence and housing, taking care of folks entering the southern border?

Do you know if "Republican moderates and independent American voters" are just fine with current fraud crimes, committed by folks who entered the southern border and got situated in a sanctuary city?

Do you know how many "Republican moderates and independent American voters" love the amount of violent crime we see shown on the news these days/committed by folks entering the southern border?
Deep State Joe has to pretend that "He Is Tough On Immigration" for the election so he will surely come up with some bullshit just like his fake STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS campaign.

How many Leftist / libtards know that they are actually doing the dirty work for the FBI / Multinationals corporations ???

Businesses are using millions of illegals for cheap labor in factories all over the USA.

Democrat party wants the illegal vote

Military needs illegals to be their killers in poor countries as they strip resources.

This gives the leftists a boner.
It appears that a tragic occurrence is about to occur for the American people in regard to its crisis level immigration problem. Bipartisan leadership in the Senate has reached a deal on protecting the southern border that will dramatically reduce the flow of illegal migrants, is now putting the deal in legislative text form that will be publicly released this week, and former President Donald Trump who is running in the 2024 Presidential election and is heavily heavily favored to win the Republican nomination has come out against the deal saying that the Republicans in Congress should not hand President Biden a legislative win that will help his reelection bid and Republicans should hold out for a border protection bill that has everything they want in it. The growing consensus amongst political analysts is that this Trump public opposition to the Senate Bi-partisan compromise bill will be enough to kill passage of this bill into law.

This is why the Republicans in Congress should ignore Trump on this issue. One and this is compelling in and of itself that it is in the overwhelming interests of the American people to enact this bill into law, America is currently seeing on some days over nine thousand people illegally emigrating at the border, this bill will create vital tools to reduce these numbers it will give border protection officials the power to deny frivolous asylum claims during the application process thereby denying illegal immigration by such individuals and it will give the President the power to shut down the border for a time when the number of illegal immigrants appearing at the border reaches specific thresholds which indicate it is just too much for the system to handle to name just two of the tools this bill will create to help with the problem.

The Republicans are mistaken if they think defeating this bill will help them in this year's election it will hurt them significantly. Amongst Republican moderates and independent American voters who decide a lot of purple Congressional elections and the Presidential election, they will see that the Republicans are not being responsible about the border problem the Republicans were presented with a bill that would significantly help on the problem and they rejected it for political reasons and during campaign season when Republicans are campaigning for votes and they try to use the immigration issue they will not get the traction they otherwise would because these swing voters will be thinking all the Republicans want to do is to use this issues to gain political power they aren't responsible on the issue. Further, this lack of backbone by Congressional Republicans will scare these swing voters because if Donald Trump is elected again he will certainly resort to often exhibiting his morally and character depraved behavior and these voters will believe and find it alarming that Republican congressional members won't be there to stand up against Trump and they will rightly believe there will be a big need for a Congressional bulwark against a future President Trump! This swing voting bloc is smart we know the "Trump show" backward and forward we know that it is principally about what is best for Trump and Trump knows that amongst all non-Maga Americans and people throughout out the world his reputation is unredeemable that he will always be perceived as an unbelievably morally and character depraved individual so a future President Trump will be performing for his Maga base thus doing things they will like. So a future President Trump will take action to remove what MAGA Americans believe exists which is The Deep State in the American government so a future President Trump is going to try fire en masse from the FBI, the NSA and ICE and other departments which if he succeeds will dramatically weaken the American government. So a future President Trump will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies; President Biden will be prosecuted for any money that came from his son Hunter's businesses trading on access or perception of access to the Vice-President where such money ended up in Joe Biden's pocket even if it was just for return of a loan, and the prosecutors of the many Trump criminal trials will have DOJ prosecutorial bulls-eyes on their person. So a future President Trump is going to repeal the President Barack Obama, who he really hates, signature legislation the Affordable Care Act with or without a repeal law from Congress it is easy as pie to do just give states the power to void the ACA mandates and most Americans will love it except for most of the thirty plus million of Americans with serious health problems or past problems who won't be able to get good health insurance and for those tens of thousands of Americans that get really sick or have bad injuries that find the health insurance they do have doesn't cover the health care they need to survive or recover their health so as to have a good quality of life! There is many other issues that a Depraved MAGA President Trump will be harming America on: NATO, Tariffs, LNG Export Terminals, Putin, etc..

Republicans shouldn't think kill this bi-partisan deal and follow Trump and hold out for a better deal; that would be incredibly foolish and naive because before this year's election the Republicans are getting the best deal Biden and Senator Schumer and his Democrat allies can give to the Republicans giving any more they won't be able to get rank and file Democrats to vote for the bill and this is the most important thing for Republicans to remember that after the election assuming Biden or Trump wins the Republicans won't get a better deal from the Democrats because the Democrats are giving this significant deal to Republicans because they know that their Party and Joe Biden is vulnerable on this issue and they want to protect against voter loss. Wise Republicans know that after the elections at minimum the Democrats are going to be requiring for the current deal a path to legalization for the million and a half illegal immigrants that were brought or came to America as children and are now adults and it would be too onerous to send these people back to their native countries, the DACA immigrants; even if Republicans were amenable to such negotiations the extra Republican conditions added to the bill the Democrats would find unacceptable. Republicans should not forget it took America forty years to get to this point where Congress could pass a significant helpful immigration bill, Republicans should not squander this opportunity for America, many American people will resent the Republicans for this loss for America if it happens.

Republicans should not follow the Trump lead to kill this bill because to centrist and Democrat voters the Republicans look like a bunch of fools defending their stance. Today, a lot of Trump allied Republicans are saying America doesn't need this bill because the President has all the power he needs to stop the illegal flow; the American people know that the current law gives illegal immigrants the legal right to apply for asylum and the pandemic is over so the President's power to block entry to asylum seekers for health reasons is over. Republicans say this bill will tie the hands of future Presidents in shutting down the border for security or other good reasons because it cites a specific instance when the President will be able to shut down the border when illegal immigrant flow reaches a threshold number, that is nonsense this bill does not take away any current power the President has to shut down the border it just gives him added authority to do so.

When Trump allied House Republicans talk about their opposition to the Bipartisan Senate bill they appear so dumb and unimpressive. They talk about renewing construction of the Trump wall (and this is from someone who actually believes the Trump wall was outstandingly good policy because most border patrol experts will tell you they work they steer illegal immigrants to transit points along the border where there is no wall and the Trump wall was tall and ominous and had a very strong deterrent effect) but their bill HR2 would undermine the current (Trump) wall because it expands the definition of border wall to include a physical barrier and surveillance technology so you idiot House Republicans are undermining the one great signature thing Donald Trump did because now Border Patrol authorities will be able to go back to the second rate strategies that were in place before Donald Trump because President like steel fences with corrugated steel sheathing that Coyotes just bent off the fence so illegal immigrants could pass through. House Republicans talk about their HR 2 bill requiring America's employers to check with the government database to insure that their employment applicants have the legal right to work in America; but, this is the mind boggling idiotic thing HR 2 requires the Federal Government to replace the current government verify database system, the E-Verify system, and build a new Federal government database system for the employers to check employment applicants eligibility. What a wasteful expenditure of money by the Republicans and how stupid from the fact it takes many years to build such a system and work out the bugs! Further, the way the House Republicans plan to shut off employment in America for illegals is very anti-business and anti-consumer it is not well thought out it is not slowly integrated into America's system it is going to hurt America's businesses from a workforce supply standpoint and thus cause inflation to increase!
I will continue to push my fed Representative(she's next to worthless) for a 101% closure of the southern border for one full decade meaning 0, zero, nada immigrants even allowed asylum under any condition no matter how precarious their situation may be @ the time. Foreigners want to visit for a period of time that's fine, as long as they have current medical coverage, a functional vehicle or a two way ticket meaning a departure date & are scrutinized for a clean background & can support themselves financially while in country. Humans are NOT herd creatures no matter how aggressive the statist left marxinazis attempt to convince other folks that humans are herd creatures. Humans ARE highly social creatures but it ends there. One world without borders would quickly turn into the extinction of humanity globally.
Deep State Joe has to pretend that "He Is Tough On Immigration" for the election so he will surely come up with some bullshit just like his fake STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS campaign.

How many Leftist / libtards know that they are actually doing the dirty work for the FBI / Multinationals corporations ???

Businesses are using millions of illegals for cheap labor in factories all over the USA.

Democrat party wants the illegal vote

Military needs illegals to be their killers in poor countries as they strip resources.

This gives the leftists a boner.
Liberals are the new slave owners in America

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