Republicans eager to return to Bush era policies. Why?

Quick question. If the Bush tax cuts didn't work, why did Obama extend them?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

I know right wingers will never read links if they think it doesn't support their position. In fact, they will post links based on the title alone. Many times, there own links don't support their position. But I tried.

Millions of Americans were losing their unemployment benefits. Republicans were more than willing to let these people suffer unless Obama extended the Bush tax cuts. The Christian Science Monitor, hardly a "liberal rag" explains it in detail. Because, believe it or not, there are still some Christians who worry about Americans suffering. Not the vast majority of Republicans, obviously.

Obama couldn't let these Americans suffer. Republicans have zero problem with that. Look at their other policies. It's like they hate the American middle class and go out of their way to make them suffer as much as possible. They may try to deny it, but it can hardly be denied. Their policies scream hatred of Americans. They work against their own self interests. They hate this president that much.

And look at all the ignorant people saying thank you when this has been posted multiple times. Pathetic.

CrusaderFrank (Yesterday), Gremlin-USA (Today), Liability (Today), Lovebears65 (Today), Oldstyle (Yesterday), thereisnospoon (Yesterday)

oh brother...99 weeks on unemployment isn't enough for you losers?
I have two PART TIME jobs to make one full time job, so my heart doesn't bleed for a one of ya

So you don't have any health care or dental benefits? That's terrible.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

I know right wingers will never read links if they think it doesn't support their position. In fact, they will post links based on the title alone. Many times, there own links don't support their position. But I tried.

Millions of Americans were losing their unemployment benefits. Republicans were more than willing to let these people suffer unless Obama extended the Bush tax cuts. The Christian Science Monitor, hardly a "liberal rag" explains it in detail. Because, believe it or not, there are still some Christians who worry about Americans suffering. Not the vast majority of Republicans, obviously.

Obama couldn't let these Americans suffer. Republicans have zero problem with that. Look at their other policies. It's like they hate the American middle class and go out of their way to make them suffer as much as possible. They may try to deny it, but it can hardly be denied. Their policies scream hatred of Americans. They work against their own self interests. They hate this president that much.

And look at all the ignorant people saying thank you when this has been posted multiple times. Pathetic.

CrusaderFrank (Yesterday), Gremlin-USA (Today), Liability (Today), Lovebears65 (Today), Oldstyle (Yesterday), thereisnospoon (Yesterday)

oh brother...99 weeks on unemployment isn't enough for you losers?
I have two PART TIME jobs to make one full time job, so my heart doesn't bleed for a one of ya

So you don't have any health care or dental benefits? That's terrible.


I PAY for my own health care...or if you would like to pay it, have at it...I'll thank you, I promise
Gitmo closed, right?

Bush tax cuts were repealed by Obama, right?

Not to mention the repeal of the Patriot Act, or ending torture.

The question I was going to ask when I saw the thread title was "When did we under Obama and a Dem congress leave the Bush era policies. Can I get a list?"

Hell the only reason we got out of Iraq was because they kicked us out on the timeline (policy) Bush set.
The GOP wants to return to Bush policies because they know the American people will always vote for a free lunch,

if you package it correctly.

Now THAT is amusing, Carbineer...the Democratic Party is the one promising the American people that they not only can provide for them the entitlements we NOW have but can give them ADDITIONAL goodies as well and that all of this largess will be paid for by "someone else"...AKA the wealthy.

The GOP is simply pointing out the obvious...that we can't pay for the entitlements we have now let alone new ones...and every time that they do so...someone like Nancy Pelosi or Debby Wasserman - Shultz starts screaming that the Republicans are trying to "gut" Social Security or Education or health care and you need to vote for Democrats unless you want to lose those things. The Democrats ARE the party of free lunch.
Republicans eager to return to Bush era policies. Why? I've seen Republicans on this board insist Iraq was a success. The Bush tax cuts "worked". The reason people died after Katrina was their fault for not leaving. Iraq is now a democracy and friends with America.

How do they see things so different than the rest of the world?

Why do Republicans want to return to Bush era policies? Because they believe doing the same thing over and over will bring a different result.

Ok, I'm gonna need a list of these evil Bush era policies that Obama repealed... And if you don't get me one I might just has to post all the evil Bush era policed Obama extended or expanded...

But make sure you vote for Obama in 2012. You really seem to like hating Bush and the best way to hate on Bush so many years AFTER he has been President is of course to vote for people that keep his policies around, like Obama!
Why did a leftie start a Bush thread? In fact it seems most the Bush threads on here are started by the left sorry guy's but unlike 2008 your man Obama will have to run on his record in 2012 not against Bush's.

For that to be true, Romney will have to convince Americans that his policies are indeed different than Bush's.

Unwarranted tax cuts? Bush
Slashing Social Services? Bush
Privatizing Social Security and Medicare? Bush
Rescinding gay rights? Bush
Blocking affordable healthcare for the masses? Bush

Links to where Bush passed these polices....

At least you got 1 right, Unwarranted tax cuts? Bush. But you forgot to add Obama to that.... So Mitt would be like Obama.
Because the GOP held the food on the table of struggling Americans hostage to get him to do so.

yeah, just like they held a gun to all those Democrats heads who voted for the Iraq war..

you people always have some lame ass excuse for Democrats..

In December of 2010 the GOP's position was that they wouldn't pass the extension of unemployment benefits unless the tax cuts were extended as well.

I know it sucks for you to be reminded of how shitty your party is but there it is.

And Obama and Democrats put their name on it, meaning Obama owns it. Obama didn't even try to fight it, and why would he when he was busy bragging how many tax cuts he gave out in his stimulus.
yeah, just like they held a gun to all those Democrats heads who voted for the Iraq war..

you people always have some lame ass excuse for Democrats..

In December of 2010 the GOP's position was that they wouldn't pass the extension of unemployment benefits unless the tax cuts were extended as well.

I know it sucks for you to be reminded of how shitty your party is but there it is.

And Obama and Democrats put their name on it, meaning Obama owns it. Obama didn't even try to fight it, and why would he when he was busy bragging how many tax cuts he gave out in his stimulus.

With millions of Americans about to lose their benefits right at Christmas and the fact that it would take months to get a bill passed to help them and Republicans would blame all of that on Obama, how should he have "fought it"? Just curious. No one is even disputing the FACT that Republicans don't care about the American Middle Class.
oh brother...99 weeks on unemployment isn't enough for you losers?
I have two PART TIME jobs to make one full time job, so my heart doesn't bleed for a one of ya

So you don't have any health care or dental benefits? That's terrible.


I PAY for my own health care...or if you would like to pay it, have at it...I'll thank you, I promise

Except when you go to the emergency room. Then we all pay for it. Oops.
What are radical democrats eager for? A return to the good old days when the smell of tear gas was in the air and Bill Ayers was building bombs for the socialist revolution?
Good question!

WHAT was Bush thinking???? Anyone should know you can't promise tax breaks to a populace while taking their country to WAR huh?

Fortunately for Bush though....with the help of FOX News the shell game worked. The rhetoric turned to "support" even though the collective mentality turned AWAY from any realistic definition of what that word really means.

If Bush, Cheney, Wolfofitz, Rice, Powell, et. al. had repeatedly told the American people, Congress, and the international community the truth....something like...."look folks.....we REALLY want to secure American control over Iraq because we have BIG (OH yeah!) plans for the middle east oil market down the road and we can't quite do it without a friendly puppet government there...... so we need your unquestioning support," the outcome might have been different huh?

Then take that a step forward to "My fellow Americans.....great SACRIFICE will be required in order to invade and conquer Iraq therefore you will be required to pay much HIGHER taxes in the years to come in order to finance this "war" that you claim to "support."

That worked during WW II but it's a different world now I guess? Americans actually seem to think war is free. They think "support" consists of plastering one's car with cheap chi-com "I support the troops" magnets and that's it I suppose?

Anyway, our national budget is sure feeling GW's "free war" now!

Why hasn'y Obama repealed those tax cuts though?

Maybe because everytime he has discussed doing so in the past Conservatives get a photo-op calling it "Obama's tax INCREASE???"

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