Republicans, do you really want Trump to win the ‘popular vote’?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

It would be nice, just to give the Progs one less talking point to harp about when and if they lose in 2020.
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

It would be nice, just to give the Progs one less talking point to harp about when and if they lose in 2020.

Wouldn’t he have to promise to steal more from America’s best citizens, promise to give more to Americas beaners and bottom feeders, open our southern border and pretend men in dresses are cool and normal?
Wouldn’t Progs simply find something else to bitch and whine about?
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Both narcissistic ends of the spectrum want to cram their agendas down our throats whether the majority wants it or not.

They have convinced themselves that they, and they alone, know what's best for us. They're very smart, y'know.

Just another of the many examples of how nutters on both ends can be so comically similar in their behaviors.
Bernie won the popular vote in Iowa.

Dimms don’t seem to be whining about Bernie losing in delegates but winning the popular vote.
When TRUMP was running in 2016 he was running on things supported by the republican party across the board. The never-TRUMPers were trying to push doubts that if elected TRUMP will cave to democrats.
Democrats on the other hand are fractured about what their party supports, so it will be harder for whoever win the dems nomination to rally a broad base of people to show up at the polls.
TRUMP will win the popular vote if democrats have low voter turn out which could very well happen.
One would think by now democrats know they can't beat TRUMP and would be looking for a candidate who has the best chance to win the popular vote.
Both narcissistic ends of the spectrum want to cram their agendas down our throats whether the majority wants it or not.

They have convinced themselves that they, and they alone, know what's best for us. They're very smart, y'know.

Just another of the many examples of how nutters on both ends can be so comically similar in their behaviors.

Conversely, you and your ilk keep telling us that ShaQuita from the swamps of Louisiana with a filth grade education and zero knowledge of politics and barely legal, barely English speaking Guadalupe “know what’s best for us” and should decide our elections. What gives?
Both narcissistic ends of the spectrum want to cram their agendas down our throats whether the majority wants it or not.

They have convinced themselves that they, and they alone, know what's best for us. They're very smart, y'know.

Just another of the many examples of how nutters on both ends can be so comically similar in their behaviors.

Conversely, you and your ilk keep telling us that ShaQuita from the swamps of Louisiana with a filth grade education and zero knowledge of politics and barely legal, barely English speaking Guadalupe “know what’s best for us” and should decide our elections. What gives?
I did?

I just want Trump to win. I don’t care if he spies on rival campaigns like Obama did or use a fake Russian dossier like Hillary paid for.
The popular vote means nothing except a political talking point for the Left. They're going to rant about something, might as well be this. What i really want is 3 things, in order:

1. Trump is re-elected.

2. The GOP retains their Senate majority.

3. The GOP takes back the House majority.

Frankly, I think the Dems are doing everything they can to make all 3 come true.
If Pubs win back the house, they had better take care of a ton of unfinished business
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

Then why is Rump obsessed with the "three million illegals" song and dance? :dance:
Both narcissistic ends of the spectrum want to cram their agendas down our throats whether the majority wants it or not.

They have convinced themselves that they, and they alone, know what's best for us. They're very smart, y'know.

Just another of the many examples of how nutters on both ends can be so comically similar in their behaviors.

I think most on the right would be fine with places like California and NY doing what they want to do at the State level, if progressives stopped trying to nationalize the same things and make everyone follow the same drummer.

Federalism as bound by the constitution is the solution.
Based on the size of Trump rallies and the poll numbers and based on the division within the DNC and their desperation to screw Bernie again but have no 'Hillary' that stands out as the preferred recipient of the nomination, it is not unreasonable to think President Trump could possibly win BOTH, the Popular Vote AND the Electoral College.

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.
DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe

Trump winning in 2016 was declared an 'impossibility' due to the pending Hillary Landslide...

Barry declared manufacturing jobs were gone for good....never coming back...'the new norm....

....and we all know how those turned out.


Democrats and snowflakes have continued to underestimate this man since he declared he was running for their continuous regret / demise.

If the Democrat Party vote gets split...

If enough Lib voters vote for Trump again or refuse to vote after Bernie is screwed AGAIN....

It could happen.
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

George W. Bush did it in 2004, so why can't Trump do it in 2020?
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

George W. Bush did it in 2004, so why can't Trump do it in 2020?

The demographics of this nation has changed dramatically since 2004 as have the wants, needs and desires of the citizenry.
Face it, this nation will continue to grow further apart...we are just too different.

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