Republicans: Do you believe that there are individuals who cannot help themselves?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?
Progressives have determined that families should no longer be responsible for their own..this is a natural development of their belief that defectives are worthless throw-aways, that they should not be accountable for.

Their insistence that the government pay for them is just their way of saying they won't. Which is why they want them dead.
Progressives have determined that families should no longer be responsible for their own..this is a natural development of their belief that defectives are worthless throw-aways, that they should not be accountable for.

Their insistence that the government pay for them is just their way of saying they won't. Which is why they want them dead.

So progressives are just evil bastards. huh? Have you ever even met one?

Anyone have a serious answer to my question?
Uh, yes, I've met one.

And we're supposed to take you seriously? Why don't you believe that you should support your own family?
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

Hey Bill,

I am extreme right to the right of Genghis Khan, but, to your question, we have a responsibility to the infirmed, all types. We need to help and provide. I work with handicap kids as a volunteer and for disabled elderly folks here in Las Cruces and they are soley dependent me and my cohorts who help them in all ways and the cost to pay for them as well. Sometimes I have to use my own money to get things for some of them. It's the way it is.

So, there is a requirement in our type of system, that, literally, one for all, all for one. Government must provide, we must pay for same.

Hope that is helpful and a very good question! Hat is tipped.

A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

Hey Bill,

I am extreme right to the right of Genghis Khan, but, to your question, we have a responsibility to the infirmed, all types. We need to help and provide. I work with handicap kids as a volunteer and for disabled elderly folks here in Las Cruces and they are soley dependent me and my cohorts who help them in all ways and the cost to pay for them as well. Sometimes I have to use my own money to get things for some of them. It's the way it is.

So, there is a requirement in our type of system, that, literally, one for all, all for one. Government must provide, we must pay for same.

Hope that is helpful and a very good question! Hat is tipped.


Thanks much.
I'll answer for them. " Get off your lazy asses like this guy did!"
"Follow the murkin dream and remember Gawd Blass murka !"
Amen !
" Lil darlin how bout bringing my bottle and crawl up under thissy here desk for a few minutes"


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His nurse would already be there....

Didn't he just get popped at a sex club?
As some of you know, I work with the Developmentally Disabled. I am not a Republican, but I was up until 2008, when the GOP took that last turn towards insanity.

So yes, I do believe we have an obligation as a society to take care of our weakest and most vulnerable.

To KosherGirl... you have not a single clue as to what you speak. Walk a mile in a parent's shoes that has an irrational, inconsolable and violent child who has developmental disabilities before you get on your "holier than thou" kick. Then extend that to adulthood. That adult child will never work, will require 24/7 supervision, and will get to be stronger than you can handle.

There was a gentleman that I worked with some years ago. His left arm and leg were atrophied to the point that the arm was unusable and the leg would drag behind when the guy hobbled. I was young at the time and thought that the man had had a stroke or something, because he was an older gentleman. I was informed that when this man lived at home with his family, they became so desperate and didn't know what to do with this guy that they chained him to the support beam in their basement and threw food at him because they were afraid to go near him.

Isn't it just like a CONSERVATIVE Christian(note the emphasis on the word CONSERVATIVE) to pass judgment without placing yourself in another persons' situation.
Progressives have determined that families should no longer be responsible for their own..this is a natural development of their belief that defectives are worthless throw-aways, that they should not be accountable for.

Their insistence that the government pay for them is just their way of saying they won't. Which is why they want them dead.

In other words, "I haven't got a clue so I'll try and appear sly and dodge the question while standing on a soapbox".
Yes, we as a country have an obligation to help those that cannot help themselves...........however those that can and don't will never have my sympathy or support for long term government assistance.

When you allow generations to remain dependent on the government, you do nothing to help them......thus the reason for the statement in my siggy.
As some of you know, I work with the Developmentally Disabled. I am not a Republican, but I was up until 2008, when the GOP took that last turn towards insanity.

So yes, I do believe we have an obligation as a society to take care of our weakest and most vulnerable.

To KosherGirl... you have not a single clue as to what you speak. Walk a mile in a parent's shoes that has an irrational, inconsolable and violent child who has developmental disabilities before you get on your "holier than thou" kick. Then extend that to adulthood. That adult child will never work, will require 24/7 supervision, and will get to be stronger than you can handle.

There was a gentleman that I worked with some years ago. His left arm and leg were atrophied to the point that the arm was unusable and the leg would drag behind when the guy hobbled. I was young at the time and thought that the man had had a stroke or something, because he was an older gentleman. I was informed that when this man lived at home with his family, they became so desperate and didn't know what to do with this guy that they chained him to the support beam in their basement and threw food at him because they were afraid to go near him.

Isn't it just like a CONSERVATIVE Christian(note the emphasis on the word CONSERVATIVE) to pass judgment without placing yourself in another persons' situation.

You have an obligation NOT the federal government.
As a conservative.

We should help those that can't help themselves.

Everyone else had better man the fuck up and get to work, even if the only thing you can find sucks the life out of you.

Our fore fathers did.

The individual not the federal (or state) government.
As a conservative.

We should help those that can't help themselves.

Everyone else had better man the fuck up and get to work, even if the only thing you can find sucks the life out of you.

Our fore fathers did.

The individual not the federal (or state) government.

There's not enough charity orgs to go around.

due to being over taxed, people that used to be able to get charity help, must now turn and be slaves to the government.

as planned.
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

Rather loaded question,but what the heck..Yes they do,and yes there is.
As a conservative.

We should help those that can't help themselves.

Everyone else had better man the fuck up and get to work, even if the only thing you can find sucks the life out of you.

Our fore fathers did.

The individual not the federal (or state) government.

There's not enough charity orgs to go around.

due to being over taxed, people that used to be able to get charity help, must now turn and be slaves to the government.

as planned.

There are plenty of charities..... However charitable contributions are not a RIGHT...

Charities are in no way obligated to provide free assistance...

That is why progressives love the government - because the government has few standards when it comes to handing out free taxpayer money.
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

Hey Bill,

I am extreme right to the right of Genghis Khan, but, to your question, we have a responsibility to the infirmed, all types. We need to help and provide. I work with handicap kids as a volunteer and for disabled elderly folks here in Las Cruces and they are soley dependent me and my cohorts who help them in all ways and the cost to pay for them as well. Sometimes I have to use my own money to get things for some of them. It's the way it is.

So, there is a requirement in our type of system, that, literally, one for all, all for one. Government must provide, we must pay for same.

Hope that is helpful and a very good question! Hat is tipped.


Kudos to you my friend.

I have no problem assisting those who are truly mentally or physically handicapped and in need of help.

My problem is with the able bodied out there who think nothing of cashing in on someone elses hard earned money.

Those folks can rot in hell for all I care.

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