Republicans Continue to Insult Women

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Shut up bitch. (Hope I didn't make you cry).

Gee, that really is a cruel slap in the face to women everywhere insulting and demeaning them--- except the rural women who HAVE to be smart in order to just survive.

There is being right and serving truth and helping people, but all you care about is winning elections.

Must mean not getting knocked up whoring around with 3 guys then waiting 28 weeks to decide you don't want the kid. How draconian!

Gay porn.

Nothing is attacking children's educations more than leftwing Covid lockdowns and mask mandates. Time to bring back the family unit, moms staying home and home-schooling.

Nope, just you.
"Shut up bitch".............and there we have it, folks.
Republicans have pretty much lost suburban women. They never had Urban women. They are left with rural women, and that won't win elections. Yet they continue to alienate woman with draconian abortion bans, banning library books and sometimes libraries themselves, and attacking their children's education.

Now they are calling women stupid. Great strategy!

Meanwhile Dem's platform is "let your daughters compete against men in sports and see their junk in locker rooms OR ELSE."

Winning strategy there.
every listen to rap music done by demcrat [sic] voters......they talk about women like they are all dogshit....get woke dude
Many of us don't like rap....don't listen to it. Apparently you do.

Very few even spell it correctly. Nearly everyone leaves off the ‘c’ at the beginning.

I find myself reminded of a time, several years ago, when I was serving as a photographer for the quinceañera of a friend's daughter. At some point, aboard a “party bus” loaded with high-spirited youth, I was dismayed to observe this very beautiful young woman [c]rapping along to a [c]rap with these lyrics…

“Bitches ain't shit but whores and chicks.”

The piece seemed to consist of nothing but that one sentence repeated over and over again. I didn't get the sense that this beautiful young woman had any sense at all as to just how utterly disgusting and degrading that was toward women; what this was conditioning her to expect with regard to how men should think of her and how men should treat her.

What utterly toxic shit to be feeding into any young person's mind.
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Nothing is attacking children's educations more than leftwing Covid lockdowns and mask mandates. Time to bring back the family unit, moms staying home and home-schooling.

There is also the infiltration of faggot/tranny/childfucker propaganda now being fed to young children as part of “education”. I'd say that's much worse than the #CoronaHoax2020 bullshit.

One good thing that came out of the #CoronaHoax, by way of “remote learning”, was to alert parents to this fucked-up shit that was being pushed on their children.
Yer fulla prunes, Mr. Syn. I love men who open the doors for me, and I love to thank them for it. Always have and always will.

I'm just wondering why the Democrat party is putting up loco stuff like our conservative men disrespect us conservative women. Could it be that you think so little of us that we girls can't win if we ask a strong man to open a new jar lid off the jar? And we can thank them for that too, especially those of us who don't have strong hands like our men have. What do you wish your thread "Republicans continue to Insult Women" to do for the Democrats? Defeat Donald Trump? Oh, I hit pay dirt. :laughing0301: :heehee: Thanks very much, for giving me a laugh, Mr. Syn. Oh, and are you insulted yet? :auiqs.jpg:
I am a door opening fool. I was told at a young age that is what men do. Was I indoctrinated?
The right-wing war on women continues.

To you subhuman filth on the left wrong, women are just collateral damage in your war against children, and against civilization as a whole.

You don't give a shit how many children are murdered in cold blood, while still in the womb, or how many children are fucked up how badly for life, by the fucked-up sexual perverts whose side you take against that of human beings.
From what I see, the most adamant supporters of RvsW are old White women who have been duped into thinking they are champions for "Women's Rights". The Democrats are playing them like a fiddle.
Then comes the dependency. The Dems are the party of dependents (and Depend's).
Mansplainin' :heehee:
Watch those ads where the woman says, "I got this", indicating that she will now be controlling her monthly cycle with the help of Plan B, so she doesn't get pregnant and therefore needs Plan 'A'. It's about time gals.
Biden has done none of that. And you're more likely to be victim of a mass shooting republican incel mad because he can't get a woman.
Have you not noticed who has been doing the mass shootings lately?
Very few even spell it correctly. Nearly everyone leaves off the ‘c’ at the beginning.

I find myself reminded of a time, several years ago, when I was serving as a photographer for the quinceañera of a friend's daughter. At some point, aboard a “party bus” loaded with high-spirited youth, I was dismayed to observe this very beautiful young woman [c]rapping along to a [c]rap with these lyrics…

“Bitches ain't shit but whores and chicks.”

The piece seemed to consist of nothing but that one sentence repeated over and over again. I didn't get the sense that this beautiful young woman had any sense at all as to just how utterly disgusting and degrading that was toward women; what this was conditioning her to expect with regard to how men should think of her and how men should treat her.

What utterly toxic shit to be feeding into any young person's mind.
Rap is a mockery of actual music, like pulling down your pants and showing your ass crack.
The right-wing war on women continues with abortion bans that jeopardize the health and lives of women.

The left-wing war on women continues with the theft of their opportunities by affirming a man can put on a dress and claim he's one of them.

I'm not defending the Right's actions; I'm pointing out that anyone on The Left whining about a "war on women" is a bald faced hypocrite.
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