Republicans Continue to Insult Women

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The right-wing war on women continues.

The "right wing" war on women continues

Republicans must be gay. They replaced the big tent with the big closet.

Republicans have pretty much lost suburban women. They never had Urban women. They are left with rural women, and that won't win elections. Yet they continue to alienate woman with draconian abortion bans, banning library books and sometimes libraries themselves, and attacking their children's education.

Now they are calling women stupid. Great strategy!

The Lincoln Project? Didn't they all get sent to prison for pedophilia?
Repealing RvW is the best thing that has happened for women in decades. They now have the opportunity to free themselves from unwanted pregnancies by taking control of their reproductive cycle. Already Plan B drugs are flying off the shelves. It's a great day for women thanks to the Republicans.

If women don't understand this then they are stupid.
From what I see, the most adamant supporters of RvsW are old White women who have been duped into thinking they are champions for "Women's Rights". The Democrats are playing them like a fiddle.
The "right wing" war on women continues

The right-wing war on women continues with abortion bans that jeopardize the health and lives of women.
Repealing RvW is the best thing that has happened for women in decades. They now have the opportunity to free themselves from unwanted pregnancies by taking control of their reproductive cycle. Already Plan B drugs are flying off the shelves. It's a great day for women thanks to the Republicans.

If women don't understand this then they are stupid.
Mansplainin' :heehee:
The right-wing war on women continues with abortion bans that jeopardize the health and lives of women.
And how often is that the case? The vast majority of baby murders are convenience solutions for Dim ilk too lazy to prevent the pregnancy in the first place.
Health and lives of women your pelosi.
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