Republicans Are Taking Out Their Obama Hate On Dreamers and Child Refugees

Yup and the taxpayers of America.

Another piece of bullshit brought to you courtesey of Politicaltouchhole, a fucking idiot.

I'm a tax payer.

And I pay alot in taxes.

Personally? I think kids in trouble should have a refuge in the United States.

That may not be the Christian thing to do..but it's the right thing to do.
Actually it IS exactly the Christian thing to do. But those who purport to be Christians are as far removed from being so as the Sun is from Pluto. Sad isn't it.

Where is it written that the Christian thing to do is let illegals flood our borders unchecked?

Oh, that's right, it isn't.

Fucking tard.
You see these people have become nothing but pawns for the Democrat party in bed with LaRaza

when you see that kind of hate like that title you know it's got Democrat/progressives hand all over it

this has become so ugly and it's your government with Obama leading them doing it to you

never thought I'd see something like this from a Political party that are now putting down the legal citizens in the country over this

either wake up or let them walk all over you
Your wayward spin falls short on telling the truth about this matter, Steph. It is your side that brought this whole issue to light by its own actions. Now Own Up to it.
Yeah right.... Republicans hate children... Christ! If Liberals had there way, none would survive pregnancy.

We hate children because we want this administration to enforce the law.


You are entertaining though.
You want this administration to enforce the law? Then why the Hell didn't you argue that point when George W. Bush was president and had an all-Republican Congress and had SIGNED THE 2008 LAW TO ALLOW REFUGEE CHILDREN INTO THIS COUNTRY Plus When RONALD REAGAN WAS PRESIDENT and GAVE AMNESTY TO ILLEGALS? We can plainly see the sheer Complacency, Hypocrisy, and Idiocy that is there on your side which is very telling and speaks volumes for when it's politically convenient to speak out and when it's not. Shame On You!

George W Bush had a bill passed by congress, signed it, and it became the law.

Ronald Reagan had a bill passed by congress, signed it, and it became the law.

Obama just refuses to enforce the laws that he disagrees with.

A twelve year old could see the difference there.
Two child refugees fleeing violence in Chechnya bombed the Boston Marathon.
I'm a tax payer.

And I pay alot in taxes.

Personally? I think kids in trouble should have a refuge in the United States.

That may not be the Christian thing to do..but it's the right thing to do.
Actually it IS exactly the Christian thing to do. But those who purport to be Christians are as far removed from being so as the Sun is from Pluto. Sad isn't it.

Where is it written that the Christian thing to do is let illegals flood our borders unchecked?

Oh, that's right, it isn't.

Fucking tard.
You conveniently sweep under the carpet that one all-important COLD HARD FACT which is that we are not talking about "illegals" here as has been explained to you and your side at least Twenty Million times before. They are Refugees and as a Humanitarian Nation that we claim to be and take pride in, many follow what Christ would want for us to do which is to Welcome these children into our country and the 2008 law fully allows for that. So, shut that filthy-spoken mouth of yours already and either Put Up or Shut Up.
Yeah right.... Republicans hate children... Christ! If Liberals had there way, none would survive pregnancy.

We hate children because we want this administration to enforce the law.


You are entertaining though.
You want this administration to enforce the law? Then why the Hell didn't you argue that point when George W. Bush was president and had an all-Republican Congress and had SIGNED THE 2008 LAW TO ALLOW REFUGEE CHILDREN INTO THIS COUNTRY Plus When RONALD REAGAN WAS PRESIDENT and GAVE AMNESTY TO ILLEGALS? We can plainly see the sheer Complacency, Hypocrisy, and Idiocy that is there on your side which is very telling and speaks volumes for when it's politically convenient to speak out and when it's not. Shame On You!

George W Bush had a bill passed by congress, signed it, and it became the law.

Ronald Reagan had a bill passed by congress, signed it, and it became the law.

Obama just refuses to enforce the laws that he disagrees with.

A twelve year old could see the difference there.
Except that he is not 'refusing' to enforce the law at all. He is trying very hard to follow those laws that are on the books and to allocate more funds to continue in the vein that is right in order to take care of this situation. However, the Republican Congress is at high fault for outright Refusing to participate in the process thereby leaving the president no other choice but to act in the best interests of this country. Anytime Republicans in the House want to join in and actually go to work as they were charged to do by the citizenry in their respective districts and help this situation, they are more than welcome to do so.
Two child refugees fleeing violence in Chechnya bombed the Boston Marathon.
You should know much better than to present that cheap shot. Those two guys were Not Children. They were fully grown ADULTS who knew full well what they were doing. And that has absolutely nothing to do with the Central American refugee kids.
Republicans Are Taking Out Their Obama Hate On Dreamers and Child Refugees

This report is very much to the point so I'll let you read it as you should! It explains everything quite well that you should be aware of. No wonder Hispanics/Latinos are Outraged at Republicans! Who can blame them?

More Anti-Republican trolling, brought to you by PoliticalTorch.
More In Your Face Trolling AND Denials, brought to you by the Political Right.
Actually it IS exactly the Christian thing to do. But those who purport to be Christians are as far removed from being so as the Sun is from Pluto. Sad isn't it.

Where is it written that the Christian thing to do is let illegals flood our borders unchecked?

Oh, that's right, it isn't.

Fucking tard.

They are Refugees and as a Humanitarian Nation that we claim to be and take pride in, many follow what Christ would want for us to do which is to
They are not here as refugees. They are here due to the misconception behind Obama's Dreamer EO.

Welcome these children into our country and the 2008 law fully allows for that.

The 2008 law covers kids who are being exploited for sex. Dumbass.

Google the fucking law and educate yourself!
Actually it IS exactly the Christian thing to do. But those who purport to be Christians are as far removed from being so as the Sun is from Pluto. Sad isn't it.

Where is it written that the Christian thing to do is let illegals flood our borders unchecked?

Oh, that's right, it isn't.

Fucking tard.
You conveniently sweep under the carpet that one all-important COLD HARD FACT which is that we are not talking about "illegals" here as has been explained to you and your side at least Twenty Million times before. They are Refugees and as a Humanitarian Nation that we claim to be and take pride in, many follow what Christ would want for us to do which is to Welcome these children into our country and the 2008 law fully allows for that. So, shut that filthy-spoken mouth of yours already and either Put Up or Shut Up.

They are not refugees you retarded twit. They are illegal aliens who flooded the country because Barry-the-asshat Obama promised them amnesty. So, genius, why not let every disenfranchised motherfucker on the planet in?

You're such a dumbass.
Yeah right.... Republicans hate children... Christ! If Liberals had there way, none would survive pregnancy.

We hate children because we want this administration to enforce the law.


You are entertaining though.

You can't pretend to love children and be for abortion.
The right thing to do is open the border and let 50year old men sign up for high school claiming they are 16? The right thing to do is arm drug dealers and terrorists and then beg them to enter our country to rape and kill our families? The right thing to do is advertise to children to run away from their homes so we can adopt and raise them as orphans in the USA? WTF?

Are you talking about Ronald Reagan, again?

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks to Ronald Reagan, the Contras got to turn Central America into a drug haven and Middle Eastern Terrorists like Osama Bin Laden received the training to do 9/11.

All in one scandal!

Well that was stupid of Reagan wasn't it? But, I thought RR was dead. Why bring him up he's not POTUS is he? Are you trying to say it's ok for Obama to do it because RR did it?

He would still be a better POTUS than the asshole we have now.
Libs are taking out their hate on Jews and Christians.

How exactly?

Oh by the way? Most people of the Jewish faith in this country are Liberal and vote Democrat.

That's a myth.
Fact is Jewish people do not vote in lockstep with democrats.
That was the past.
Jews are coming to the realization that liberal democrats do not act in the best interests of Jews or the Jewish faith
Libs are taking out their hate on Jews and Christians.

Yup and the taxpayers of America.

Another piece of bullshit brought to you courtesey of Politicaltouchhole, a fucking idiot.

I'm a tax payer.

And I pay alot in taxes.

Personally? I think kids in trouble should have a refuge in the United States.

That may not be the Christian thing to do..but it's the right thing to do.
That's fine. But before we do that, let's have a plan.
Who takes care of them. Who pays for their care, schooling and housing.
We cannot simply dive headlong into this without considering the unintended consequences.
I think all those who support the immigration of these kids should step up. Privately.

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