Republicans, And the Party of "NO!"

It's a gift, and I for one, think its a good one.
The party of No.
Hell Yea!
No to spending.
No to growing govt.
No to nanny state.
No to more usless bills.
No to pork.
No to unionizing the entire US.
No to stimulus money going overseas.
No to stimulus money period.
I can think of a thousand ways to say no.
I said it to my kids plenty of times when they needed to learn the lesson of restraint.
I cant think of a better message to give our congress, who all need to go look up the word restraint in the dictionary.

Yes, these things are in fact included when you say NO to everything. There's a lot of good productive stuff included also.

Even though it's nothing more than a VAST load of propaganda crap VLWC, I would take The Party of No anyday before The Party of Yes to every mentally deranged idea and policy thought up by various lunatics abroad. ~BH
They Should DO NOTHING but RESIST the Progressive Agenda that will WRECK what the Founders laid forth.

*I* Back the *HELL NO* Agenda for the Republicans.

Blah blah, talking point blah blah.

The country is mired in 2 wars and the worst economic situation since the depression, and all you want to do is get in the way of doing anything at all.

We had a saying in the military: Lead, Follow, or get the fuck out of the way.

I don't give a shit what "agenda" the Republicans think they're blocking. They're paralyzing government for partisan reasons during a time of war.

Now, what did the right call people like that during the Bush administration? Hmmm, let me think....

One other thing ? Think Bush was the bee's knees? NO Many Know this. Bush was AS BAD. Nice attempt at painting the Republicans. BUSH is GONE. Persona NON GRATA. Try something else.

I don't give a shit about Bush, I was talking about YOU moron. YOU and all the other partisan hacks that called people TRAITORS when they disagreed with or obstructed the Bush agenda.

Don't bother denying it.
No T, I'm afraid you have me confused with a fellow right-wing sheeple. Only, since the republicans are not currently in control, substitute the word "government" with "right-wing talking heads", although once the republicans have the majority again, it will be the same thing anyway.

And at one point I could say I respected all veterans. I might be able to make an exception in your case. You're fucking job was to fight for freedom and you can't see when those freedoms are being drug right out from under you?
Even though it's nothing more than a VAST load of propaganda crap VLWC, I would take The Party of No anyday before The Party of Yes to every mentally deranged idea and policy thought up by various lunatics abroad. ~BH

Yeah, here's the thing: that makes you one of the partisan hack assholes that're destroying the country.

Because people can have differences of opinion in a Republic like ours, and they can negotiate and compromise to make government work. That's the very basis of our nation.

OR, people can have differences of opinion, and like you, decide that if you don't get your way, you're going to have a little tantrum and then you're going to take your ball and go home.

Nice work, moron.
And at one point I could say I respected all veterans. I might be able to make an exception in your case. You're fucking job was to fight for freedom and you can't see when those freedoms are being drug right out from under you?

OR, certain members of the right-wing want to convince you that this is the case so they can gain political points...

But no, I guess a giant world-wide conspiracy to "Steal our liberties", just for the hell of it, is much more likely, right?
Even though it's nothing more than a VAST load of propaganda crap VLWC, I would take The Party of No anyday before The Party of Yes to every mentally deranged idea and policy thought up by various lunatics abroad. ~BH

Yeah, here's the thing: that makes you one of the partisan hack assholes that're destroying the country.

Because people can have differences of opinion in a Republic like ours, and they can negotiate and compromise to make government work. That's the very basis of our nation.

OR, people can have differences of opinion, and like you, decide that if you don't get your way, you're going to have a little tantrum and then you're going to take your ball and go home.

Nice work, moron.

Words from someone that has NEVER read the Constitution...Doesn't know the sacrifice of the Founders...and thinks that BIG GOVERNMENT is the KEY to properity...

YOU SIR? Are part of the problem, and a DANGER to Individual LIBERTY.

YOU remain *CLUELESS*.
Absolutely... why sign on to this clusterfuck? People don't want it... Let the Dems own it. Let's not forget that the Kennedy seat went to a guy who vowed to vote against this bill. There something to be said there.
Blah blah, talking point blah blah.

The country is mired in 2 wars and the worst economic situation since the depression, and all you want to do is get in the way of doing anything at all.

We had a saying in the military: Lead, Follow, or get the fuck out of the way.

I don't give a shit what "agenda" the Republicans think they're blocking. They're paralyzing government for partisan reasons during a time of war.

Now, what did the right call people like that during the Bush administration? Hmmm, let me think....

One other thing ? Think Bush was the bee's knees? NO Many Know this. Bush was AS BAD. Nice attempt at painting the Republicans. BUSH is GONE. Persona NON GRATA. Try something else.

I don't give a shit about Bush, I was talking about YOU moron. YOU and all the other partisan hacks that called people TRAITORS when they disagreed with or obstructed the Bush agenda.

Don't bother denying it.

YOU Front taking AWAY Individual RIGHTS of the PEOPLE because of your FIXATION with BIG GOVERNMENT that flies in the FACE of Individual LIBERTY and LIMITED GOVERNMENT.

Don't YOU DARE deny IT.
So when people are saying this administration is wanting to take our liberties away, that is a joke, but when they were saying it during the Bush administration, that was a truth?
And at one point I could say I respected all veterans. I might be able to make an exception in your case. You're fucking job was to fight for freedom and you can't see when those freedoms are being drug right out from under you?

OR, certain members of the right-wing want to convince you that this is the case so they can gain political points...

But no, I guess a giant world-wide conspiracy to "Steal our liberties", just for the hell of it, is much more likely, right?

People standing up for their principles is trying to score points?

You seem to have the GOP confused with those lying asshole Democrats in Congress.
The Dems are in BIG trouble... they are in complete disarray. Capitalize... be done with them.
Words from someone that has NEVER read the Constitution...Doesn't know the sacrifice of the Founders...and thinks that BIG GOVERNMENT is the KEY to properity...

YOU SIR? Are part of the problem, and a DANGER to Individual LIBERTY.

YOU remain *CLUELESS*.

Whatever, you partisan hack.

That's great, let's go with your method:

The Republicans may win a few seats in the next election, maybe they'll win a majority in Congress. That's great.

And then, to get back at the Republicans for what they did to them, the Democrats will just block everything the Republicans try to do, so that they can "block their agenda".

Remember, it's much easier to be on the criticizing end than on the decision making end.

So then the Republicans get nothing done for a few years, and the Democrats get back into office.


All because of asshats like you. Thanks asshat.
So when people are saying this administration is wanting to take our liberties away, that is a joke, but when they were saying it during the Bush administration, that was a truth?

Big Government Belivers like LWC...cannot STAND on their OWN TWO FEET without an IMPERICAL Government coming in and FORCING people to capitulate.

In short/ LWC is an Idiot that cannot STAND on his own merits, and needs BIG GOVERNMENT to speak for him because LWC hasn't the BALLS to do it on his own.

He has to rather defer to BUSH like his mentor OBAMA who has had EVERYTHING handed to him...Knows the price of ALL and the VALUE of nothing...least of these is LIBERTY itself.
Even though it's nothing more than a VAST load of propaganda crap VLWC, I would take The Party of No anyday before The Party of Yes to every mentally deranged idea and policy thought up by various lunatics abroad. ~BH

Yeah, here's the thing: that makes you one of the partisan hack assholes that're destroying the country.

Because people can have differences of opinion in a Republic like ours, and they can negotiate and compromise to make government work. That's the very basis of our nation.

OR, people can have differences of opinion, and like you, decide that if you don't get your way, you're going to have a little tantrum and then you're going to take your ball and go home.

Nice work, moron.
I hope to hear more about how our country can work better by letting our govt sell us to China, tell us its going to save the country, save a few banks, takeover a car company, then put the whole of American business on notice that they will be penalized. Oh, and its always a good thing to just print money when you think it might run out?
Please go on the record and admit you just want to say Yes to spending. Spending on jobs that will pay Chinese workers to make windmills, in China. Spending that will give Nancy another reason to take military transport to their new Island Plantation getaway.
Btw, our Constitution allows for military spending, it does'nt say Jack about pork.
It's a mentality we have got to get over.
We all have had to cut back, and sometimes say no to the smallest luxury like a cup of jazzed up joe, yet, it looks like you want to go on the record for unlimited govt spending.
I guess the money never runs out in fantasy land.
Words from someone that has NEVER read the Constitution...Doesn't know the sacrifice of the Founders...and thinks that BIG GOVERNMENT is the KEY to properity...

YOU SIR? Are part of the problem, and a DANGER to Individual LIBERTY.

YOU remain *CLUELESS*.

Whatever, you partisan hack.

That's great, let's go with your method:

The Republicans may win a few seats in the next election, maybe they'll win a majority in Congress. That's great.

And then, to get back at the Republicans for what they did to them, the Democrats will just block everything the Republicans try to do, so that they can "block their agenda".

Remember, it's much easier to be on the criticizing end than on the decision making end.

So then the Republicans get nothing done for a few years, and the Democrats get back into office.


All because of asshats like you. Thanks asshat.

Your FIRST MISTAKE is ASSUMING that I belong to a Single PARTY.

Blather on IDIOT.
Words from someone that has NEVER read the Constitution...Doesn't know the sacrifice of the Founders...and thinks that BIG GOVERNMENT is the KEY to properity...

YOU SIR? Are part of the problem, and a DANGER to Individual LIBERTY.

YOU remain *CLUELESS*.

Whatever, you partisan hack.

That's great, let's go with your method:

The Republicans may win a few seats in the next election, maybe they'll win a majority in Congress. That's great.

And then, to get back at the Republicans for what they did to them, the Democrats will just block everything the Republicans try to do, so that they can "block their agenda".

Remember, it's much easier to be on the criticizing end than on the decision making end.

So then the Republicans get nothing done for a few years, and the Democrats get back into office.


All because of asshats like you. Thanks asshat.
I'm all for it!
You're welcome,
American Asshat
People standing up for their principles is trying to score points?

You seem to have the GOP confused with those lying asshole Democrats in Congress.

Accusing your political opponents of being "evil", "nazis" and "Stalinists" is not "standing up for you principles", it's pandering to fear.

You jackasses keep making empty rhetorical points like "they're trying to steal your freedoms"...

Well NOBODY has tried to steal any of MY freedoms.

The only "freedoms" that anyone hinted at controlling are those of CORPORATIONS, not people.

You don't think that people are going to notice that the only thing you and your right-wing talking heads seem to care about are the rights of corporations? Oh, it'll happen, right after you all take power and start passing the same pro-corporate legislation that you always pass.
Your FIRST MISTAKE is ASSUMING that I belong to a Single PARTY.

Blather on IDIOT.

Sweet, so, who did you vote for in the last few elections?

Was it the Libertarian candidate? No, it wasn't.

Was it the "Tea Party" candidate. No that wouldn't be it, because they didn't exist and also BECAUSE THEY ARE PART OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.

What's that saying about "putting lipstick on a pig" that John McCain was so fond of? That's that the "Tea Party" is. Lipstick on a pig.
People standing up for their principles is trying to score points?

You seem to have the GOP confused with those lying asshole Democrats in Congress.

Accusing your political opponents of being "evil", "nazis" and "Stalinists" is not "standing up for you principles", it's pandering to fear.

You jackasses keep making empty rhetorical points like "they're trying to steal your freedoms"...

Well NOBODY has tried to steal any of MY freedoms.

The only "freedoms" that anyone hinted at controlling are those of CORPORATIONS, not people.

You don't think that people are going to notice that the only thing you and your right-wing talking heads seem to care about are the rights of corporations? Oh, it'll happen, right after you all take power and start passing the same pro-corporate legislation that you always pass.

So in YOUR Humble estimation>? it was OK for Pelosi and other Progressives in the Democrat Party to Foist just what you parroted against ordinary people that ROSE UP against the Government this past Summer?

MY how quickly WE forget LWC. Is your memory that fucking short...or just an omission by you...or are you ordinarily that STUPID and that VAPID?
And at one point I could say I respected all veterans. I might be able to make an exception in your case. You're fucking job was to fight for freedom and you can't see when those freedoms are being drug right out from under you?

OR, certain members of the right-wing want to convince you that this is the case so they can gain political points...

But no, I guess a giant world-wide conspiracy to "Steal our liberties", just for the hell of it, is much more likely, right?

Why not? You're claiming the exact same thing. Except for the proof is in the pudding. This administration bought with your money part ownership in a private business. How is that protecting freediom? This administration wanted to get into the medical insurance business. How can not see that there is no way such a plan would not infringe on your freedoms?

No some things should not be compromised on because it can result in legislation that is full of compromises and bribes for votes that it does nothing or makes the That is what would happen problem worse.

Again for our government to recover from this ridiculous deficit and avoid taxing us into oblivion an awful lot of things are going to need to be said no to. This is not rocket science. For the government to do anything it has to spend your money. The more government thinks it needs to do the more money it spends. Either the things it spends money on will curb your freedoms (i.e. providiing your healthcare) or the fact that they will forced to tax into oblivion to pay for this things will curtail your freedom....or both. Now unless you are someone who has defined freedom as government being your babysitter I don't see how saying no isn't a really good idea for a change.

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