Republican Ken Buck Says Being Gay Is A Choice, And Also Like Alcoholism

Homosexuality, IMO, is like lefthandedness. It is a choice to use one's left hand...but one uses one's left hand because one is born with the desire to use the left over the right. People may force you to use your right hand but you will always desire use of your left hand over your right hand.

Gene for Left-Handed Trait Discovered

Congratulations. That doesn't change anything I said.

You are right.. does not change the fact that you have an opinion that homosexuality is like lefthandedness, which IS a genetic trait, which is unfounded and unsubstantiated...

And while a person can lose their left hand and train their right to do what is needed, it is a choice to do so....
Just like being black or tall is a choice.

Oh c'mon, you can't be that stupid.......unless you're a liberal.

Ever time you have a sexual urge you still make a choice whether to carry it out or not. It's absolutely absurd to compare that to being born with white or black skin, something which you have absolutely no control over. This is not a civil rights issue.

Well, its good to know that you admit that sexual urges, and thus homosexuality is innate, since urges are a result of being hardwired at birth. Sometimes, you narrow-minded types deny this, but at least you are half way there.

Since we've now agreed that people's sexuality is not a choice, the question then becomes why homosexuals should choose not to have sex? There are usually two answers to this. The first is based on some archaic religious tract. Of course, once again, fundamentalist religious types conveniently pick and choose which parts of their holy books to obey and which to ignore, which you have demonstrated in other threads. The other reason is because of sheer prejudice. Because they think homosexual acts are disgusting, others should have to comply with their biases. This is the more ugly reason, and is, if most people are answering truthfully, the main reason why people oppose homosexuality and homosexual rights. Of course, they will also dress up their argument about being bad for morality or society, but that's nonsense.

Tell us who discovered the gay gene?
Putting aside the love part for a minute, why would someone choose to live the gay lifestyle? If being gay is nothing more than a choice, why in the world would people say 'hell yes, I'm going to be gay and live my life as such, with all the negatives that are associated with it', rather than 'hell yes, I'm not going to be gay and I won't have to put up with all the negatives associated with it'? I don't think folks 'choose' to live a lifestyle that is the exception to the rule. And what goes on behind closed doors between two adults is no one elses business. Why do both sides insist on making it so?
Oh c'mon, you can't be that stupid.......unless you're a liberal.

Ever time you have a sexual urge you still make a choice whether to carry it out or not. It's absolutely absurd to compare that to being born with white or black skin, something which you have absolutely no control over. This is not a civil rights issue.

Well, its good to know that you admit that sexual urges, and thus homosexuality is innate, since urges are a result of being hardwired at birth. Sometimes, you narrow-minded types deny this, but at least you are half way there.

Since we've now agreed that people's sexuality is not a choice, the question then becomes why homosexuals should choose not to have sex? There are usually two answers to this. The first is based on some archaic religious tract. Of course, once again, fundamentalist religious types conveniently pick and choose which parts of their holy books to obey and which to ignore, which you have demonstrated in other threads. The other reason is because of sheer prejudice. Because they think homosexual acts are disgusting, others should have to comply with their biases. This is the more ugly reason, and is, if most people are answering truthfully, the main reason why people oppose homosexuality and homosexual rights. Of course, they will also dress up their argument about being bad for morality or society, but that's nonsense.

Tell us who discovered the gay gene?

Is there a heterosexual gene?
Putting aside the love part for a minute, why would someone choose to live the gay lifestyle? If being gay is nothing more than a choice, why in the world would people say 'hell yes, I'm going to be gay and live my life as such, with all the negatives that are associated with it', rather than 'hell yes, I'm not going to be gay and I won't have to put up with all the negatives associated with it'? I don't think folks 'choose' to live a lifestyle that is the exception to the rule. And what goes on behind closed doors between two adults is no one elses business. Why do both sides insist on making it so?

Because outcasts seek acceptance and association to... why would someone choose to be punk? why would someone choose to have a baby crib and diaper fetish? why would someone choose to be a conspiracy theorist and be continually ridiculed? To belong or be recognized even by the smallest or weirdest of groups, whether it means negative attention or not by some of those who have already outcast them for whatever reason...

People make choices all the time that put them into a firing range of ridicule.. and homosexuality would be no different
For all those who say it's a choice, why don't you tell us about the day where you CHOSE to be straight.
Just like being black or tall is a choice.

Oh c'mon, you can't be that stupid.......unless you're a liberal.

Ever time you have a sexual urge you still make a choice whether to carry it out or not. It's absolutely absurd to compare that to being born with white or black skin, something which you have absolutely no control over. This is not a civil rights issue.

Well, its good to know that you admit that sexual urges, and thus homosexuality is innate, since urges are a result of being hardwired at birth. Sometimes, you narrow-minded types deny this, but at least you are half way there.

Since we've now agreed that people's sexuality is not a choice, the question then becomes why homosexuals should choose not to have sex? There are usually two answers to this. The first is based on some archaic religious tract. Of course, once again, fundamentalist religious types conveniently pick and choose which parts of their holy books to obey and which to ignore, which you have demonstrated in other threads. The other reason is because of sheer prejudice. Because they think homosexual acts are disgusting, others should have to comply with their biases. This is the more ugly reason, and is, if most people are answering truthfully, the main reason why people oppose homosexuality and homosexual rights. Of course, they will also dress up their argument about being bad for morality or society, but that's nonsense.

There's more than 2 Options...

It's Convenient that you want to Box everyone into 1 of those 2, but that's simply NOT Honest.

Either everyone is Born the way they Claim, or there are other Options Regarding Sexual Deviations outside of the Procreative Coupling that Causes our "very Existence"... Nature's Design, that EVERY Homosexual is Born Equipped to Reflect.

Homosexuals are NOT the only Deviation from their Natural Design, they just happen to be the Most Popular Deviation at this point in History.

You can't say that People who Fuck Animals or Dead People are making a Choice while Claiming that Homosexuals are not.

And what about Bisexuals?... Homosexual Marriage continues to Force them to make a Choice regarding Gender, does it not?

That's the next Boundary, by the way.

Then it's back to Age... Like when Liberals in California were Trying to get the Vote to 14 and 16-year-olds a few years back.

1/4 Vote for 14 and 1/2 Vote for 16... Remember that?


It's Defect or Deviation... Either way it shouldn't be Illegal for Adults, NOR should it be Dishonestly made Equal to something it's not in Law.

It's NOT all or nothing, and it's that Mentallity that had a Liberal State like California Voting AGAINST Homosexual Marriage.


Oh c'mon, you can't be that stupid.......unless you're a liberal.

Ever time you have a sexual urge you still make a choice whether to carry it out or not. It's absolutely absurd to compare that to being born with white or black skin, something which you have absolutely no control over. This is not a civil rights issue.

Well, its good to know that you admit that sexual urges, and thus homosexuality is innate, since urges are a result of being hardwired at birth. Sometimes, you narrow-minded types deny this, but at least you are half way there.

Since we've now agreed that people's sexuality is not a choice, the question then becomes why homosexuals should choose not to have sex? There are usually two answers to this. The first is based on some archaic religious tract. Of course, once again, fundamentalist religious types conveniently pick and choose which parts of their holy books to obey and which to ignore, which you have demonstrated in other threads. The other reason is because of sheer prejudice. Because they think homosexual acts are disgusting, others should have to comply with their biases. This is the more ugly reason, and is, if most people are answering truthfully, the main reason why people oppose homosexuality and homosexual rights. Of course, they will also dress up their argument about being bad for morality or society, but that's nonsense.

There's more than 2 Options...

It's Convenient that you want to Box everyone into 1 of those 2, but that's simply NOT Honest.

Either everyone is Born the way they Claim, or there are other Options Regarding Sexual Deviations outside of the Procreative Coupling that Causes our "very Existence"... Nature's Design, that EVERY Homosexual is Born Equipped to Reflect.

Homosexuals are NOT the only Deviation from their Natural Design, they just happen to be the Most Popular Deviation at this point in History.

You can't say that People who Fuck Animals or Dead People are making a Choice while Claiming that Homosexuals are not.

And what about Bisexuals?... Homosexual Marriage continues to Force them to make a Choice regarding Gender, does it not?

That's the next Boundary, by the way.

Then it's back to Age... Like when Liberals in California were Trying to get the Vote to 14 and 16-year-olds a few years back.

1/4 Vote for 14 and 1/2 Vote for 16... Remember that?



When you were making your choice how much thought and time did you weigh the schlong option?
What was the deciding factor that made you choose snatch over schlong
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Republican Ken Buck Says Being Gay Is A Choice, And Also Like Alcoholism

GREGORY: In a debate last month, you expressed your support for don’t ask, don’t tell, which we talked about with Mr. Gibbs. And you alluded to lifestyle choices. Do you that believe being gay is a choice?

BUCK: I do.

GREGORY: Based on what?

BUCK: Based on what?

GREGORY: Yeah, do you believe that?

BUCK: Well, I guess you can choose who your partner is.

GREGORY: You don’t think it’s something that’s determined at birth?

BUCK: I think that birth has an influence over it, like alcoholism and some other things, but I think that basically you have a choice.
Video of this after the jump.

Ken Buck certainly showed how much of a clueless moron he is.

Techinically he is partially right.

Being homosexual is not a choice...just like being an alcoholic is not a choice...just like being heterosexual is not a choice.

However, in the case of all three, one can choose to abstain. But, it doesn't change who they are inside.

and i think that is what he he alluded to partners...i dont' speak for him though and you are right
For all those who say it's a choice, why don't you tell us about the day where you CHOSE to be straight.

Hmm... I chose to ask a girl out instead of a guy or a sheep or a dead rat.... I had a lot of attention at an early age from babysitters and nurses that worked with my mom who were readheads, and I tended to go out with more readheads and eventually married one.. the first playboy I saw had a centerfold with smaller breasts, and have never dated a big tittied woman... first girlfriend had a few tricks she liked to use and I find myself still drawn to those actions now...

You see.. a lot goes into choices or patters of behavior... does not make it genetic

But it was natural that I was genetically programmed to have a penis, which is genetically designed for procreation with a female that has a vagina and uterus.. and that is quite easily shown in the genetic code
Being gay is 100% an abnormal "choice"

Any man wanting to stick objects up his rectum is totally abnormal and against nature. :eek:

Is giving or getting a blow job against nature too?

Why do you care what people do behind closed doors?
They don't have a choice of who they fall in love with
True, homosexuality is alot like what confused animals do.

I had a dog once that fell in love with a friend of mine's leg.

The guy had to quit coming over to my house cause the dog wouldn't leave him alone. :lol:

Your valuation of love is so shallow you compare humans to a dog.
Homosexuals engage in animalistic, sub human behavior.

So making an analogy between homos and dogs really isn't much of a leap.

Heck, even the Bible refers to homosexuals as dogs. :doubt:
For all those who say it's a choice, why don't you tell us about the day where you CHOSE to be straight.

Who really cares?

Bisexuals actually do have a choice. Who has a right to determine what that choice should be? If a female bisexual falls in love with another female, why should she be forced to marry a male?

We have two consenting adults who love eachother. Why should that be prohibited by our society?
For all those who say it's a choice, why don't you tell us about the day where you CHOSE to be straight.

Hmm... I chose to ask a girl out instead of a guy or a sheep or a dead rat.... I had a lot of attention at an early age from babysitters and nurses that worked with my mom who were readheads, and I tended to go out with more readheads and eventually married one.. the first playboy I saw had a centerfold with smaller breasts, and have never dated a big tittied woman... first girlfriend had a few tricks she liked to use and I find myself still drawn to those actions now...

You see.. a lot goes into choices or patters of behavior... does not make it genetic

But it was natural that I was genetically programmed to have a penis, which is genetically designed for procreation with a female that has a vagina and uterus.. and that is quite easily shown in the genetic code

So was it ever really a choice? Did you actually consider dating a guy or a dead rat? Of course you didn't, because it was never a conscious decision for you, me or anyone else. Sure you COULD have chosen to date a guy or a dead rat but it was never really an option because that just didnt feel right to you.
Well, its good to know that you admit that sexual urges, and thus homosexuality is innate, since urges are a result of being hardwired at birth. Sometimes, you narrow-minded types deny this, but at least you are half way there.

Since we've now agreed that people's sexuality is not a choice, the question then becomes why homosexuals should choose not to have sex? There are usually two answers to this. The first is based on some archaic religious tract. Of course, once again, fundamentalist religious types conveniently pick and choose which parts of their holy books to obey and which to ignore, which you have demonstrated in other threads. The other reason is because of sheer prejudice. Because they think homosexual acts are disgusting, others should have to comply with their biases. This is the more ugly reason, and is, if most people are answering truthfully, the main reason why people oppose homosexuality and homosexual rights. Of course, they will also dress up their argument about being bad for morality or society, but that's nonsense.

There's more than 2 Options...

It's Convenient that you want to Box everyone into 1 of those 2, but that's simply NOT Honest.

Either everyone is Born the way they Claim, or there are other Options Regarding Sexual Deviations outside of the Procreative Coupling that Causes our "very Existence"... Nature's Design, that EVERY Homosexual is Born Equipped to Reflect.

Homosexuals are NOT the only Deviation from their Natural Design, they just happen to be the Most Popular Deviation at this point in History.

You can't say that People who Fuck Animals or Dead People are making a Choice while Claiming that Homosexuals are not.

And what about Bisexuals?... Homosexual Marriage continues to Force them to make a Choice regarding Gender, does it not?

That's the next Boundary, by the way.

Then it's back to Age... Like when Liberals in California were Trying to get the Vote to 14 and 16-year-olds a few years back.

1/4 Vote for 14 and 1/2 Vote for 16... Remember that?



When you were making your choice how much thought and time did you weigh the schlong option?
What was the deciding factor that made you choose snatch over schlong

It's either Defect or Chosen Deviation...

I Know LOTS of Sexual Deviants who are NOT Homosexual... Get it?

Are Orgies a Choice?


Putting aside the love part for a minute, why would someone choose to live the gay lifestyle? If being gay is nothing more than a choice, why in the world would people say 'hell yes, I'm going to be gay and live my life as such, with all the negatives that are associated with it', rather than 'hell yes, I'm not going to be gay and I won't have to put up with all the negatives associated with it'? I don't think folks 'choose' to live a lifestyle that is the exception to the rule. And what goes on behind closed doors between two adults is no one elses business. Why do both sides insist on making it so?

Because outcasts seek acceptance and association to... why would someone choose to be punk? why would someone choose to have a baby crib and diaper fetish? why would someone choose to be a conspiracy theorist and be continually ridiculed? To belong or be recognized even by the smallest or weirdest of groups, whether it means negative attention or not by some of those who have already outcast them for whatever reason...

People make choices all the time that put them into a firing range of ridicule.. and homosexuality would be no different

I don't doubt that there are some people who choose to live the gay lifestyle, whether they are truly gay or not, for the reasons you stated above. But I'm having a very, very difficult time believing that the vast majority of folks who are living the gay lifestyle are choosing to do so merely to be different or just for the attention.
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