Republican image goes over the cliff


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
First Thoughts: GOP goes off the image cliff - First Read

American people are souring on the GOP games

-The GOP’s fav/unfav rating in the poll now stands at 30%/45% (minus-15), which is down from 36%/43% (minus-7) right before the election
- Other than self-described Republicans and conservatives, just two other groups have a net positive view of the GOP: folks who live in rural America (39%/33%) and folks who live in the South (39%/38%), that’s it
- Asked to give a word or short phrase to describe the Republican Party, 65% offered a negative comment, including MORE THAN HALF of Republicans. The top responses: “Bad,” “weak,” “negative,” “uncompromising,” “need to work together,” “broken,” “disorganized” and “lost.”
-The American public -- Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike -- wants compromise. According to the poll, two-thirds of respondents (67%) are willing to accept an increase in taxes or cuts in federal government programs they care about to reach an agreement to avoid the problem
- Awhopping 76% say it would be acceptable increasing taxes on those who earn more than $250,000 to avoid the cliff, and that includes 61% of Republican respondents
- For the first time in our poll, a majority of Republicans (59%) say they want GOP leaders to make compromises to gain consensus in the current budget debate
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Possibly in the short run but after a few more years of high unemployment, recessions, massive debts, low gdp growth, rampant poverty, the people will sour on the dems for more than a generation.
Possibly in the short run but after a few more years of high unemployment, recessions, massive debts, low gdp growth, rampant poverty, the people will sour on the dems for more than a generation.

Europe is still convinced that the government can endlessly pay people to do nothing. The end isn't souring on democrats. The end is complete socialist control and Lenin-style labor camps.
Possibly in the short run but after a few more years of high unemployment, recessions, massive debts, low gdp growth, rampant poverty, the people will sour on the dems for more than a generation.

Europe is still convinced that the government can endlessly pay people to do nothing. The end isn't souring on democrats. The end is complete socialist control and Lenin-style labor camps.

I still have faith that we have more innovators than sheep in this country....maybe not.
Somebody has to be the adult in the room.

Republicans should stop. Their main mistake is trying to find a way to work with democrats when they should be concentrating on institutions and policies designed only to interfere with democrats and usurp power when presented with an opening.
Somebody has to be the adult in the room.

Republicans should stop. Their main mistake is trying to find a way to work with democrats when they should be concentrating on institutions and policies designed only to interfere with democrats and usurp power when presented with an opening.

The American public -- Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike -- wants compromise. According to the poll, two-thirds of respondents (67%) are willing to accept an increase in taxes or cuts in federal government programs they care about to reach an agreement to avoid the problem

I encourage Republicans to provide their usual response when asked to compromise....Fuck em
Somebody has to be the adult in the room.

Republicans should stop. Their main mistake is trying to find a way to work with democrats when they should be concentrating on institutions and policies designed only to interfere with democrats and usurp power when presented with an opening.

The American public -- Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike -- wants compromise. According to the poll, two-thirds of respondents (67%) are willing to accept an increase in taxes or cuts in federal government programs they care about to reach an agreement to avoid the problem

I encourage Republicans to provide their usual response when asked to compromise....Fuck em

We will get both. The cliff will only hurt for a while, but will wreck Obama's second term.
See, this is the problem with you leftists. All you care about is the image. You like how Obama looks and sounds. He could be killing babies in secret and it wouldnt bother you because you like the image.

Conservatives don't care about image. We care about substance. Quite honestly, I dont see why we cant concern ourselves with both. But as a movement we havent yet.

So keep focusing on image and ill take substance over that any day.
Somebody has to be the adult in the room.

Republicans should stop. Their main mistake is trying to find a way to work with democrats when they should be concentrating on institutions and policies designed only to interfere with democrats and usurp power when presented with an opening.

Democrats do not "work with" others. They dictate their terms and one can take them or leave them. Just make sure however you take them becuase it's their way or the highway.
See, this is the problem with you leftists. All you care about is the image. You like how Obama looks and sounds. He could be killing babies in secret and it wouldnt bother you because you like the image.

Conservatives don't care about image. We care about substance. Quite honestly, I dont see why we cant concern ourselves with both. But as a movement we havent yet.

So keep focusing on image and ill take substance over that any day.

You'll never get them to understand. Not saying it's even worth trying. Obama is all smoke and mirrors.

He appeals to the youth because like so many of them he is immature. He displays it through his actions.

Let's keep in mind this guy was a do nothing Senator for 2 years. That was his claim to fame and "qualifications" for the job.

Obama sees himself as playing hardball. Others see it as being stubborn and inflexible just like what he is displaying now during these "cliff" negotiations.
See, this is the problem with you leftists. All you care about is the image. You like how Obama looks and sounds. He could be killing babies in secret and it wouldnt bother you because you like the image.

Conservatives don't care about image. We care about substance. Quite honestly, I dont see why we cant concern ourselves with both. But as a movement we havent yet.

So keep focusing on image and ill take substance over that any day.

It is more than "image"

It is what the American people want...INCLUDING REPUBLICANS

Learn to compromise
See, this is the problem with you leftists. All you care about is the image. You like how Obama looks and sounds. He could be killing babies in secret and it wouldnt bother you because you like the image.

Conservatives don't care about image. We care about substance. Quite honestly, I dont see why we cant concern ourselves with both. But as a movement we havent yet.

So keep focusing on image and ill take substance over that any day.

It is more than "image"

It is what the American people want...INCLUDING REPUBLICANS

Learn to compromise

nope, Obama isn't willing UNLESS he get to RAISE TAXES on people, like that is HELPING out the people of the country..You can't compromise with a idiot
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I think it's funny how some folks try to twist so hard.

"Republicans problem is that they are trying to work with Democrats."

Yeah, 600 or so filibusters is sure "trying to work with Democrats" huh?

Filibustering your own bill once the Democrats agree too it is just "too compromising" huh?

Funny stuff - thank God most Americans are laughing at you.
See, this is the problem with you leftists. All you care about is the image. You like how Obama looks and sounds. He could be killing babies in secret and it wouldnt bother you because you like the image.

Conservatives don't care about image. We care about substance. Quite honestly, I dont see why we cant concern ourselves with both. But as a movement we havent yet.

So keep focusing on image and ill take substance over that any day.

It is more than "image"

It is what the American people want...INCLUDING REPUBLICANS

Learn to compromise

nope, Obama isn't willing UNLESS he get to RAISE TAXES on people, like that is HELPING out the people of the country..You can't compromise with a idiot

Especially a idiot who does not know proper English.
Here's a compromise: let the tax cuts expire and cut defense in exchange for a complete repeal of Obamacare.
We see the ramped up propaganda coming out the Lamestream alphabet new Organizations

first CNN (the commie news network, now Nbc...

how lovey the DNC has all these stations in their laps

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