Republican campaign adviser???

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
I thought this guy was a Democrat when I heard this answer in response to a question regarding why Romney (R) has only been making Fox appearances:
Gillespie Defends Romney Only Doing Fox News: He Spoke 'to Schoolchildren Last Week' | Video Cafe
"Do you think we're ever going to see him on one of these Sunday morning interview shows?" CBS host Bob Schieffer asked Gillespie. "I know he does Fox but we'd love to have him sometime as would [NBC's] Meet the Press and would the ABC folk."

"You know, Bob, the fact is that we're going to take our message to the American people," Gillespie explained. "You saw him talking to schoolchildren last week giving a speech on education reform."

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