Repub House leader veers STRONGLY Left

Cantor is looking at it as a compromise. Democrats see it as a sharp veer left. That's why republicans should give up trying to compromise with democrats. What hispanics want is not to be Americans, it's to eliminate the southern border something they believe they will someday do by a democratic vote.
Cantor is looking at it as a compromise. Democrats see it as a sharp veer left. That's why republicans should give up trying to compromise with democrats. What hispanics want is not to be Americans, it's to eliminate the southern border something they believe they will someday do by a democratic vote.

link? Why don't you ever supply links to your zaney assertions?
Cantor is looking at it as a compromise. Democrats see it as a sharp veer left. That's why republicans should give up trying to compromise with democrats. What hispanics want is not to be Americans, it's to eliminate the southern border something they believe they will someday do by a democratic vote.

link? Why don't you ever supply links to your zaney assertions?

Before Katz does that, why don't you supply us with links regarding your zany assertions that the Republicans are engaging in voter suppression.
You started a second thread on this?

They finally see the writing on the wall ALTHOUGH they're STILL putting "party" BEFORE "country" as no one believes Cantor (R) is sincere about "anchor babies".

GOP embraces cosmetic makeover, tweaking tone not principles - NBC Politics
The No. 2 Republican in the House re-framed some of his party's most familiar proposals as an agenda intended to ease the plight of most American families. (The lone new pronouncement was Cantor's endorsement of the thrust of the DREAM Act, a proposal to allow undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children a pathway to citizenship.)

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Let's see, radical left wingers reminding republicans of an alleged drift to the left by the House speaker? Wouldn't you think the left would applaud any attempt by the Speaker to resolve the immigration mess? Never happen. The argument is a bogus attempt to split the republican party and it's pure Saul Alinsky.
Let's see, radical left wingers reminding republicans of an alleged drift to the left by the House speaker? Wouldn't you think the left would applaud any attempt by the Speaker to resolve the immigration mess? Never happen. The argument is a bogus attempt to split the republican party and it's pure Saul Alinsky.

he's not doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He's doing it because he knows the Republicans will be a permanent minority party if they keep relying solely on the fringe white vote (you people) to win elections
They finally see the writing on the wall ALTHOUGH they're STILL putting "party" BEFORE "country" as no one believes Cantor (R) is sincere about "anchor babies".

GOP embraces cosmetic makeover, tweaking tone not principles - NBC Politics
The No. 2 Republican in the House re-framed some of his party's most familiar proposals as an agenda intended to ease the plight of most American families. (The lone new pronouncement was Cantor's endorsement of the thrust of the DREAM Act, a proposal to allow undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children a pathway to citizenship.)


This was basically George Bush's plan.
They have a math problem w/ the dwindling conservative white population (slowing replacement-rate that plagues all 1st world countries.) that are willing to vote for them. They have accepted it and decided to throw the base's beliefs overboard in order to get more voters.

Power over principles, how commiecrat of you.
Let's see, radical left wingers reminding republicans of an alleged drift to the left by the House speaker? Wouldn't you think the left would applaud any attempt by the Speaker to resolve the immigration mess? Never happen. The argument is a bogus attempt to split the republican party and it's pure Saul Alinsky.

he's not doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He's doing it because he knows the Republicans will be a permanent minority party if they keep relying solely on the fringe white vote (you people) to win elections

Well then why don't you put his portrait on your personal St.Valentines day list? You should love the guy if he seems to be caving into democrat socialism. Why do you feel the need to warn the republican voters? Maybe because the argument is bogus?
Cantor is looking at it as a compromise. Democrats see it as a sharp veer left. That's why republicans should give up trying to compromise with democrats. What hispanics want is not to be Americans, it's to eliminate the southern border something they believe they will someday do by a democratic vote.

link? Why don't you ever supply links to your zaney assertions?

You want a link? I've got a link for you, with some very well-known politicians saying some very unAmerican things. Verbatim transcripts and audio of what has happened and is happening in California from the 90's to today.

The Takeover of America CD -- CCIR - February, 2004

Click the link, read the quotes, listen to the audio as these Mexican Reconquistas ADMIT what they want. Aztlan.

Need a visual?

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