More than a Year After DADT Pentagon to Extend Benefits to SS Couples


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Peaking out from the redwoods
The military is poised to extend some benefits to the same-sex partners of service members, U.S. officials said Tuesday, about 16 months after the Pentagon repealed its ban on openly gay service.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has not made a final decision on which benefits will be included, the officials said, but the Pentagon is likely to allow same-sex partners to have access to the on-base commissary and other military subsidized stores, as well as some health and welfare programs.​

Pentagon to give some benefits to same-sex partners of service members

It will be interesting to see what benefits they will be granting and if these will extend to retirees. Base services would be great, but what about housing allowances and weight limits.

Good step in the right direction and once DOMA gets struck down by the SCOTUS, full benefits!!
The military is poised to extend some benefits to the same-sex partners of service members, U.S. officials said Tuesday, about 16 months after the Pentagon repealed its ban on openly gay service.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has not made a final decision on which benefits will be included, the officials said, but the Pentagon is likely to allow same-sex partners to have access to the on-base commissary and other military subsidized stores, as well as some health and welfare programs.​

Pentagon to give some benefits to same-sex partners of service members

It will be interesting to see what benefits they will be granting and if these will extend to retirees. Base services would be great, but what about housing allowances and weight limits.

Good step in the right direction and once DOMA gets struck down by the SCOTUS, full benefits!!

Sort of fitting as the military was the first government institution to grant full equality to blacks in the military.
While I do not agree with the Pentagon on their stance of homosexual soldiers.. if they are going to have it, they have to give the same benefits

What about the Pentagon's stance that you don't agree with?

For me.. I don't believe they should be in the military if it is found out... it is a logistical nightmare and (as I have stated before) a morale buster in the units... Behavioral choice is something under scrutiny for soldiers, above and beyond what the general public has... and this is just another behavioral control for the military to have for the efficient running of our forces...

Not that I do not think a gay soldier can't fire a weapon, fix a radio, drive a tank, etc.... that is not in question..

I know I may be in the minority of people with my opinion.. but I do not believe I am in the minority for soldiers and vets... agree with me or not, I really don't care... BUT, like I said, if this is in place like it is, you have to give equal benefits
While I do not agree with the Pentagon on their stance of homosexual soldiers.. if they are going to have it, they have to give the same benefits

What about the Pentagon's stance that you don't agree with?

For me.. I don't believe they should be in the military if it is found out... it is a logistical nightmare and (as I have stated before) a morale buster in the units... Behavioral choice is something under scrutiny for soldiers, above and beyond what the general public has... and this is just another behavioral control for the military to have for the efficient running of our forces...

Not that I do not think a gay soldier can't fire a weapon, fix a radio, drive a tank, etc.... that is not in question..

I know I may be in the minority of people with my opinion.. but I do not believe I am in the minority for soldiers and vets... agree with me or not, I really don't care... BUT, like I said, if this is in place like it is, you have to give equal benefits

Fair enough...what what logistical problems do you see? I ask this because I remember the so-called "potty principle"...used as an excuse to try to keep women off ships, etc.
While I do not agree with the Pentagon on their stance of homosexual soldiers.. if they are going to have it, they have to give the same benefits

What about the Pentagon's stance that you don't agree with?

For me.. I don't believe they should be in the military if it is found out... it is a logistical nightmare and (as I have stated before) a morale buster in the units... Behavioral choice is something under scrutiny for soldiers, above and beyond what the general public has... and this is just another behavioral control for the military to have for the efficient running of our forces...

Not that I do not think a gay soldier can't fire a weapon, fix a radio, drive a tank, etc.... that is not in question..

I know I may be in the minority of people with my opinion.. but I do not believe I am in the minority for soldiers and vets... agree with me or not, I really don't care... BUT, like I said, if this is in place like it is, you have to give equal benefits

It's been over a year and a half Here. Over a decade in some countries. Don't you think we would have heard about these "logistical nightmares" by now?
I have 2 sons age 27 and 25. Both have dozens of friends in the military now and many have been in or are in Afghanistan now.
They report no problems and stated that everyone knew anyway. They state that of course there are some that are more focused on the sexuality of another soldier than doing their job but that is what we see in everyday life everywhere.
Soldiers do their job and sexuality is not an issue is what they report.
Even before the repeal of DADT, many many soliders weren't "in the closet". My husband said he didn't notice any difference before and after. I can understand how those who were enlisted 20 or 30 years ago could worry, but its not 1970 anymore.
The military is poised to extend some benefits to the same-sex partners of service members, U.S. officials said Tuesday, about 16 months after the Pentagon repealed its ban on openly gay service.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has not made a final decision on which benefits will be included, the officials said, but the Pentagon is likely to allow same-sex partners to have access to the on-base commissary and other military subsidized stores, as well as some health and welfare programs.​

Pentagon to give some benefits to same-sex partners of service members

It will be interesting to see what benefits they will be granting and if these will extend to retirees. Base services would be great, but what about housing allowances and weight limits.

Good step in the right direction and once DOMA gets struck down by the SCOTUS, full benefits!!
I have been impressed at how quickly the Pentagon has adjusted it's policies to include the gay community. I think they've done a great job. And you are correct, once DOMA is struck down, I think the Pentagon will comply immediately.
At the beginning of my career, a gay man outed himself. He was placed under immediate protection and processed out. Being an openly gay man in the military back then was a life-threatening proposition. As he was packing his belongings, I overheard him telling the guy assigned to be his bodyguard that showering with all of us other men had been sexual torture for him.

That memory has stuck with me all these years, and feeds right into the fear every straight male has about gays and the lack of privacy in the military.

Conversely, the percentage of gay women in the military is quite high. Everyone knew who the lesbians were and no one gave a shit. The gay women were entirely out of the closet, and quite of few of them wore the full-on butch uniform when they were off duty.

The military is still a man's world and lesbians are not a threat, and are often a turn-on even though the lipstick lesbian is an extremely rare bird in the military.

One of the best people who ever worked for me was a lesbian, and it was she who had more to do with changing my attitude toward gays in the military than anything else.

She did not change my mind about women in combat, but she did change my mind about gays in the military.

I am glad to hear that gay marriages, or whatever the military chooses to call them, will be eligible for equal benefits under military regulations. It is not only consistent, but the right thing to do.
While I do not agree with the Pentagon on their stance of homosexual soldiers.. if they are going to have it, they have to give the same benefits

I don't agree with your opinion on gay soldiers, but I respect your opinion and consistency. I hope you are as consistent on gay marriage though. Gays are tax paying Americans, so wouldn't it make as much sense that they would get the same marriage benefits as any other American?
While I do not agree with the Pentagon on their stance of homosexual soldiers.. if they are going to have it, they have to give the same benefits

I don't agree with your opinion on gay soldiers, but I respect your opinion and consistency. I hope you are as consistent on gay marriage though. Gays are tax paying Americans, so wouldn't it make as much sense that they would get the same marriage benefits as any other American?

I am for equal treatment... I want government out of marriage except in governmental matters such as taxation, inheritance, power of attorney, etc... let decisions on what people want to call what or want to accept be up to them... no forced acceptance of behavior..

I believe you have the right to be with whomever you wish.. make a family with whomever you wish... love whomever you wish.. but I cannot force someone to accept a gay couple just as I don't think anyone should be forced to accept my interracial marriage... my relationship does not need governmental support or someone to 'have my back'.. I just need to be treated like every other citizen by government itself
While I do not agree with the Pentagon on their stance of homosexual soldiers.. if they are going to have it, they have to give the same benefits

I don't agree with your opinion on gay soldiers, but I respect your opinion and consistency. I hope you are as consistent on gay marriage though. Gays are tax paying Americans, so wouldn't it make as much sense that they would get the same marriage benefits as any other American?

I am for equal treatment... I want government out of marriage except in governmental matters such as taxation, inheritance, power of attorney, etc... let decisions on what people want to call what or want to accept be up to them... no forced acceptance of behavior..

I believe you have the right to be with whomever you wish.. make a family with whomever you wish... love whomever you wish.. but I cannot force someone to accept a gay couple just as I don't think anyone should be forced to accept my interracial marriage... my relationship does not need governmental support or someone to 'have my back'.. I just need to be treated like every other citizen by government itself
Don't you think it's already up to the religious institution to call it whatever they want?

You won't find a law in the land dictating whether a church which wants to perform a marriage ceremony for a gay couple insist they call it one thing or another.

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