Reporters getting 1st taste of impeachment restrictions


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
WASHINGTON (AP) — The impeachment trial of President Donald Trump has barely started and already journalists are getting a glimpse of how hard it will be cover the event under harsh new media restrictions imposed by the Senate.

Thursday’s impeachment events were largely ceremonial, with the Senate formally receiving the articles of impeachment from the seven appointed managers from the House of Representatives. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the full Senate were also formally sworn in. The trial begins in earnest on Tuesday.

Thursday also served as a preview of how the new restrictions will warp the daily functioning of the congressional press corps, who are accustomed to approaching senators as they walk through the hallways or emerge from the Senate subway.

All throughout the Capitol building, reporters were prevented from stopping to wait for senators or talking to them outside the designated media pens. Senators were also given cards by the Capitol Police that suggested phrases for fending off unwanted approaches. including “Please get out of my way” and “You are preventing me from doing my job.”

Reporters getting 1st taste of impeachment restrictions

Aw, poor little Marxist "Reporters".... They won't be able to attack members of the Senate in their usual DNC playbook approved fashion....
Here is all the Democratic-controlled Pravda-like Media needs to know:

“It’s not a question” of “proof” it’s about “allegations.”
(Nancy Pelosi...presumably after a three martini lunch.)
WASHINGTON (AP) — The impeachment trial of President Donald Trump has barely started and already journalists are getting a glimpse of how hard it will be cover the event under harsh new media restrictions imposed by the Senate.

Thursday’s impeachment events were largely ceremonial, with the Senate formally receiving the articles of impeachment from the seven appointed managers from the House of Representatives. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the full Senate were also formally sworn in. The trial begins in earnest on Tuesday.

Thursday also served as a preview of how the new restrictions will warp the daily functioning of the congressional press corps, who are accustomed to approaching senators as they walk through the hallways or emerge from the Senate subway.

All throughout the Capitol building, reporters were prevented from stopping to wait for senators or talking to them outside the designated media pens. Senators were also given cards by the Capitol Police that suggested phrases for fending off unwanted approaches. including “Please get out of my way” and “You are preventing me from doing my job.”

Reporters getting 1st taste of impeachment restrictions

Aw, poor little Marxist "Reporters".... They won't be able to attack members of the Senate in their usual DNC playbook approved fashion....

I love how the left-wing says they want a fair trial, and yet want to make sure they can blast it all over the media, which will undoubtedly influence the people in the proceeding.
Yeah imagine limiting the media in a free society that promotes freedom of the press and an open government

that really is what makes america great, limit news and a open government
Yeah imagine limiting the media in a free society that promotes freedom of the press and an open government

that really is what makes america great, limit news and a open government

If they were actually reporting news I would agree with you. But they are provably nothing more than the propaganda ARM of the progressive left.
Yeah imagine limiting the media in a free society that promotes freedom of the press and an open government

that really is what makes america great, limit news and a open government

When they get back to reporting news, instead of being DNC hit men, let me know.
Yeah imagine limiting the media in a free society that promotes freedom of the press and an open government

that really is what makes america great, limit news and a open government
Yeah, shame the United States doesnt have that media anymore...Just a bunch of partisan hacks who all worked for, either the Clintons, or the Brown Turd.

The term Fourth Estate or fourth power refers to the press and news media both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues. Though it is not formally recognized as a part of a political system, it wields significant indirect social influence.
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia….. Any journalist that doesnt speak the liberal talking points

Fifth column. A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel.
Fifth column - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia like Rachael Madcow, Chrissy Mathews(thrill up leg) Georgie Snuffaguffalus(the small man).
WASHINGTON (AP) — The impeachment trial of President Donald Trump has barely started and already journalists are getting a glimpse of how hard it will be cover the event under harsh new media restrictions imposed by the Senate.

Thursday’s impeachment events were largely ceremonial, with the Senate formally receiving the articles of impeachment from the seven appointed managers from the House of Representatives. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the full Senate were also formally sworn in. The trial begins in earnest on Tuesday.

Thursday also served as a preview of how the new restrictions will warp the daily functioning of the congressional press corps, who are accustomed to approaching senators as they walk through the hallways or emerge from the Senate subway.

All throughout the Capitol building, reporters were prevented from stopping to wait for senators or talking to them outside the designated media pens. Senators were also given cards by the Capitol Police that suggested phrases for fending off unwanted approaches. including “Please get out of my way” and “You are preventing me from doing my job.”

Reporters getting 1st taste of impeachment restrictions

Aw, poor little Marxist "Reporters".... They won't be able to attack members of the Senate in their usual DNC playbook approved fashion....

I love how the left-wing says they want a fair trial, and yet want to make sure they can blast it all over the media, which will undoubtedly influence the people in the proceeding.
Funny how they didn’t want a fair trial when they were in the majority in the hose. Did ewe hear Schumer or the cud chewer screaming for a fair trial?
WASHINGTON (AP) — The impeachment trial of President Donald Trump has barely started and already journalists are getting a glimpse of how hard it will be cover the event under harsh new media restrictions imposed by the Senate.

Thursday’s impeachment events were largely ceremonial, with the Senate formally receiving the articles of impeachment from the seven appointed managers from the House of Representatives. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the full Senate were also formally sworn in. The trial begins in earnest on Tuesday.

Thursday also served as a preview of how the new restrictions will warp the daily functioning of the congressional press corps, who are accustomed to approaching senators as they walk through the hallways or emerge from the Senate subway.

All throughout the Capitol building, reporters were prevented from stopping to wait for senators or talking to them outside the designated media pens. Senators were also given cards by the Capitol Police that suggested phrases for fending off unwanted approaches. including “Please get out of my way” and “You are preventing me from doing my job.”

Reporters getting 1st taste of impeachment restrictions

Aw, poor little Marxist "Reporters".... They won't be able to attack members of the Senate in their usual DNC playbook approved fashion....
What? Adam Schiff won't be able to call a recess, break The Law and leak privileged and confidential information?

Say it isn't so.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The impeachment trial of President Donald Trump has barely started and already journalists are getting a glimpse of how hard it will be cover the event under harsh new media restrictions imposed by the Senate.

Thursday’s impeachment events were largely ceremonial, with the Senate formally receiving the articles of impeachment from the seven appointed managers from the House of Representatives. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the full Senate were also formally sworn in. The trial begins in earnest on Tuesday.

Thursday also served as a preview of how the new restrictions will warp the daily functioning of the congressional press corps, who are accustomed to approaching senators as they walk through the hallways or emerge from the Senate subway.

All throughout the Capitol building, reporters were prevented from stopping to wait for senators or talking to them outside the designated media pens. Senators were also given cards by the Capitol Police that suggested phrases for fending off unwanted approaches. including “Please get out of my way” and “You are preventing me from doing my job.”

Reporters getting 1st taste of impeachment restrictions

Aw, poor little Marxist "Reporters".... They won't be able to attack members of the Senate in their usual DNC playbook approved fashion....

I love how the left-wing says they want a fair trial, and yet want to make sure they can blast it all over the media, which will undoubtedly influence the people in the proceeding.
Funny how they didn’t want a fair trial when they were in the majority in the hose. Did ewe hear Schumer or the cud chewer screaming for a fair trial?
Nope. All we heard was Dems writing new never done before rules to make things as slanted and biased as possible in The House.
LIMIT THE NEWS??????----like for example NBC, CBS and ABC together had Zero, Zought, Zippo coverage of the signing of the U.S. China Trade Agreement.

And liberal suck-ass Politico changed its headline within one hour from:

US-China Trade Agreement Signed--Big Win for Trump


US-China Trade Agreement Signed--Much work left to be done

Some underling rookie fucked up and told the Truth---and the Bolshevik-Faggot Bosses had to step in forthwith.

The Media today is an extension of the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel and the Corrupt Bureaucratic Deep State...and it is grossly abusing the protections given it by the Constitution which were meant to get the Public TRUTHFULLY informed.

Today, the Media is a very dangerous institution. The damage it does to this great Country is thankfully limited by the fact that the Public---other than the poor fools educated in public schools of the rotting cities of the North---are onto to them and rate them down on a level with Cock Roaches and Head Lice.
LIMIT THE NEWS??????----like for example NBC, CBS and ABC together had Zero, Zought, Zippo coverage of the signing of the U.S. China Trade Agreement.

And liberal suck-ass Politico changed its headline within one hour from:

US-China Trade Agreement Signed--Big Win for Trump


US-China Trade Agreement Signed--Much work left to be done

Some underling rookie fucked up and told the Truth---and the Bolshevik-Faggot Bosses had to step in forthwith.

The Media today is an extension of the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel and the Corrupt Bureaucratic Deep State...and it is grossly abusing the protections given it by the Constitution which were meant to get the Public TRUTHFULLY informed.

Today, the Media is a very dangerous institution. The damage it does to this great Country is thankfully limited by the fact that the Public---other than the poor fools educated in public schools of the rotting cities of the North---are onto to them and rate them down on a level with Cock Roaches and Head Lice.


I remember someone correctly referred to them as an enemy!
...Senators were also given cards by the Capitol Police that suggested phrases for fending off unwanted approaches. including “Please get out of my way” and “You are preventing me from doing my job.”

Is this supposed to be satire, or is this actually true? If true, it's pretty fucking sad that a grown man or woman would need a cheat sheet to come up with something as natural as "please get out of my way" when someone is standing in their way. And we put our trust in these people to establish the laws we all have to live by?

Just wow...I mean it's widely acknowledged that the type of people that gravitate to Congress are those that excel at reciting bullet points and lack independent thought, but this takes the cake.
...Senators were also given cards by the Capitol Police that suggested phrases for fending off unwanted approaches. including “Please get out of my way” and “You are preventing me from doing my job.”

Is this supposed to be satire, or is this actually true? If true, it's pretty fucking sad that a grown man or woman would need a cheat sheet to come up with something as natural as "please get out of my way" when someone is standing in their way. And we put our trust in these people to establish the laws we all have to live by?

Just wow...I mean it's widely acknowledged that the type of people that gravitate to Congress are those that excel at reciting bullet points and lack independent thought, but this takes the cake.

I agree it is sad. but it is the world we live in....Just look back on some of the dumb shit they say when they go off script...
Yeah imagine limiting the media in a free society that promotes freedom of the press and an open government

that really is what makes america great, limit news and a open government

If they were actually reporting news I would agree with you. But they are provably nothing more than the propaganda ARM of the progressive left.

Yet what does Fox report and its brothers in arm

nothing more that the propaganda of the right

still new is reported by both sides along with the commentary, it is just a matter of having an open mind

freedom of the press seems to be lost on many
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Yeah imagine limiting the media in a free society that promotes freedom of the press and an open government

that really is what makes america great, limit news and a open government
Yeah, shame the United States doesnt have that media anymore...Just a bunch of partisan hacks who all worked for, either the Clintons, or the Brown Turd.

The term Fourth Estate or fourth power refers to the press and news media both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues. Though it is not formally recognized as a part of a political system, it wields significant indirect social influence.
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia….. Any journalist that doesnt speak the liberal talking points

Fifth column. A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel.
Fifth column - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia like Rachael Madcow, Chrissy Mathews(thrill up leg) Georgie Snuffaguffalus(the small man).

Nothing about the right such as the right wing bloggers and the fox in chief
Yeah imagine limiting the media in a free society that promotes freedom of the press and an open government

that really is what makes america great, limit news and a open government

When they get back to reporting news, instead of being DNC hit men, let me know.
now comment on the news that fox reports and there allies

freedom of the press, they report you choose

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