Report: Vikings fire Dennison after refusing vaccine


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Agree or disagree? Does he have a legal case if he pursues it?

Reading some NFL players comments many are not happy about being forced to take a vaccine.

Minnesota Vikings offensive line coach/run game coordinator Rick Dennison is out of a job after refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, ESPN’s Courtney Cronin reported Friday.

The team will promote assistant offensive coach Phil Rauscher to replace Dennison. Minnesota also hired Auburn special teams analyst Ben Steele as an assistant to fill out its coaching staff.

Dennison has been with the Vikings for the past two seasons and would be the first NFL assistant coach to lose his job for refusal to take the vaccine.
Dunno if he has a legal case for it, as it is a private business, and the owner has the ability to say who will and won't work for them, as well as can dictate policy for how the team is supposed to operate.

I really don't see what the fuss is about getting the vaccine, especially now. A whole bunch of people in this country (roughly half), have gotten the vaccine and it has been proven to be effective, and there have been only a few people who have had a reaction to it. Doctors now know what to look for in people who have adverse reactions, and are now able to treat them so they don't die.

My personal opinion? Everyone who is able to get the vaccine should. Yes, I know that there are people out there who are unable to get it due to physical conditions that they have, but the rest of us should get it to try to keep everyone safe. Me? I got my first shot back in April, and was fully vaccinated in May. I got the Moderna vaccine and am happy that I did, as now I feel a bit safer. Not only does it have a high percentage of keeping people from catching the virus (94 percent), but even if I do get sick, I won't end up in the hospital on a ventilator. Most of the people who are ending up in the hospital from the virus are those who didn't get vaccinated.

Not only that, but I spent 20 years in the military, and the military told me when and what kind of shots I had to get the entire time I was on active duty.
Agree or disagree? Does he have a legal case if he pursues it?
Reading some NFL players comments many are not happy about being forced to take a vaccine.

It's all theoretical. No one can prove an absolute need or risk by not getting the vaccine. It is all pseudo-science buffoonery. No one can prove you are an absolute risk to anyone else much less that you are the cause of anyone's infection.

You can't tell a woman what to do with her body even when it is plain that the abortion will murder an innocent human being, but the Fascist totalitarian left have ordered that you either submit to the vaccine or die. Maybe even die FROM the vaccine.

Along with that, submit every piece of personal information there is about you to anonymous third parties. Want the vaccine? We want your name address, phone number, email, gender, age, social security number and anything else that can be used against you.

Oh yeah, also waive all rights to a lawsuit should the shot hurt you in any way. You even agree to pay the other party's legal costs.

Go ahead, get that shot.
Dunno if he has a legal case for it, as it is a private business, and the owner has the ability to say who will and won't work for them, as well as can dictate policy for how the team is supposed to operate.

I really don't see what the fuss is about getting the vaccine, especially now. A whole bunch of people in this country (roughly half), have gotten the vaccine and it has been proven to be effective, and there have been only a few people who have had a reaction to it. Doctors now know what to look for in people who have adverse reactions, and are now able to treat them so they don't die.

My personal opinion? Everyone who is able to get the vaccine should. Yes, I know that there are people out there who are unable to get it due to physical conditions that they have, but the rest of us should get it to try to keep everyone safe. Me? I got my first shot back in April, and was fully vaccinated in May. I got the Moderna vaccine and am happy that I did, as now I feel a bit safer. Not only does it have a high percentage of keeping people from catching the virus (94 percent), but even if I do get sick, I won't end up in the hospital on a ventilator. Most of the people who are ending up in the hospital from the virus are those who didn't get vaccinated.

Not only that, but I spent 20 years in the military, and the military told me when and what kind of shots I had to get the entire time I was on active duty.
Minnesota is not a right to work state
It's all theoretical. No one can prove an absolute need or risk by not getting the vaccine. It is all pseudo-science buffoonery. No one can prove you are an absolute risk to anyone else much less that you are the cause of anyone's infection.

You can't tell a woman what to do with her body even when it is plain that the abortion will murder an innocent human being, but the Fascist totalitarian left have ordered that you either submit to the vaccine or die. Maybe even die FROM the vaccine.

Along with that, submit every piece of personal information there is about you to anonymous third parties. Want the vaccine? We want your name address, phone number, email, gender, age, social security number and anything else that can be used against you.

Oh yeah, also waive all rights to a lawsuit should the shot hurt you in any way. You even agree to pay the other party's legal costs.

Go ahead, get that shot.

Theoretical? Really? Over half of the country has gotten some form of the vaccine, and it has been proving itself to be fairly effective. Not only that, but those who do get the virus and end up in the hospital are those who never got the vaccine.

As far as taking your information, ALL doctors and health care providers have that information (it's part of your medical file), and it's not really a "third party" as you are trying to claim. I got my shot from the VA, and they already had my information (SSN, name, gender, etc.), so I really don't see it being a big deal.

As far as the shot hurting anyone and them not being able to have any legal recourse, can you provide a link showing your claim is true? As far as people having an adverse reaction to the vaccine, the number of them compared to the number of people who have gotten the shot is very small. And, like I said, doctors now know what to look for in adverse reactions and are able to treat it effectively so people don't die.
Agree or disagree? Does he have a legal case if he pursues it?

Reading some NFL players comments many are not happy about being forced to take a vaccine.

Minnesota Vikings offensive line coach/run game coordinator Rick Dennison is out of a job after refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, ESPN’s Courtney Cronin reported Friday.

The team will promote assistant offensive coach Phil Rauscher to replace Dennison. Minnesota also hired Auburn special teams analyst Ben Steele as an assistant to fill out its coaching staff.

Dennison has been with the Vikings for the past two seasons and would be the first NFL assistant coach to lose his job for refusal to take the vaccine.
Kudos to Coach D. for his courage.

Few people would want to jeopardize their job.

Apparently, he believes strongly about the non-taking of the vaccine.

And he is willing to accept the consequences.
So what if it's not a right to work state. The owner of the team can say who does and doesn't work for them, as well as can dictate the policy that the team has to follow. It is a private business after all.
He can sue the heck out of them
Theoretical? Really?
Absolutely. If I don't get the vaccine, get sick, don't get sick, or someone else gets sick or not, prove to us that it was because I personally didn't get the shot! Not a single Covid death can be traced to any one specific individual's actions, so, all this talk of needing to get the vax is hypothetical based on ASSUMPTIONS.

I take that back: the one exception is the thousands of nursing home patients all dead in NY after Cuomo stuck a bunch of covid patients all in with them.

those who do get the virus and end up in the hospital are those who never got the vaccine.
RUBBISH. So I guess all those democrats in Texas and at the White House now testing + for Covid, none of them got the vax?

As far as taking your information, ALL doctors and health care providers have that information (it's part of your medical file), and it's not really a "third party" as you are trying to claim.
Then why does my medical provider's Covid form require all of that again? Come to think of it, why does my doctor need so much info in the first place?

I got my shot from the VA, and they already had my information (SSN, name, gender, etc.), so I really don't see it being a big deal.
I guess you just like every stranger, agency and department in the country to have a full sheet of info on you! Don't complain now when someone steals your identity or takes a loan out against your house that you need to repay.

As far as the shot hurting anyone and them not being able to have any legal recourse, can you provide a link showing your claim is true?
Here's a screen shot right off the form. Read it and weep. The government has all that info on you too, so why do they require it again? A: THEY ARE MAKING A DATABASE of who has the shot, when and where:

Screen Shot 2021-07-23 at 4.15.35 PM.png

As far as people having an adverse reaction to the vaccine, the number of them compared to the number of people who have gotten the shot is very small.
WHO THE FUCK CARES?! TELL THAT TO THE 12,000 who have DIED from the vaccine, then to the thousands more who stayed alive but suffered serious illness and side effects.

And, like I said, doctors now know what to look for in adverse reactions and are able to treat it effectively so people don't die.
A lot good that will do you unless you happen to get the shot in a hospital. GOOD GOD MAN, Walmart and every Tom, Dick and Harry is giving out the shot. "Associate to Aisle 11, customer on floor convulsing from Covid shot needs CPR and a respirator!"
The NFL has completely sold out. This is what the Christian religious people talk about. And how it is slowly enveloping the world.
Dunno if he has a legal case for it, as it is a private business, and the owner has the ability to say who will and won't work for them, as well as can dictate policy for how the team is supposed to operate.

I really don't see what the fuss is about getting the vaccine, especially now. A whole bunch of people in this country (roughly half), have gotten the vaccine and it has been proven to be effective, and there have been only a few people who have had a reaction to it. Doctors now know what to look for in people who have adverse reactions, and are now able to treat them so they don't die.

My personal opinion? Everyone who is able to get the vaccine should. Yes, I know that there are people out there who are unable to get it due to physical conditions that they have, but the rest of us should get it to try to keep everyone safe. Me? I got my first shot back in April, and was fully vaccinated in May. I got the Moderna vaccine and am happy that I did, as now I feel a bit safer. Not only does it have a high percentage of keeping people from catching the virus (94 percent), but even if I do get sick, I won't end up in the hospital on a ventilator. Most of the people who are ending up in the hospital from the virus are those who didn't get vaccinated.

Not only that, but I spent 20 years in the military, and the military told me when and what kind of shots I had to get the entire time I was on active duty.

The courts have allowed private business to discriminate against conservatives when it comes to such things as censoring them on social media but are not allowed to discriminate against gays who want someone to bake them a cake who is religious

So if the courts remain consistent, democrats will continue to get their way as conservatives are made to lick their boots.

I'm not saying this man is a conservative, but he obviously does not drink the Joe Biden cool aid, so that is reason enough to destroy him.
Agree or disagree? Does he have a legal case if he pursues it?

Reading some NFL players comments many are not happy about being forced to take a vaccine.

Minnesota Vikings offensive line coach/run game coordinator Rick Dennison is out of a job after refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, ESPN’s Courtney Cronin reported Friday.

The team will promote assistant offensive coach Phil Rauscher to replace Dennison. Minnesota also hired Auburn special teams analyst Ben Steele as an assistant to fill out its coaching staff.

Dennison has been with the Vikings for the past two seasons and would be the first NFL assistant coach to lose his job for refusal to take the vaccine.
If they had any brains they would all ban together and sue the asses of these evil corrupt owners. Further proof what I have said all along that the NFL is as evil and corrupt as our government is is indeed true.
It will take lawsuits resulting from one bad serious reaction to a vaccination taken under coercion from an employer before this shit changes course.
Firing people is "buy and sell". It is going to take courage for many people to do this.
He made a decision, and wouldn't follow the safety protocols put in place by the Vikings. If I don't follow the safety protocols put in place by my employer, I'm gone tomorrow.

He's free to work somewhere that does not require a vaccination to be employed.

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