Report: New York Investigators Obtain Fraudulent Ballots 97 Percent of Time


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Anyone who says that sleazy Democrats wouldn't cheat when it's this easy has rocks in his head, or he's a sleazy Democrat.

Report: New York Investigators Obtain Fraudulent Ballots 97 Percent of Time | National Review Online

New York City’s Department of Investigation (DOI) has just shown how easy it is to commit voter fraud that is almost undetectable. Its undercover agents were able to obtain ballots for city elections a total of 61 times — 39 times using the names of dead people, 14 times using the names of incarcerated felons, and eight times using the names of non-residents. On only two occasions, or about 3 percent of the time, were the agents stopped by polling-place officials. In one of the two cases, an investigator was stopped only because the felon he was trying to vote in the name of was the son of the election official he was dealing with.

Ballot security in checking birth dates or signatures was so sloppy that young undercover agents were able to vote using the name of someone three times their age who had died. As the New York Post reports: “A 24-year female was able to access the ballot at a Manhattan poll site in November under the name of a deceased female who was born in 1923 and died in April 25, 2012 — and would have been 89 on Election Day.” All of the agents who got ballots wrote in the names of fictitious candidates so as not to actually influence election outcomes.

Last year, guerrilla videographer James O’Keefe sent hidden cameras into polling places around the country to demonstrate just how easy it is to commit voter fraud and how hard it is to ever know it happened. In Washington, D.C., one of his assistants was able to obtain Attorney General Eric Holder’s ballot even though Holder is 62 years old and bears no resemblance to the 22-year-old white man who obtained it by merely...​
No way! That never happes and even if it did, voter ID wouldn't help, and it could never influence an exection, just ask any commiecrat, they'll tell ya.
And yet the left demands voter fraud is non existent. The reality is that it is almost impossible to detect so claims that it never occurs based on conviction rates (as the only thing the left ever ruins to in this debate) are asinine.

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There is no evidence of voter fraud that affects election outcomes: they just don't happen in state and national elections.

Now, having dismissed the crazies, I do think simple easy-to-get photo voter ID is a good thing.
The problem is not voter fraud.

The problem is not enough people vote.

80% of the French vote for God's sake.
Engaging in vote fraud should be an automatic death penalty case with a public burning at the stake on the next election day.
Anyone who says that sleazy Democrats wouldn't cheat when it's this easy has rocks in his head, or he's a sleazy Democrat.

Report: New York Investigators Obtain Fraudulent Ballots 97 Percent of Time | National Review Online

New York City’s Department of Investigation (DOI) has just shown how easy it is to commit voter fraud that is almost undetectable. Its undercover agents were able to obtain ballots for city elections a total of 61 times — 39 times using the names of dead people, 14 times using the names of incarcerated felons, and eight times using the names of non-residents. On only two occasions, or about 3 percent of the time, were the agents stopped by polling-place officials. In one of the two cases, an investigator was stopped only because the felon he was trying to vote in the name of was the son of the election official he was dealing with.

Ballot security in checking birth dates or signatures was so sloppy that young undercover agents were able to vote using the name of someone three times their age who had died. As the New York Post reports: “A 24-year female was able to access the ballot at a Manhattan poll site in November under the name of a deceased female who was born in 1923 and died in April 25, 2012 — and would have been 89 on Election Day.” All of the agents who got ballots wrote in the names of fictitious candidates so as not to actually influence election outcomes.

Last year, guerrilla videographer James O’Keefe sent hidden cameras into polling places around the country to demonstrate just how easy it is to commit voter fraud and how hard it is to ever know it happened. In Washington, D.C., one of his assistants was able to obtain Attorney General Eric Holder’s ballot even though Holder is 62 years old and bears no resemblance to the 22-year-old white man who obtained it by merely...​

Suddenly when it is convenient for you a New York newspaper has credibility. But I bet you think the NYT article on Benghazi last week is bullshit.
Anyone who says that sleazy Democrats wouldn't cheat when it's this easy has rocks in his head, or he's a sleazy Democrat.

Report: New York Investigators Obtain Fraudulent Ballots 97 Percent of Time | National Review Online

New York City’s Department of Investigation (DOI) has just shown how easy it is to commit voter fraud that is almost undetectable. Its undercover agents were able to obtain ballots for city elections a total of 61 times — 39 times using the names of dead people, 14 times using the names of incarcerated felons, and eight times using the names of non-residents. On only two occasions, or about 3 percent of the time, were the agents stopped by polling-place officials. In one of the two cases, an investigator was stopped only because the felon he was trying to vote in the name of was the son of the election official he was dealing with.

Ballot security in checking birth dates or signatures was so sloppy that young undercover agents were able to vote using the name of someone three times their age who had died. As the New York Post reports: “A 24-year female was able to access the ballot at a Manhattan poll site in November under the name of a deceased female who was born in 1923 and died in April 25, 2012 — and would have been 89 on Election Day.” All of the agents who got ballots wrote in the names of fictitious candidates so as not to actually influence election outcomes.

Last year, guerrilla videographer James O’Keefe sent hidden cameras into polling places around the country to demonstrate just how easy it is to commit voter fraud and how hard it is to ever know it happened. In Washington, D.C., one of his assistants was able to obtain Attorney General Eric Holder’s ballot even though Holder is 62 years old and bears no resemblance to the 22-year-old white man who obtained it by merely...
The National Review: An ultra right wing sewer site. It is a web publication posted for weak minded conservatives by conservatives. I would be ashamed to go there. Apparently you don't care what shit hole you get your information from. There are over 8,000,000 people in New York. More than 61 ballots are probably used as toilet paper and flushed down the drain. Here is a thought, divide 8,000,000 into 61 to determine the % of error.
Bullshit in <=====> Bullshit out

Anyone who says that sleazy Democrats wouldn't cheat when it's this easy has rocks in his head, or he's a sleazy Democrat.

Report: New York Investigators Obtain Fraudulent Ballots 97 Percent of Time | National Review Online

New York City’s Department of Investigation (DOI) has just shown how easy it is to commit voter fraud that is almost undetectable. Its undercover agents were able to obtain ballots for city elections a total of 61 times — 39 times using the names of dead people, 14 times using the names of incarcerated felons, and eight times using the names of non-residents. On only two occasions, or about 3 percent of the time, were the agents stopped by polling-place officials. In one of the two cases, an investigator was stopped only because the felon he was trying to vote in the name of was the son of the election official he was dealing with.

Ballot security in checking birth dates or signatures was so sloppy that young undercover agents were able to vote using the name of someone three times their age who had died. As the New York Post reports: “A 24-year female was able to access the ballot at a Manhattan poll site in November under the name of a deceased female who was born in 1923 and died in April 25, 2012 — and would have been 89 on Election Day.” All of the agents who got ballots wrote in the names of fictitious candidates so as not to actually influence election outcomes.

Last year, guerrilla videographer James O’Keefe sent hidden cameras into polling places around the country to demonstrate just how easy it is to commit voter fraud and how hard it is to ever know it happened. In Washington, D.C., one of his assistants was able to obtain Attorney General Eric Holder’s ballot even though Holder is 62 years old and bears no resemblance to the 22-year-old white man who obtained it by merely...
The National Review: An ultra right wing sewer site. It is a web publication posted for weak minded conservatives by conservatives. I would be ashamed to go there. Apparently you don't care what shit hole you get your information from. There are over 8,000,000 people in New York. More than 61 ballots are probably used as toilet paper and flushed down the drain. Here is a thought, divide 8,000,000 into 61 to determine the % of error.
Bullshit in <=====> Bullshit out

What part of "97% of the time" didn't you understand?

BTW, National Review is about as mainstream conservative as you can get. It's hardly "Ultra right wing." Furthermore, the New York Post originally published the story. Are you going to call that "Ultra right wing?" And your ad hominem proves only that you're a numskull. Calling it a "sewer" site ads nothing to the credibility of your argument.
In 2014, we have a media and a government that is not held accountable. The only people who are ok with that are hard core socialists.

Its like I keep saying Bripat.......ammo up. The shit is rigged.......all you can do is make your own preparations.!!
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So if "voter fraud" is such a terrible crime that deserves the death penalty, then what is the fitting punishment for blatantly lying the country into an unwinnable torture war with no exit strategy or conditions for victory?
BTW, National Review is about as mainstream conservative as you can get. It's hardly "Ultra right wing." Furthermore, the New York Post originally published the story. Are you going to call that "Ultra right wing?" And your ad hominem proves only that you're a numskull. Calling it a "sewer" site ads nothing to the credibility of your argument.

New York Post is a right-wing tabloid newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, the "fair and balanced" right-wing mouthpieces who own FOX News. Like the Weekly World News or something along those lines, the New York Post isn't even good enough to use for toilet paper.

People who enjoy FOX News are too stupid to understand just how ridiculously stupid the New York Post is, and James O'Keefe, and the GOP in general.
Anyone who says that sleazy Democrats wouldn't cheat when it's this easy has rocks in his head, or he's a sleazy Democrat.

Report: New York Investigators Obtain Fraudulent Ballots 97 Percent of Time | National Review Online

New York City’s Department of Investigation (DOI) has just shown how easy it is to commit voter fraud that is almost undetectable. Its undercover agents were able to obtain ballots for city elections a total of 61 times — 39 times using the names of dead people, 14 times using the names of incarcerated felons, and eight times using the names of non-residents. On only two occasions, or about 3 percent of the time, were the agents stopped by polling-place officials. In one of the two cases, an investigator was stopped only because the felon he was trying to vote in the name of was the son of the election official he was dealing with.

Ballot security in checking birth dates or signatures was so sloppy that young undercover agents were able to vote using the name of someone three times their age who had died. As the New York Post reports: “A 24-year female was able to access the ballot at a Manhattan poll site in November under the name of a deceased female who was born in 1923 and died in April 25, 2012 — and would have been 89 on Election Day.” All of the agents who got ballots wrote in the names of fictitious candidates so as not to actually influence election outcomes.

Last year, guerrilla videographer James O’Keefe sent hidden cameras into polling places around the country to demonstrate just how easy it is to commit voter fraud and how hard it is to ever know it happened. In Washington, D.C., one of his assistants was able to obtain Attorney General Eric Holder’s ballot even though Holder is 62 years old and bears no resemblance to the 22-year-old white man who obtained it by merely...​

Bottom line.... The Powers that be will never find what they refuse to even acknowledge or look for. They plainly do not want to find Voter Fraud.

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