Repetitious redundancy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I'm surely certainly positive you are all everyone and each of you are familiar with and of Loki Joki's posting copy.

Please I ask sincerely from the bottom of my heart let's edify thereby educate Loki about what a repetitious redundancy is, and how he, they, you, that person over there, all, can avoid, eliminate, avert, falling headlong and feet first into this distinguishing characteristic and hallmark of horribly bad writers.

200 Common Redundancies - Cut Redundant Expressions
koshergirl must practice what she preaches. She is accusing Loki of doing that of which kg is a master of doing.
This is the best ever thread! I would have paid cash money if I had first conceived it. I would like to bestow an award on you of a free gift to the frozen tundra. Please do not suffer any harmful injuries while you are enjoying your new beginning in the upper north.
this is the best ever thread! I would have paid cash money if i had first conceived it. I would like to bestow an award on you of a free gift to the frozen tundra. Please do not suffer any harmful injuries while you are enjoying your new beginning in the upper north.


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