Rep. Ellison Calls Hannity 'Worst Excuse For a Journalist I've Ever Seen'

There isn't a true journalist left in America save for that Indian guy on CNN whose name I cannot spell, Fared Zakahri or something like that. Jeff Greenfield is good too. The rest are simply dividers and conquers, pimps for special interest and politicians.
For the 100th time. Hannity is not a journalist. He is an entertainer. There haven't been any real 'journalists' for about 20 years.

A friend of mine who is in network television news in Phila said that Fox Noise would have the FCC all over them for continual violations but since they are cable they do not fall under the same guidelines. That's why you have bombastic pontificating on these "news" shows and that goes for all of them, not just Fox. But Fox totally sucks.

Your friend is dreaming.. Or he has no clue about what powers the FCC actually has.

But they can not touch News or Commentary. If you disagree then answer this.. What actions did the FCC take with CBS and Dan Rather over the faked President Bush paperwork their news division made up?

Well, he seems to understand that the FCC silences people they don't like.
For regular readers of the Daily Caller and The Blaze and the Washington Times and CNS News and World News Daily and, I realize that objective reporting is something alien and unfathomable to them.

Well, they can't all have the objectivity of Dan Rather, Chris Matthews, The NY Times, or Common Dreams..

You will never find what you are not looking for. That does not make it as elusive as unicorns.

That explains why you never find anything amiss among what are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the democratic party.

You have not been paying attention. Again, because you see what you want to see, and don't what you don't. You have blinders on.
And you can tell Journalists by the fact that they ride in on Unicorns....

For regular readers of the Daily Caller and The Blaze and the Washington Times and CNS News and World News Daily and, I realize that objective reporting is something alien and unfathomable to them.

You will never find what you are not looking for. That does not make it as elusive as unicorns.

Hannity is "objective journalism?" Wahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahaahahaahaahaha............... That's like saying Billy Martin was a laid back baseball manager.

I see you missed my point. I was not saying Hannity is objective. Far from it.
You have not been paying attention. Again, because you see what you want to see, and don't what you don't. You have blinders on.

Of course, the MSM is pure as the driven snow, they report only the facts, and all the facts.


He really was 12, not 17 - the democrat press didn't falsify they information....

We can trust the press.
Stating that a fire was hot (DUH!) and that it was a result of negligence is a report based on (I would hope) reputable sources and constitutes news, IF true. Speculating on the causes or the source of the aforementioned negligence would constitute commentary as long as you're not taking sides for or against anyone. Stating that the negligence was inexcusable goes beyond merely commenting on events and enters the land of offering a definitive judgement which, if not supported by the facts, could lead to a defamation law suit against a person who says that. I suppose it qualifies as commentary, but it's both wreckless and constitutes advocacy.

But none of that changes the fact that Hannity makes no pretense to being objective. Commentary without at least the appearance of impartiality goes beyond being merely observational in nature. And once you continuously take one side in an argument, you are no longer merely commenting on events, you're taking sides.

The statement you reference ("Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?") as having been made by Edward R. Murrow was actually made by Joseph N. Welch who actually said the following:
"At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"​

Edward Murrow, America's own Josef Goebbels.

Regardless, Hannity is no more biased than Matthews, Maddow, Stewart, or a host of other leftists commentators. It just outrages you that anyone is permitted to speak against the party. You want all opposition silenced.

Gotta love it.

One of the biggest heroes of American Journalism.

Called a Nazi.
Hannity can be an asshole. But to say that he makes shit up and to argue that Matthews gets stuff right is just so fucking delusional that all I can do is laugh at you.

Some more.

Laugh all you want.

You live outside of what the rest of the world calls "reality" in a place free from things like facts and evidence.

Just like Hannity.

Rejecting the bullshit idiots like you falsely label "reality" is the sign of mental health.

Naturally, you wouldn't understand.

Yeah..I don't.

I label everything outside your fallout shelter..reality.

And having my "mental health" questioned by a nutter like like a stamp of approval showing that I indeed very sane.
Laugh all you want.

You live outside of what the rest of the world calls "reality" in a place free from things like facts and evidence.

Just like Hannity.

Rejecting the bullshit idiots like you falsely label "reality" is the sign of mental health.

Naturally, you wouldn't understand.

Yeah..I don't.

I label everything outside your fallout shelter..reality.

And having my "mental health" questioned by a nutter like like a stamp of approval showing that I indeed very sane.

You are all crazed and shit. But the truth is, I kinda like you anyway.

Fuck. I must be nuts. I like Marc, too.
Except Matthews actually worked in Washington and knows what he talking about.

Hannity? He's a college drop out that's solely done radio and tv.

He didn't even "write" the books he authored.

Al Capone knew what he was talking about when the subject was rum running, prostitution and killing people. What does Chris Mathews now about, how to bamboozle the American public?
Left wing talk show hosts do not make the easy money off of fooling people like the Hannitys and Limbaughs can do. They don't have the easily fooled audience for it.

Your delusions are charming.
Scummy would be Ed Schultz of MSDNC and some of the disgusting, insulting, hateful things he says of course he is trashing conservatives so his rants fall under the banner of free speech and is acceptable as when it's a Republican commentator trashing a liberal that falls under the banner of hate speech and the sub category of war on (insert group here}.
Well gawsh, good thing this isn't the Hannity board, or we couldn't even criticize the dude!
Yep, Hannity is pretty much the scummiest of the scummiest. He loves to milk the retards.

Because he has the audacity to disagree with you?

Sean is a bit annoying sometimes. But he's one of the nicest guys out there. That's probably why he has friends on both sides of the aisle.
Screw that muslim poc, who under the name "Keith E. Hakim", wrote many newspaper columns supporting Farrakhan's and the Nation of Islam's anti-semitic agenda. Has taken money from the anti-American, anti-Christian CAIR, lied about and was caught and reprimanded for campaign contribution violations. His opinion on anyone's integrity is tainted by the fact that he has none himself.

Truthout seems to think this is nothing but hyperbole with no facts. I think truthout needs to do a bit of research here. EVERYTHING I wrote about this muslim poc is factual and easily verified by anyone with half a brain.................which may explain why truthout seems to think the information is not true. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't get a moron to look up something even when they have a world of knowledge right at their fingertips.

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