... Remembering January 6th: The long memory of the law is aided by.......selfies.......


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
The Washington Post is doing a pretty good job of informing America about who is being arrested for their roles in the Capitol attack and invasion on January 6th. As arrests or court appearances happen, the Post tells us the who and the what for. Yesterday's piece was specifically about the recent arrests (6 months after the event) of some of the rioters who attacked journalists.

I've made the point before ---- those who were there on January 6th, and did something wrong.....seriously wrong, like clubbing a cop, or breaking down a door, or in this case, assaulting journalist and destroying expensive equipment.....well, these 6 months must have a bit of a
Sword-of-Damocles vibe to it.

Meaning, 'oh shit, I know I f*cked up that day. I hope my mug ain't on somebody's video and it ends up with the FBI. I hope. I hope."
That sort of vibe.

Well, the waiting is over for these mokes that the Washington Post reports on: (my avatar underlined that one sentence at the bottom, for emphasis.)

"FBI launches flurry of arrests over attacks on journalists during Capitol riot"

"Nearly six months after the U.S. Capitol riot, the Justice Department has begun arresting a new category of alleged criminals — those who attacked reporters or damaged their equipment as journalists documented the violence perpetrated by supporters of President Donald Trump.

There is no federal law specifically against attacking a journalist, so the Justice Department has charged those who went after reporters or their gear on Jan. 6 with committing violence in the restricted grounds of the Capitol, or destroying property on the Capitol grounds. More such arrests are expected, according to officials.

  • The first such charge came last week, when 43-year-old Shane Jason Woods of Illinois was charged with engaging in violence on the Capitol grounds Jan. 6, as well as assaulting a law enforcement officer. Authorities say Woods was caught on video knocking down a cameraman.

  • On Thursday, FBI agents arrested a Covington, Va., man for allegedly destroying journalists’ equipment. Joshua Dillon Haynes was charged with smashing their gear outside the Capitol and bragging about it in a text to a friend. “We attacked the CNN reporters and the fake news and destroyed tens of thousands of dollars of their video and television equipment here’s a picture behind me of the pile we made out of it,” he allegedly messaged the person, according to court papers.

  • Chase Kevin Allen, a 25-year-old man from Seekonk, Mass., was arrested this week on charges of engaging in violence and destroying property on the grounds of the Capitol. According to FBI papers filed in court against Allen, he was seen on video stomping on reporting equipment as a large group of individuals swarmed several reporters and drove them away.

  • Earlier in the week, the Justice Department charged a woman with disorderly conduct and trespassing after videos showed her egging on an attack on a New York Times photographer inside the Capitol during the rioting. Investigators say that in one of the videos, Sandra Pomeroy Weyer of Mechanicsburg, Pa., can be heard calling the photographer a traitor and urging others to “get her out” and “mace her.”

  • Separately, two men from Long Island were charged with destroying media equipment. According to court papers, much of the key evidence against Gabriel Brown and Zvonimir Jurlina was contained in videos they took of themselves that day. The FBI affidavit filed against Brown describes video of him denouncing the media as he and a group of others surround journalists’ television equipment and try to damage it. “Smash that [expletive],” Brown said in one video, according to the court papers.

After he was taken into custody Monday in Texas, Jurlina posted a video online in which he called himself a “political prisoner.” On the video, which has since been taken down, Jurlina said: Donald Trump, please pay for my legal fees because this all happened because of you . . . and I did nothing wrong.”


Definitely one of the stranger parts of this whole thing.

Evidently it didn't occur to most of these people that they were breaking the law AND actively trying to stop our presidential electoral process. The voices they listen to must have forgotten to say anything about that. Those folks were too busy checking their ratings and web traffic numbers, I guess.

And these rubes took and posted videos, photos and selfies for the authorities to use against them later. Amazing.

Funny, tragic, disturbing. These guys bought the con, the whole thing, and now they have to pay for it.
You mean the Bezos Post and they seldom get anything right. You might want to stop consuming propaganda.
Definitely one of the stranger parts of this whole thing.

Evidently it didn't occur to most of these people that they were breaking the law AND actively trying to stop our presidential electoral process. The voices they listen to must have forgotten to say anything about that. Those folks were too busy checking their ratings and web traffic numbers, I guess.

And these rubes took and posted videos, photos and selfies for the authorities to use against them later. Amazing.

Funny, tragic, disturbing. These guys bought the con, the whole thing, and now they have to pay for it.

You're right which is why we need a Castle Doctrine Amendment to the United States Constitution. If our congresspersons can shoot down unarmed female protestors for breaking windows everyone should have the same right guaranteed by the US Constitution.


And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
Lots to say....rioting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Looting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Burning (arson) is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Attacks on law enforcement and government buildings are illegal and people have been arrested for it (even tho trump fluffers don't like that).
Definitely one of the stranger parts of this whole thing.

Evidently it didn't occur to most of these people that they were breaking the law AND actively trying to stop our presidential electoral process. The voices they listen to must have forgotten to say anything about that. Those folks were too busy checking their ratings and web traffic numbers, I guess.

And these rubes took and posted videos, photos and selfies for the authorities to use against them later. Amazing.

Funny, tragic, disturbing. These guys bought the con, the whole thing, and now they have to pay for it.
Well, trump fluffers aren't known for their intelligence.
Definitely one of the stranger parts of this whole thing.

Evidently it didn't occur to most of these people that they were breaking the law AND actively trying to stop our presidential electoral process. The voices they listen to must have forgotten to say anything about that. Those folks were too busy checking their ratings and web traffic numbers, I guess.

And these rubes took and posted videos, photos and selfies for the authorities to use against them later. Amazing.

Funny, tragic, disturbing. These guys bought the con, the whole thing, and now they have to pay for it.
Well, trump fluffers aren't known for their intelligence.
Rage, paranoia, hate. It's all emotion.
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
Lots to say....rioting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Looting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Burning (arson) is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Attacks on law enforcement and government buildings are illegal and people have been arrested for it (even tho trump fluffers don't like that).
Let me correct that for you, Dem rioters arrested, released, then forgiven with no trials or punishment. :itsok:
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
Lots to say....rioting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Looting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Burning (arson) is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Attacks on law enforcement and government buildings are illegal and people have been arrested for it (even tho trump fluffers don't like that).
Let me correct that for you, Dem rioters arrested, released, then forgiven with no trials or punishment. :itsok:
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
Lots to say....rioting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Looting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Burning (arson) is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Attacks on law enforcement and government buildings are illegal and people have been arrested for it (even tho trump fluffers don't like that).
Let me correct that for you, Dem rioters arrested, released, then forgiven with no trials or punishment. :itsok:
Get a brain lib they have released them by the 100's in Portland and Seattle and you damn well know it.
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
Lots to say....rioting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Looting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Burning (arson) is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Attacks on law enforcement and government buildings are illegal and people have been arrested for it (even tho trump fluffers don't like that).
Let me correct that for you, Dem rioters arrested, released, then forgiven with no trials or punishment. :itsok:
Get a brain lib they have released them by the 100's in Portland and Seattle and you damn well know it.
And yet you can't provide a link to this happening "by the hundreds"?
Damaged Eagle Why? Do you live somewhere, you can see someone breaking in on you, but are required to let it happen, even after telling them "Don't come in here."? Would that prevent you from defending your family or your life? Why did you buy a weapon in the first place, if you thought you really would not use it, because you are more afraid of having a bad life after a violent attack, than no life at all? All break-ins where you live are considered sporting event, with the best hand-to-hand self-defense opponent has the ultimate advantage? If you can't definitively stomp their ass, you are committed to possibly die in place, along with your family? Are you waiting for a "mother-may-I" ruling from on high, before you defend your home from attackers?

Just do what you gotta do, Eaglet. There is no constitutional amendment needed and the rest of us are not waiting for one.
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
Lots to say....rioting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Looting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Burning (arson) is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Attacks on law enforcement and government buildings are illegal and people have been arrested for it (even tho trump fluffers don't like that).
Let me correct that for you, Dem rioters arrested, released, then forgiven with no trials or punishment. :itsok:
Get a brain lib they have released them by the 100's in Portland and Seattle and you damn well know it.

And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
If you want to start a thread on that, then do it. This thread is about the insurrectionists filming their own crimes.
Only the most dedicated and rabid liberal shills seem to even remember this little tiff that happened so long ago. Everyone on else has moved on. How very sad.

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