Remember When CPAC was Actually Conservative?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I do.

Now they endorse for President a gun-grabbing, abortion paying, Reaganite-bashing liberal from Massachussettes who once ran to the left of Ted Kenedy. Oh, nut wait; he didnt mean any of that, ya know? lol, and conservatards are believing the BS rolling off the liars lips.

One thing that is a constant from one generation to the next: conservatives build an organization, liberals infiltrate it and take it over by one means or another, and then conservatives flee the old organization and build a new one from the ground up.

Guess its past time to scrap/abandon CPAC, leave whats left to the libtards and start something new that is once again truly conservative like they've had to do once every two or three generations.
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Sucks doesn't it? To be so far to the fringe right that even regular old neo-cons look like commies. LOL.
I do.

Now they endorse for President a gun-grabbing, abortion paying, Reaganite-bashing liberal from Massachussettes who once ran to the left of Ted Kenedy. Oh, nut wait; he didnt mean any of that, ya know? lol, and conservatards are believing the BS rolling off the liars lips.

One thing that is a constant from one generation to the next: conservatives build an organization, liberals infiltrate it and take it over by one means or another, and then conservatives flee the old organization and build a new one from the ground up.

Guess its past time to scrap/abandon CPAC, leave whats left to the libtards and start something new that is once again truly conservative like they've had to do once every two or three generations.

A rather astute observation...
I do.

Now they endorse for President a gun-grabbing, abortion paying, Reaganite-bashing liberal from Massachussettes who once ran to the left of Ted Kenedy. Oh, nut wait; he didnt mean any of that, ya know? lol, and conservatards are believing the BS rolling off the liars lips.

One thing that is a constant from one generation to the next: conservatives build an organization, liberals infiltrate it and take it over by one means or another, and then conservatives flee the old organization and build a new one from the ground up.

Guess its past time to scrap/abandon CPAC, leave whats left to the libtards and start something new that is once again truly conservative like they've had to do once every two or three generations.

i remember when *conservatives* had two brain cells to rub together.

must have been before your time.
I do.

Now they endorse for President a gun-grabbing, abortion paying, Reaganite-bashing liberal from Massachussettes who once ran to the left of Ted Kenedy. Oh, nut wait; he didnt mean any of that, ya know? lol, and conservatards are believing the BS rolling off the liars lips.

One thing that is a constant from one generation to the next: conservatives build an organization, liberals infiltrate it and take it over by one means or another, and then conservatives flee the old organization and build a new one from the ground up.

Guess its past time to scrap/abandon CPAC, leave whats left to the libtards and start something new that is once again truly conservative like they've had to do once every two or three generations.

i remember when *conservatives* had two brain cells to rub together.

must have been before your time.

Didn't one of them put a bill up for consideration in Congress to rename the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of America?

Can't believe there haven't been 3 threads on that.
You far right wacks are not conservatives and Reagan would repudiate you if you were alive, JimBowie.

No true Republican wants anything from you but a vote and a promise you will shut your moufs.
I do.

Now they endorse for President a gun-grabbing, abortion paying, Reaganite-bashing liberal from Massachussettes who once ran to the left of Ted Kenedy. Oh, nut wait; he didnt mean any of that, ya know? lol, and conservatards are believing the BS rolling off the liars lips.

One thing that is a constant from one generation to the next: conservatives build an organization, liberals infiltrate it and take it over by one means or another, and then conservatives flee the old organization and build a new one from the ground up.

Guess its past time to scrap/abandon CPAC, leave whats left to the libtards and start something new that is once again truly conservative like they've had to do once every two or three generations.

I'm glad they didn't endorse the guy who said that being impregnated by a rapist was receiving a gift from God.

Just sayin'
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I do.

Now they endorse for President a gun-grabbing, abortion paying, Reaganite-bashing liberal from Massachussettes who once ran to the left of Ted Kenedy. Oh, nut wait; he didnt mean any of that, ya know? lol, and conservatards are believing the BS rolling off the liars lips.

One thing that is a constant from one generation to the next: conservatives build an organization, liberals infiltrate it and take it over by one means or another, and then conservatives flee the old organization and build a new one from the ground up.

Guess its past time to scrap/abandon CPAC, leave whats left to the libtards and start something new that is once again truly conservative like they've had to do once every two or three generations.

i remember when *conservatives* had two brain cells to rub together.

must have been before your time.
The ones who still do dropped out or defected to the Libertarian Party.
I do.

Now they endorse for President a gun-grabbing, abortion paying, Reaganite-bashing liberal from Massachussettes who once ran to the left of Ted Kenedy. Oh, nut wait; he didnt mean any of that, ya know? lol, and conservatards are believing the BS rolling off the liars lips.

One thing that is a constant from one generation to the next: conservatives build an organization, liberals infiltrate it and take it over by one means or another, and then conservatives flee the old organization and build a new one from the ground up.

Guess its past time to scrap/abandon CPAC, leave whats left to the libtards and start something new that is once again truly conservative like they've had to do once every two or three generations.

Hey guess what! You're not the center of the universe. Cut it out with that "you aren't a conservative if you don't conform to me EXACTLY" bullshit. Or, just sop up your tears with a biscuit and carry on.

Man... must be terrible to have to demand that everybody conform to your views exactly. I don't get along with all sorts of liberals precisely because my views are different. But I don't give a shit, their views are different from mine. Some might be more conservative, some might be more liberal, but in the end I don't try and deny them being liberal. It's a multifaceted world we live in. Just because we're on the same side of the gemstone doesn't mean we're of the same facet. People are going to be skewed.
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More like Goldwater, Reagan whored for the radical right vote.
Goldwater would've busted a boot up your ass, chump.
Is this the Goldwater you remember?

"Goddamn it, John ... the Republicans are selling their soul to win elections ... Mark my word ... if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem." -- Barry Goldwater as told to John Dean
More like Goldwater, Reagan whored for the radical right vote.
Goldwater would've busted a boot up your ass, chump.
Is this the Goldwater you remember?

"Goddamn it, John ... the Republicans are selling their soul to win elections ... Mark my word ... if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem." -- Barry Goldwater as told to John Dean
I'd take 10 of the preachers in exchange for getting shed of one of the Trotskyite neocons, like Chimpola, Gingrich, McWeasel and the rest.

At least I can trust the prigs to be honest about who they are.
"Goddamn it, John ... the Republicans are selling their soul to win elections ... Mark my word ... if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem." -- Barry Goldwater as told to John Dean

That’s the Goldwater I remember – he was wrong on a number of issues, but he was consistent, and unlike today’s ‘conservatives,’ an advocate of privacy rights.
Remember when conservatives were conservative and not progressive & libertarian?
"Goddamn it, John ... the Republicans are selling their soul to win elections ... Mark my word ... if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem." -- Barry Goldwater as told to John Dean

That’s the Goldwater I remember – he was wrong on a number of issues, but he was consistent, and unlike today’s ‘conservatives,’ an advocate of privacy rights.
Liberoidal dickweeds don't give a flying fuck about privacy rights and the 4th Amendment, as evidenced by the origianl 98-1 Senate vote for USAPATRIOT and their continued congressional votes to keep it in place.

Like I said, Goldwater would've kicked your sorry ass into next month.
Sucks doesn't it? To be so far to the fringe right that even regular old neo-cons look like commies. LOL.

Lol, your comment is the product of either:

1. Your inability to actually comprehend what you read. (I never said anyone was commie. Plenty of people are both, not commie and not conservative, duh)

2. Your reflexive conditioning to lie at the first moment of reaction. But then you sound like a libtard so I guess it just goes with the territory.

3. You're not sober yet from your drug orgy last night and just cant focus your thoughts.

But regardless, not to be rude, go stuff yourself.

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