Remember the time President Trump got the US into a nuclear war?

Neither do I.

Isn't it strange how nobody was worried about nuclear war from 2016 to 2020? That is, except the Democrats who were convinced Trump was going to start a nuclear war. And now with Biden in the White House and the world inching closer to the possibility of a nuclear exchange, the left seems to be suffering from a collective case of laryngitis.

KYIV, Sept 25 (Reuters) - The United States warned on Sunday of "catastrophic consequences" if Moscow were to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, after Russia's foreign minister said regions holding widely-criticized referendums would get full protection if annexed by Moscow...

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday the United States would respond to any Russian use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine and that it had spelled out to Moscow the "catastrophic consequences" it would face...

"If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States will respond decisively," Sullivan told NBC's "Meet the Press" television program...."

U.S. warns of catastrophic consequences if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine

I will remember this time, when you wrote about how you are convinced Biden will start a nuclear war...while bitching about some Democrats supposedly being convinced Trump will start a nuclear war.
Nahhhhh... your Orange Baboon-God would never have undertaken nuclear war with Putin...

Cadet Bone Spurs lacks the "stones" to do much of anything but appease...

Hell, he would probably have told the Ukrainians to grab their ankles...
And the Anglo-American elites, like you, are madmen who think nuclear war is a sufficient trade off to see the dissolution of Russia.

And the Anglo-American elites, like you, are madmen who think nuclear war is a sufficient trade off to see the dissolution of Russia.

Nope. Totally wrong. Me, personally? I just know that Appeasement is not the answer. The world learned that lesson in Munich in 1938.

For all his Bigly Talk your Orange Con-Man has more in common with Neville Chamberlain than he does Winston Churchill.
Worrying about nuclear war is such an '80s thing to do. I'm not into retro.

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Nuclear war was biggest in the 60's.
It was before people realized they were being deliberately manipulated with fear.
Russia never invaded anyone.
They were never any sort of threat to the US, except as a defensive one.
It is the US that tried to take over China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
Neither do I.

Isn't it strange how nobody was worried about nuclear war from 2016 to 2020? That is, except the Democrats who were convinced Trump was going to start a nuclear war. And now with Biden in the White House and the world inching closer to the possibility of a nuclear exchange, the left seems to be suffering from a collective case of laryngitis.

KYIV, Sept 25 (Reuters) - The United States warned on Sunday of "catastrophic consequences" if Moscow were to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, after Russia's foreign minister said regions holding widely-criticized referendums would get full protection if annexed by Moscow...

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday the United States would respond to any Russian use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine and that it had spelled out to Moscow the "catastrophic consequences" it would face...

"If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States will respond decisively," Sullivan told NBC's "Meet the Press" television program...."

U.S. warns of catastrophic consequences if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine
Look, comrade. You aren't going to be able to keep sucking Putin's cock from down there on the floor, mm-kay?

Nope. Totally wrong. Me, personally? I just know that Appeasement is not the answer. The world learned that lesson in Munich in 1938.

For all his Bigly Talk your Orange Con-Man has more in common with Neville Chamberlain than he does Winston Churchill.
You are either naive, propagandized, or read only one side of a story. Or you don't know history.

The west has never made a serious attempt to address Russia's concerns.

Your parroting of, "appeasement," is a laugh.
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Neither do I.

Isn't it strange how nobody was worried about nuclear war from 2016 to 2020? That is, except the Democrats who were convinced Trump was going to start a nuclear war. And now with Biden in the White House and the world inching closer to the possibility of a nuclear exchange, the left seems to be suffering from a collective case of laryngitis.

KYIV, Sept 25 (Reuters) - The United States warned on Sunday of "catastrophic consequences" if Moscow were to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, after Russia's foreign minister said regions holding widely-criticized referendums would get full protection if annexed by Moscow...

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday the United States would respond to any Russian use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine and that it had spelled out to Moscow the "catastrophic consequences" it would face...

"If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States will respond decisively," Sullivan told NBC's "Meet the Press" television program...."

U.S. warns of catastrophic consequences if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine
I was worried Trump would get us into a nuclear war. I still am. Once he cancelled the Iran nuclear treaty they were free to resume nuclear enrichment and they did:

Iran escalates enrichment with adaptable machines at Fordow, IAEA reports

If Vlad lit a nuke, the rubes would blame Biden.

The old story: "You made me do it". The excuse of rapists, murderers and terrorists.

But if the US continues to try to get NATO nukes on Russia's border with the Ukraine, then we will have forced them to retaliate with nukes.
They will have no alternative choice.
But if the US continues to try to get NATO nukes on Russia's border with the Ukraine, then we will have forced them to retaliate with nukes.
They will have no alternative choice.

NATO and the American meddling actually were what provoked the invasion.

As did violating the promise to Gorbachev not to expand NATO past Germany.

US gov’t knew NATO expansion to Ukraine would force Russia to intervene​



". . . Ukraine and Georgia’s NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests. Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.. . .

Burns’ warnings came true just a few years later.. . ."

The CIA knew what it was doing. . . it wanted war, and it got one.


NATO should have never have been expanded. . . guarantees were given to Gorbachev, the west was NOT to be allowed to, and Putin is right. Nor were they allowed to place missiles in any of the new NATO members, which they have, since talks about the unification of Germany occurred.



". . . Setting aside the manoeuvres and cynicism of geopolitics, whomever the players, this historical memory is the driving force behind Russia’s respect-seeking, self-protective security proposals, which were published in Moscow in the week the UN voted 130-2 to outlaw Nazism. They are:

- NATO guarantees that it will not deploy missiles in nations bordering Russia. (They are already in place from Slovenia to Romania, with Poland to follow)
- NATO to stop military and naval exercises in nations and seas bordering Russia.
- Ukraine will not become a member of NATO.
- the West and Russia to sign a binding East-West security pact.
- the landmark treaty between the US and Russia covering intermediate-range nuclear weapons to be restored. (The US abandoned it in 2019)

These amount to a comprehensive draft of a peace plan for all of post-war Europe and ought to be welcomed in the West. But who understands their significance in Britain? What they are told is that Putin is a pariah and a threat to Christendom.. . . "

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border​

". . .Gorbachev only accepted German reunification—over which the Soviet Union had a legal right to veto under treaty—because he received assurances that NATO would not expand after he withdrew his forces from Eastern Europe from James Baker, President George H.W. Bush, West German foreign minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, the CIA Director Robert Gates, French President Francois Mitterrand, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, British foreign minister Douglas Hurd, British Prime Minister John Major, and NATO secretary-general Manfred Woerner.

Indeed, as late as March 1991, the British were reassuring Gorbachev that they could not foresee circumstances under which NATO might expand into Eastern and Central Europe. As former British Ambassador to the Soviet Union recounted in March 5, 1991, Rodric Braithwaite, both British foreign minister Douglas Hurd and British Prime Minister John Major told the Soviet that NATO would not expand eastwards.

“I believe that your thoughts about the role of NATO in the current situation are the result of misunderstanding,” Major had told Gorbachev. We are not talking about strengthening of NATO. We are talking about the coordination of efforts that is already happening in Europe between NATO and the West European Union, which, as it is envisioned, would allow all members of the European Community to contribute to enhance [our] security.”

". . The 2+4 negotiations were talks in 1990 that allowed for the reunification of Germany, featuring capitalist West Germany and socialist East Germany (the 2) along with the United States, Soviet Union, Britain, and France (the 4).

Chrobog’s comments in the notes, therefore, confirm that the Western powers had promised the USSR in 1990 that they would not expand NATO eastward after German reunification.

Further clarifying this fact, the document adds that there was a “general agreement that membership of NATO and security guarantees [are] unacceptable” for countries east of Germany.. . ."

Nope. Totally wrong. Me, personally? I just know that Appeasement is not the answer. The world learned that lesson in Munich in 1938.

For all his Bigly Talk your Orange Con-Man has more in common with Neville Chamberlain than he does Winston Churchill.

Totally wrong.
Russia has NEVER been the "bad guy".
It has always been the western colonial imperialists, like England, France, Spain, and the US.
The US tried to install dictators in China, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba, Grenada, Panama, Chile, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.

The only thing Russia can be accused of is defending itself.
I will remember this time, when you wrote about how you are convinced Biden will start a nuclear war...while bitching about some Democrats supposedly being convinced Trump will start a nuclear war.

If the government of Kyiv is not changed, and continually tries to violate treaties and join NATO, then nukes will be used, and it will be all our fault.
Biden never should have given Zelensky all those billions worth of modern missiles.
Zelensky and Biden both are criminals who have to go.

We can not survive a nuclear war.
All our cellphones, utilities, cars, etc., will be gone forever.
While Russia is far more hardened and spread out, so will survive.
Russia has a 10 to 1 advantage over us in nukes.
You are either naive, propagandized, or read only one side of a story. Or you don't know history.

The west has never made a serious attempt to address Russians concerns.

Your parroting of, "appeasement," is a laugh.
Russian concerns?

After invading Ukraine in 2014?

After invading Ukraine in 2022?

Yeah... right.
Neither do I.

Isn't it strange how nobody was worried about nuclear war from 2016 to 2020? That is, except the Democrats who were convinced Trump was going to start a nuclear war. And now with Biden in the White House and the world inching closer to the possibility of a nuclear exchange, the left seems to be suffering from a collective case of laryngitis.

KYIV, Sept 25 (Reuters) - The United States warned on Sunday of "catastrophic consequences" if Moscow were to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, after Russia's foreign minister said regions holding widely-criticized referendums would get full protection if annexed by Moscow...

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday the United States would respond to any Russian use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine and that it had spelled out to Moscow the "catastrophic consequences" it would face...

"If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States will respond decisively," Sullivan told NBC's "Meet the Press" television program...."

U.S. warns of catastrophic consequences if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine
If Russia used nukes, does anyone actually think, including Russia, that Bidumb will fucking do anything of consequence? I certainly don’t.

A strongly worded letter, some threats of more sanctions. That’s about it.
Russian concerns?

After invading Ukraine in 2014?

After invading Ukraine in 2022?

Yeah... right.

It was the US that conducted the take over of the Ukraine in 2014, with a bribed military coup.
The 2022 invasion was caused by the US giving so many missiles to Kyiv, that they thought they could get away with putting NATO nukes on Russia's border.
If Russia used nukes, does anyone actually think, including Russia, that Bidumb will fucking do anything of consequence? I certainly don’t.

A strongly worded letter, some threats of more sanctions. That’s about it.
Who ever uses nukes first is the bad guy.

End of story.

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