Remember The Parsi's


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
What a difference a religion makes. Let us not forget Iran was once THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH. The very heart of the Persian Empire. Home of Cyrus the Great, Persepolis, Ashavants, Zarathustra & Ahura Mazda. And just look at Iran today. Best wishes to the people of the world's now smallest living faith. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
think that your 'parsis' are actually ' farsis' isn't they MJB
and the lanquage that these enemies speak is FARSI . Heck , if 'farsis' were so great how did they allow themselve to get the azzez kicked by some muslms MJB
and the lanquage that these enemies speak is FARSI . Heck , if 'farsis' were so great how did they allow themselve to get the azzez kicked by some muslms MJB

Oy Vey! Not exactly the brightest bulb in the pack, are you?
By the way, the original language of the Zoroastrians was Avestan. Farsi is a Muslim creation since invading & stealing the land that is now called Iran.
my poimt is simply that the
Persians' got their azzez kicked by the invading 'muslims' so the farsii or Persians should have doin the Azz kicking MJB .
Granny says Cyrus...

... wasn't so great afterall...

... He got whupped by Alexander.

Wrong. Xerxes was defeated by the Macedonian, not Cyrus. And as to how could the Zoroastrians be conquered by invading Muslims, consider the numbers on each side.
Freddie Mercury...

... was a Zorastrian...

... Uncle Ferd saw it onna Ballad o' Bohemia Rhapsody movie.

Yes. So is Zubin Mehta who was Israel's most beloved orchestra director of the Israeli Philharmonic.

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