Remember the CEO who raised salaries to $70k?

Yeah well that didnt work out quite like he wanted. Turns out you can't pay everyone the same because not everyone performs the same. Oops. Not like we didnt tell you. Now he has to rent out his house to make ends meet. Socialism fails 100% of the time. more at the source.
Remember the Seattle CEO Who Raised All Salaries to 70K Here s What Happened Next...

When Dan Price, founder and CEO of the Seattle-based credit-card-payment processing firm Gravity Payments, announced he was raising the company’s minimum salary to $70,000 a year, he was met with overwhelming enthusiasm.

“Everyone start[ed] screaming and cheering and just going crazy,” Price told Business Insider shortly after he broke the news in April.

But in the weeks since then, it’s become clear that not everyone is equally pleased. Among the critics? Some of Price’s own employees.

Maisey McMaster — once a big supporter of the plan — is one of the employees that quit. McMaster, 26, joined the company five years ago, eventually working her way up to financial manager. She put in long hours that “left little time for her husband and extended family,” The Times says, but she loved the “special culture” of the place.

But while she was initially on board, helping to calculate whether the company could afford to raise salaries so drastically (the plan is a minimum of $70,000 over the course of three years), McMaster later began to have doubts.

“He gave raises to people who have the least skills and are the least equipped to do the job, and the ones who were taking on the most didn’t get much of a bump,” she told The Times. A fairer plan, she told the paper, would give newer employees smaller increases, along with the chance to earn a more substantial raise with more experience.

Your view is a glass half empty.
What a Con! Get a grip on your paranoia.

The glass is actually half full and getting fuller:
"Three months before the announcement, the firm had been adding 200 clients a month. In June, 350 signed up."

Your source is a Con job. Try this more balanced piece:
and this story on is contrary to the story in the Times...
Fact is other business people are going as far as saying rthis is bad for business and will not work....
This has been nothing but a political stunt.....
A Company Copes With Backlash Against the Raise That Roared

Re: "this story on is contrary to the story in the Times."

Huh? Did you read both?
Except for the last 2 sentences in the CNBC piece & imbedded video, both stories are the same, by the same author Patricia Cohen.
The CNBC print even cites NY Times!
Read the entire account.
Anyway. it's pointless. The experiment is a failure.
Price had to move out of his house and rent it out. His brother is suing him.
This is nothing more than a political stunt.
And it is also proof that the marketplace dictates prices. For everything. Including labor.
Can't dodge that...can you?
Try dodging them apples.

If a Republican or Conservative were POTUS with those numbers there were be a 24/7 MSM assault on the White House.
Hell coming out of the Clinton Recession in 2002 Bush was constantly assailed for the "McJobs Economy" because the first jobs to be created are typically lower wage ones. The exact same phenomenon happens in every recovery. But when it happened again under Obama no one said a word.
Media is in the tank for the Democrats. There is no doubt at all.

There is no media anymore, there is only Fox News and the Democratic party propaganda ministry.

Yeah and Fox holds the #1 ranking in all time slots, go figure ....................

What the lefts retarded spin on that, Fox is #1 ranked in all time slots for news!!

What were those MSNBC and CNN #'s again??
Non existent.
Some MSNBC shows are rated so low, in some rating periods the shows are not listed.
MSNBC gets less than 500,000 viewers PER WEEK....If not for Comcast/NBC's insistence MSNBC be bundled with other channels produced by the company, MSNBC would be kicked off most cable and satellite channel lineups.
Yeah well that didnt work out quite like he wanted. Turns out you can't pay everyone the same because not everyone performs the same. Oops. Not like we didnt tell you. Now he has to rent out his house to make ends meet. Socialism fails 100% of the time. more at the source.
Remember the Seattle CEO Who Raised All Salaries to 70K Here s What Happened Next...

When Dan Price, founder and CEO of the Seattle-based credit-card-payment processing firm Gravity Payments, announced he was raising the company’s minimum salary to $70,000 a year, he was met with overwhelming enthusiasm.

“Everyone start[ed] screaming and cheering and just going crazy,” Price told Business Insider shortly after he broke the news in April.

But in the weeks since then, it’s become clear that not everyone is equally pleased. Among the critics? Some of Price’s own employees.

Maisey McMaster — once a big supporter of the plan — is one of the employees that quit. McMaster, 26, joined the company five years ago, eventually working her way up to financial manager. She put in long hours that “left little time for her husband and extended family,” The Times says, but she loved the “special culture” of the place.

But while she was initially on board, helping to calculate whether the company could afford to raise salaries so drastically (the plan is a minimum of $70,000 over the course of three years), McMaster later began to have doubts.

“He gave raises to people who have the least skills and are the least equipped to do the job, and the ones who were taking on the most didn’t get much of a bump,” she told The Times. A fairer plan, she told the paper, would give newer employees smaller increases, along with the chance to earn a more substantial raise with more experience.

Your view is a glass half empty.
What a Con! Get a grip on your paranoia.

The glass is actually half full and getting fuller:
"Three months before the announcement, the firm had been adding 200 clients a month. In June, 350 signed up."

Your source is a Con job. Try this more balanced piece:
and this story on is contrary to the story in the Times...
Fact is other business people are going as far as saying rthis is bad for business and will not work....
This has been nothing but a political stunt.....
A Company Copes With Backlash Against the Raise That Roared

Re: "this story on is contrary to the story in the Times."

Huh? Did you read both?
Except for the last 2 sentences in the CNBC piece & imbedded video, both stories are the same, by the same author Patricia Cohen.
The CNBC print even cites NY Times!
Read the entire account.
Anyway. it's pointless. The experiment is a failure.
Price had to move out of his house and rent it out. His brother is suing him.
This is nothing more than a political stunt.
And it is also proof that the marketplace dictates prices. For everything. Including labor.

The experiment is ongoing. Price expected some hard times when he cut his own salary by $930,000. His brother Lucus had differences prior to the experiment, but Price is the majority owner.
Since the April announcement, Gravity has been GROWING its customer base by 350/month instead of 200/month.
That's not a "failure" in my book.
Gravity looks like a great place to work. Successful companies have satisfied workers. Here is text from their web site:

“Take care of your employees, and they’ll take care of your customers.”

Gravity Payments recognizes the value in establishing an entrepreneurial, goal-oriented, rewarding, honest, and innovative culture, which is what makes our company such a remarkable place to work at.

We believe in a holistic and balanced lifestyle, supporting our team members with:
  • $70,000 minimum wage
  • Great benefits like medical, dental, and vision insurance
  • Bonus opportunities
  • Unlimited paid time off
  • Flannel Fridays
  • Company-sponsored outings
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Catered breakfasts and lunches
We have also been awarded the 2014 Best Workplaces Award, the 2013 Hire Power Award by Inc Magazine, and our workplace perks have been recognized by Forbes and NBC News.
:lol: I love how Repubtards always without fail claim that the CEO & corporate pay will be unaffected if minimum wage or taxes are raised & that customers will pay all the cost. :lol: Just look at that CEO now having to scramble to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day. :lol: Bottom line is workers create the wealth & Corporate Officers steal it.
:lol: I love how Repubtards always without fail claim that the CEO & corporate pay will be unaffected if minimum wage or taxes are raised & that customers will pay all the cost. :lol: Just look at that CEO now having to scramble to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day. :lol: Bottom line is workers create the wealth & Corporate Officers steal it.

The stock holders own the corporation and the wealth idiot. If you sell your house are you planning to give the workers who built your house a share of the profits? How about the workers who cut your lawn or pick up your garbage? OH SNAP!
Just look at that CEO now having to scramble to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day.

I'll say it again: That he scrambling "to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day" on a $70k salary is proof positive that he sucks at planning and at being responsible.
:lol: I love how Repubtards always without fail claim that the CEO & corporate pay will be unaffected if minimum wage or taxes are raised & that customers will pay all the cost. :lol: Just look at that CEO now having to scramble to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day. :lol: Bottom line is workers create the wealth & Corporate Officers steal it.
Congrats. For the stupidest post I've seen here this week. You cannot take a one-off example like this cited and draw the conclusion you did.
Workers do not create wealth. Without managers they would have nothing to do. You clearly have never worked in a company.
Post a graph so we can see just how stupid you are.
Just look at that CEO now having to scramble to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day.

I'll say it again: That he scrambling "to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day" on a $70k salary is proof positive that he sucks at planning and at being responsible.

He planned to sacrifice his own wealth for the benefit of his company's employees.
His company is expanding. Since his salary restructuring announcement in April, his company has been gaining 350 new customers monthly and he has hired a dozen more workers.

That's not sucking in my book.
I generally agree with the 80/20 rule, but I can understand the 10% opinion.

If an employer's going to try this, they'll have to create and enforce very clear, trackable and measurable expectations for keeping your job.

If an employer who's trying this gets soft and lets people take advantage of them, it ain't gonna work.

Agree. A principle I believe in 100%, and is applicable in many ways throughout our individual and collective lives:
Give someone something for free, they will thank you.
Give it to them again, and they will expect it again.
Give it to them again, and they will demand it.
I think this applies in this situation, once he gave them the high salary - many employees would quickly consider it earned - it is THEIR money now. Anything less would be unfair.
He is in a big pickle. And will probably lose his business. Unfortunately most employees would not appreciate truly what he did, and accept a lower/earned wage again.
“There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people.”

Thomas Jefferson

A perfect justification for maintaining slaves!
You do realize that Jefferson maintained black slaves, don't you?
You think it is just to maintain black slaves? You're a loony tune!

I thought you were going to put PK1 on ignore, you big dummy. You would have been doing PK a favor.

I just read that the Gravity has signed on quite a few new customers and had to hire more people.
Just look at that CEO now having to scramble to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day.

I'll say it again: That he scrambling "to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day" on a $70k salary is proof positive that he sucks at planning and at being responsible.

He planned to sacrifice his own wealth for the benefit of his company's employees.
His company is expanding. Since his salary restructuring announcement in April, his company has been gaining 350 new customers monthly and he has hired a dozen more workers.

That's not sucking in my book.

These anti-American nutters want the company to fail.
:lol: I love how Repubtards always without fail claim that the CEO & corporate pay will be unaffected if minimum wage or taxes are raised & that customers will pay all the cost. :lol: Just look at that CEO now having to scramble to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day. :lol: Bottom line is workers create the wealth & Corporate Officers steal it.
Congrats. For the stupidest post I've seen here this week. You cannot take a one-off example like this cited and draw the conclusion you did.
Workers do not create wealth. Without managers they would have nothing to do. You clearly have never worked in a company.
Post a graph so we can see just how stupid you are.

Workers don't create wealth? How many profitable companies operate without workers?
  • Thanks
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Why do you care what he pays his employees?
It's none of your business what people make as well.

You should earn according to your abilities......not because of some politically-correct fake fairness doctrine. The point of all of this is if everyone is paid the same it totally removes incentive to produce. Thus productivity goes in the toilet.
Just look at that CEO now having to scramble to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day.

I'll say it again: That he scrambling "to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day" on a $70k salary is proof positive that he sucks at planning and at being responsible.

He planned to sacrifice his own wealth for the benefit of his company's employees.
His company is expanding. Since his salary restructuring announcement in April, his company has been gaining 350 new customers monthly and he has hired a dozen more workers.

That's not sucking in my book.

These anti-American nutters want the company to fail.
They probably secretly do..

Just like the nut jobs on the extreme left who want company's to go out of business who don't pay "a fair wage" what ever that means .

Both idiots ...
His best employees quit and his clients bolted, shocker. /sarcasm :laugh:

Those two disgruntled employees can easily be replaced.

Sure they can, just like you can replace Tom Brady with the water boy and the patriots will be fine.

I don't know anything about Tom Brady. I don't follow sports. However, I do know that it will not be difficult to replace a web developer or a financial planner. I'm sure that's the least of Price's worries. His bigger problem is the lawsuit.
His best employees quit and his clients bolted, shocker. /sarcasm :laugh:

Those two disgruntled employees can easily be replaced.

Sure they can, just like you can replace Tom Brady with the water boy and the patriots will be fine.

I don't know anything about Tom Brady. I don't follow sports. However, I do know that it will not be difficult to replace a web developer or a financial planner. I'm sure that's the least of Price's worries. His bigger problem is the lawsuit.
I don't know much about those trades, but in manufacturing It is really hard to replace talented people, sure you get a warm body but in most cases their resume is full of it.
Just look at that CEO now having to scramble to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day.

I'll say it again: That he scrambling "to make ends meet like minimum wage workers do every day" on a $70k salary is proof positive that he sucks at planning and at being responsible.

He planned to sacrifice his own wealth for the benefit of his company's employees.
His company is expanding. Since his salary restructuring announcement in April, his company has been gaining 350 new customers monthly and he has hired a dozen more workers.

That's not sucking in my book.

These anti-American nutters want the company to fail.
They probably secretly do..

Just like the nut jobs on the extreme left who want company's to go out of business who don't pay "a fair wage" what ever that means .

Both idiots ...

Just like everything else, companies should plan on wage increases from time to time. I have no sympathy for companies that rake in billions of dollars in profit, yet can't pay their help above minimum wage.

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