Remember Pearl Harbor Today


May 23, 2014
That generation of Americans (our greatest generation) made a commitment that the United States would never be caught unprepared for war again. We will always be strong, we will always be ready, and we will always be free.
My Father N law was at Pearl Harbor during the attack. He fought for the duration of the War.

My Father fought the Japanese in the Pacific.

May they RIP, as they are gone now..........the Greatest Generation Sacrificed their lives to make the WORLD FREE of tyranny. They beat down the Nazi's........and the Bushido's of this world......and remembering them today for what they did for this World is the Right thing to do.
My Father N law was at Pearl Harbor during the attack. He fought for the duration of the War.

My Father fought the Japanese in the Pacific.

May they RIP, as they are gone now..........the Greatest Generation Sacrificed their lives to make the WORLD FREE of tyranny. They beat down the Nazi's........and the Bushido's of this world......and remembering them today for what they did for this World is the Right thing to do.
I had 6 uncles in the war. 5 in Europe, one in the Pacific. 4 were wounded in combat.
My Father N law was at Pearl Harbor during the attack. He fought for the duration of the War.

My Father fought the Japanese in the Pacific.

May they RIP, as they are gone now..........the Greatest Generation Sacrificed their lives to make the WORLD FREE of tyranny. They beat down the Nazi's........and the Bushido's of this world......and remembering them today for what they did for this World is the Right thing to do.
I had 6 uncles in the war. 5 in Europe, one in the Pacific. 4 were wounded in combat.
Many of mine also fought there as well. The battles there were brutal. The cost was high...........and it was the last War fought with the policy of TOTAL WAR. Something that has been forgotten now, in the age of the PC culture which has caused us to lose Wars or fight endless Wars.

The Age of PC in War is a bunch of idiots who tie the hands of our military and NOT ALLOW THEM TO WIN. Something the Greatest Generation had never heard of.

There would be No Europe if they hadn't have won. And there would be no China today if they hadn't won.
I had a teacher in high school so many years ago. Who was wounded on D-Day. We asked him wear he got hit. And he the ass..........and someone asked how did that happen.

He happened because it was the only thing sticking out of the sand that day that could be hit.
Dad's ship, the Ticonderoga, was hit by a kamakaze plane and he was caught in the resulting fires for a time--
when he came home on leave Mom said he was a total basket case. I never even knew it though--those guys (at least my Dad and his friends) never talked about it. When my son enlisted in the Marines was when Dad told the story, to him. My chin was on the floor.

Let's just hope, folks, that we don't have to go through anything like it again.
Dad's ship, the Ticonderoga, was hit by a kamakaze plane and he was caught in the resulting fires for a time--
when he came home on leave Mom said he was a total basket case. I never even knew it though--those guys (at least my Dad and his friends) never talked about it. When my son enlisted in the Marines was when Dad told the story, to him. My chin was on the floor.

Let's just hope, folks, that we don't have to go through anything like it again.
My Father N law never talked about Father hardly ever also.................

The teacher somehow came up........and I'll never forget his response.
My Father N law was at Pearl Harbor during the attack. He fought for the duration of the War.

My Father fought the Japanese in the Pacific.

May they RIP, as they are gone now..........the Greatest Generation Sacrificed their lives to make the WORLD FREE of tyranny. They beat down the Nazi's........and the Bushido's of this world......and remembering them today for what they did for this World is the Right thing to do.
I had 6 uncles in the war. 5 in Europe, one in the Pacific. 4 were wounded in combat.
Many of mine also fought there as well. The battles there were brutal. The cost was high...........and it was the last War fought with the policy of TOTAL WAR. Something that has been forgotten now, in the age of the PC culture which has caused us to lose Wars or fight endless Wars.

The Age of PC in War is a bunch of idiots who tie the hands of our military and NOT ALLOW THEM TO WIN. Something the Greatest Generation had never heard of.

There would be No Europe if they hadn't have won. And there would be no China today if they hadn't won.

My Father N law was at Pearl Harbor during the attack. He fought for the duration of the War.

My Father fought the Japanese in the Pacific.

May they RIP, as they are gone now..........the Greatest Generation Sacrificed their lives to make the WORLD FREE of tyranny. They beat down the Nazi's........and the Bushido's of this world......and remembering them today for what they did for this World is the Right thing to do.
I had 6 uncles in the war. 5 in Europe, one in the Pacific. 4 were wounded in combat.
Many of mine also fought there as well. The battles there were brutal. The cost was high...........and it was the last War fought with the policy of TOTAL WAR. Something that has been forgotten now, in the age of the PC culture which has caused us to lose Wars or fight endless Wars.

The Age of PC in War is a bunch of idiots who tie the hands of our military and NOT ALLOW THEM TO WIN. Something the Greatest Generation had never heard of.

There would be No Europe if they hadn't have won. And there would be no China today if they hadn't won.

"And there would be no China today if they hadn't won."

so we helped save china and created one of the greatest threats to freedom in the world!

perhaps NOT saving china would have been a better idea.


you blaming liberals for your weakness?

you blaming liberals because you are a girly man who gets pushed around by vietcong children?

don't blame liberals just because YOU are a pussy
That generation of Americans (our greatest generation) made a commitment that the United States would never be caught unprepared for war again. We will always be strong, we will always be ready, and we will always be free.

Let’s not forget your namesake .....

TOTAL WAR. Something that has been forgotten now

So you're one of those guys that thinks we should carpet bomb the entire Middle East because a group of terrorists killed 3,000 Americans? Total war would come back if the threat were actually existential. The truth, however, is that Middle Eastern terrorism has never been an existential threat, so killing literally everybody might be seen as a cruel overreaction. Oh, and also terrorists are not a uniformed military representing a government. It's an entirely different situation and it's entirely stupid to expect the same approach.
TOTAL WAR. Something that has been forgotten now

So you're one of those guys that thinks we should carpet bomb the entire Middle East because a group of terrorists killed 3,000 Americans? Total war would come back if the threat were actually existential. The truth, however, is that Middle Eastern terrorism has never been an existential threat, so killing literally everybody might be seen as a cruel overreaction. Oh, and also terrorists are not a uniformed military representing a government. It's an entirely different situation and it's entirely stupid to expect the same approach.
After 911.........i'd have hit their asses hard quick and fast.........those that needed a lesson..............and then left before the dust settled.......

Then I would say don't make me come back.

Would have been over quick.......and not got us stuck there with this PC way to fight war for 18 years now at a cost of 6 Trillion dollars. MURDER...........and it's objective is to kill or break the will of the enemy to fight.........

Yeah......I'd have done that.......and we wouldn't have been there longer than 6 months for a fraction of the cost we now paying.
Dad's ship, the Ticonderoga, was hit by a kamakaze plane and he was caught in the resulting fires for a time--
when he came home on leave Mom said he was a total basket case. I never even knew it though--those guys (at least my Dad and his friends) never talked about it. When my son enlisted in the Marines was when Dad told the story, to him. My chin was on the floor.

Let's just hope, folks, that we don't have to go through anything like it again.
My Father N law never talked about Father hardly ever also.................

The teacher somehow came up........and I'll never forget his response.
We may giggle, but that is a tough place to be wounded. No sitting for a long time. How does one stay awake all day, standing or lying on your stomach? I'd be miserable. Poor bugger.
TOTAL WAR. Something that has been forgotten now

So you're one of those guys that thinks we should carpet bomb the entire Middle East because a group of terrorists killed 3,000 Americans? Total war would come back if the threat were actually existential. The truth, however, is that Middle Eastern terrorism has never been an existential threat, so killing literally everybody might be seen as a cruel overreaction. Oh, and also terrorists are not a uniformed military representing a government. It's an entirely different situation and it's entirely stupid to expect the same approach.
After 911.........i'd have hit their asses hard quick and fast.........those that needed a lesson..............and then left before the dust settled.......

Then I would say don't make me come back.

Would have been over quick.......and not got us stuck there with this PC way to fight war for 18 years now at a cost of 6 Trillion dollars. MURDER...........and it's objective is to kill or break the will of the enemy to fight.........

Yeah......I'd have done that.......and we wouldn't have been there longer than 6 months for a fraction of the cost we now paying.

What do you think would have happened if we had just turned the other cheek? Do you think our response actually discourages people crazy enough to fly themselves into buildings? Or was it simply about revenge and feeling like we got even?
Dad's ship, the Ticonderoga, was hit by a kamakaze plane and he was caught in the resulting fires for a time--
when he came home on leave Mom said he was a total basket case. I never even knew it though--those guys (at least my Dad and his friends) never talked about it. When my son enlisted in the Marines was when Dad told the story, to him. My chin was on the floor.

Let's just hope, folks, that we don't have to go through anything like it again.
My Father N law never talked about Father hardly ever also.................

The teacher somehow came up........and I'll never forget his response.
We may giggle, but that is a tough place to be wounded. No sitting for a long time. How does one stay awake all day, standing or lying on your stomach? I'd be miserable. Poor bugger.
That’s where they got Forrest Gump

TOTAL WAR. Something that has been forgotten now

So you're one of those guys that thinks we should carpet bomb the entire Middle East because a group of terrorists killed 3,000 Americans? Total war would come back if the threat were actually existential. The truth, however, is that Middle Eastern terrorism has never been an existential threat, so killing literally everybody might be seen as a cruel overreaction. Oh, and also terrorists are not a uniformed military representing a government. It's an entirely different situation and it's entirely stupid to expect the same approach.
After 911.........i'd have hit their asses hard quick and fast.........those that needed a lesson..............and then left before the dust settled.......

Then I would say don't make me come back.

Would have been over quick.......and not got us stuck there with this PC way to fight war for 18 years now at a cost of 6 Trillion dollars. MURDER...........and it's objective is to kill or break the will of the enemy to fight.........

Yeah......I'd have done that.......and we wouldn't have been there longer than 6 months for a fraction of the cost we now paying.

What do you think would have happened if we had just turned the other cheek? Do you think our response actually discourages people crazy enough to fly themselves into buildings? Or was it simply about revenge and feeling like we got even?
REVENGE..........and BEING PISSED OFF............and reminding them of who the hell they are fucking with.

You do know we have the capability to make them regret the day they are born if we choose to now don't you.........

A message ...........a CLEAR MESSAGE......should have been sent..........and then dared anyone to do a damned thing about it.......

That ends War fast..........and it actually is better that way than 28 years of death and misery instead.
My Father N law was at Pearl Harbor during the attack. He fought for the duration of the War.

My Father fought the Japanese in the Pacific.

May they RIP, as they are gone now..........the Greatest Generation Sacrificed their lives to make the WORLD FREE of tyranny. They beat down the Nazi's........and the Bushido's of this world......and remembering them today for what they did for this World is the Right thing to do.
I had 6 uncles in the war. 5 in Europe, one in the Pacific. 4 were wounded in combat.
..none KIA? I had 2 uncles in WW2, 3 uncles and father in Korea--no wife had an uncle KIA in Vietnam though
TOTAL WAR. Something that has been forgotten now

So you're one of those guys that thinks we should carpet bomb the entire Middle East because a group of terrorists killed 3,000 Americans? Total war would come back if the threat were actually existential. The truth, however, is that Middle Eastern terrorism has never been an existential threat, so killing literally everybody might be seen as a cruel overreaction. Oh, and also terrorists are not a uniformed military representing a government. It's an entirely different situation and it's entirely stupid to expect the same approach.
After 911.........i'd have hit their asses hard quick and fast.........those that needed a lesson..............and then left before the dust settled.......

Then I would say don't make me come back.

Would have been over quick.......and not got us stuck there with this PC way to fight war for 18 years now at a cost of 6 Trillion dollars. MURDER...........and it's objective is to kill or break the will of the enemy to fight.........

Yeah......I'd have done that.......and we wouldn't have been there longer than 6 months for a fraction of the cost we now paying.

What do you think would have happened if we had just turned the other cheek? Do you think our response actually discourages people crazy enough to fly themselves into buildings? Or was it simply about revenge and feeling like we got even? have to ask?? same with a lot of conflicts all over the world since BEFORE medieval times --revenge IS part of it kill my brother, father, uncle--I'm going to get you back to you think the the Pals and Israelis think?? you killed our people, we are going to kill yours

..ever read about German aircrew shot down in Britain or American aircrew in Germany?? the people wanted to KILL them--for bombing their people/cities/country
TOTAL WAR. Something that has been forgotten now

So you're one of those guys that thinks we should carpet bomb the entire Middle East because a group of terrorists killed 3,000 Americans? Total war would come back if the threat were actually existential. The truth, however, is that Middle Eastern terrorism has never been an existential threat, so killing literally everybody might be seen as a cruel overreaction. Oh, and also terrorists are not a uniformed military representing a government. It's an entirely different situation and it's entirely stupid to expect the same approach.
After 911.........i'd have hit their asses hard quick and fast.........those that needed a lesson..............and then left before the dust settled.......

Then I would say don't make me come back.

Would have been over quick.......and not got us stuck there with this PC way to fight war for 18 years now at a cost of 6 Trillion dollars. MURDER...........and it's objective is to kill or break the will of the enemy to fight.........

Yeah......I'd have done that.......and we wouldn't have been there longer than 6 months for a fraction of the cost we now paying.

What do you think would have happened if we had just turned the other cheek? Do you think our response actually discourages people crazy enough to fly themselves into buildings? Or was it simply about revenge and feeling like we got even? have to ask?? same with a lot of conflicts all over the world since BEFORE medieval times --revenge IS part of it kill my brother, father, uncle--I'm going to get you back to you think the the Pals and Israelis think?? you killed our people, we are going to kill yours

..ever read about German aircrew shot down in Britain or American aircrew in Germany?? the people wanted to KILL them--for bombing their people/cities/country

Revenge for the sake of revenge seems like pointless bloodshed to me. It doesn't fix the problem, and possibly makes it even worse.

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