Regulations, taxes aren't killing small business, owners say

Bullshit! His insurance cost isn't regulated by the government.

What planet do you live on? Businesses are required by government regulation to carry worker's comp, health insurance, liability, and dozens of other insurance policies. Last time I priced worker's comp insurance I would have had to pay $25,000 a year to cover the minimally required 5 workers, even though I did not have 5 employees. I dropped the contract rather than go to the expense, which actually put 2 people out of work.
You're either lying or were being taken for a ride. Or you work in a very dangerous and deadly industry. $25,000 :lol:

Besides, if you are required to have WC, you are required to have it, no matter what contracts you take.

Yep, I work cleaning apartments. All those chimerical are extremely dangerous, you should see the MSDS files I have to keep.
The largest factor for me is uncertainty. What will happen to fuel and material prices? Insurance costs? Benefits? These have always been a concern, but I am more worried about them than any time in the past.
Really? I've only ever worried about having and keeping customers.
What planet do you live on? Businesses are required by government regulation to carry worker's comp, health insurance, liability, and dozens of other insurance policies. Last time I priced worker's comp insurance I would have had to pay $25,000 a year to cover the minimally required 5 workers, even though I did not have 5 employees. I dropped the contract rather than go to the expense, which actually put 2 people out of work.
You're either lying or were being taken for a ride. Or you work in a very dangerous and deadly industry. $25,000 :lol:

Besides, if you are required to have WC, you are required to have it, no matter what contracts you take.

Yep, I work cleaning apartments. All those chimerical are extremely dangerous, you should see the MSDS files I have to keep.
Sorry, then. I just don't believe you. No way your worker's comp is $25,000 per year for five employees.
You're either lying or were being taken for a ride. Or you work in a very dangerous and deadly industry. $25,000 :lol:

Besides, if you are required to have WC, you are required to have it, no matter what contracts you take.

Yep, I work cleaning apartments. All those chimerical are extremely dangerous, you should see the MSDS files I have to keep.
Sorry, then. I just don't believe you. No way your worker's comp is $25,000 per year for five employees.

You are right, it wasn't. It was for two employees and myself because the state required a minimum coverage rate higher than what the company said I needed because I was working in the hospitality industry. I do not remember all the logic involved, but it was ridiculous. It might have improved since then since the Republicans have been in charge and driving down regulations, but my guess is I still have to buy more than I need, just in case.
Yep, I work cleaning apartments. All those chimerical are extremely dangerous, you should see the MSDS files I have to keep.
Sorry, then. I just don't believe you. No way your worker's comp is $25,000 per year for five employees.

You are right, it wasn't. It was for two employees and myself because the state required a minimum coverage rate higher than what the company said I needed because I was working in the hospitality industry. I do not remember all the logic involved, but it was ridiculous. It might have improved since then since the Republicans have been in charge and driving down regulations, but my guess is I still have to buy more than I need, just in case.
No, it wasn't that high. No way. No how.

You really should work on your credibility.

btw, state's for the most part set worker's comp rules. And like I said, you are either required to have it or you aren't.
None of the business owners complained about regulation in their particular industries, and most seemed to welcome it

This article has got to be the biggest steaming pile of bullshit I have seen a awhile...

good gawd.

Do you own a small business? Didn't think so. I do. I can tell you that the article is dead on. The whole tax thing spun by the GOP and FOX is complete bullshit when it comes to American small businesses.
When the tax rates were higher, we hired more people. For the last several years and up until a few months ago, we hadn't hired anyone. Now we have an opportunity to make a huge amount of money. Guess what, we're going after it - even though the All-Powerful-Magic-Boogey-Man in the WH (according to Conservs) say that business won't hire if there is even the suspicion that taxes may go up some time in the undetermined future.
The largest factor for me is uncertainty. What will happen to fuel and material prices? Insurance costs? Benefits? These have always been a concern, but I am more worried about them than any time in the past.
Really? I've only ever worried about having and keeping customers.

I have a large customer base and I am an excellent salesman. I've never worried about getting opportunities or closing sales. Getting paid is another story....:lol:

These days I am worried that my customers - other businesses- will not be able to pay me, or will slow pay - stretching me out for 60-90 days or more.
So, Rip Daniels is the "poster boy" for all small business owners? The guy that's representative of small business owners across the country? This is Rip's radio program home page. I suggest you look at it and then tell me if you think Rip has an "agenda" and what you think it might be.
Really -- tell that to the small bizs that make kid clothes, toys, books, and ANY product for kids. And explain to me why MATTEL -- which created the crisis with it's Chinese made junk -- GOT A FREAKING EXEMPTION.. "weigh more heavily on Big Biz" my ass.

Mattel isn't a small business. Want to try again?

That and the recent militiarized raids on Gibson Guitar who might be able to afford losing a couple days of biz compared to a smaller craft guitar artisian that lose his biz figuring out how to prove his innocence when confronted with the SAME regs.

Gibson isn't a small business. Want to try again?

How many examples do you want? I've got some time and a HEAP of em for you...

The way you are going, I would be happy with one, at this point.
Really -- tell that to the small bizs that make kid clothes, toys, books, and ANY product for kids. And explain to me why MATTEL -- which created the crisis with it's Chinese made junk -- GOT A FREAKING EXEMPTION.. "weigh more heavily on Big Biz" my ass.

Mattel isn't a small business. Want to try again?

That and the recent militiarized raids on Gibson Guitar who might be able to afford losing a couple days of biz compared to a smaller craft guitar artisian that lose his biz figuring out how to prove his innocence when confronted with the SAME regs.
Gibson isn't a small business. Want to try again?

How many examples do you want? I've got some time and a HEAP of em for you...
The way you are going, I would be happy with one, at this point.

Gibson is on its way to becoming a small business.
The largest factor for me is uncertainty. What will happen to fuel and material prices? Insurance costs? Benefits? These have always been a concern, but I am more worried about them than any time in the past.
Really? I've only ever worried about having and keeping customers.

I have a large customer base and I am an excellent salesman. I've never worried about getting opportunities or closing sales. Getting paid is another story....:lol:

These days I am worried that my customers - other businesses- will not be able to pay me, or will slow pay - stretching me out for 60-90 days or more.
Yeah, that bites. Thank goodness we still can activate our credit line and cover the shortfall.

I've only had two clients that never paid in the 20 years I've been in business. But that was more because they were assholes than they couldn't afford to pay.
Really? I've only ever worried about having and keeping customers.

I have a large customer base and I am an excellent salesman. I've never worried about getting opportunities or closing sales. Getting paid is another story....:lol:

These days I am worried that my customers - other businesses- will not be able to pay me, or will slow pay - stretching me out for 60-90 days or more.
Yeah, that bites. Thank goodness we still can activate our credit line and cover the shortfall.

I've only had two clients that never paid in the 20 years I've been in business. But that was more because they were assholes than they couldn't afford to pay.

I've always been paid too (crosses fingers) - after 27 years in business. Whatever it takes! But I am getting stretched out longer these days....
Quoting the article itself ... "says government regulation is not hurting his radio and real estate business, rising insurance costs are"

Thats a direct result of government regulation. What a moron. Article contradicts itself.

Bullshit! His insurance cost isn't regulated by the government.

What planet do you live on? Businesses are required by government regulation to carry worker's comp, health insurance, liability, and dozens of other insurance policies. Last time I priced worker's comp insurance I would have had to pay $25,000 a year to cover the minimally required 5 workers, even though I did not have 5 employees. I dropped the contract rather than go to the expense, which actually put 2 people out of work.

And nowhere do you show where government regulates the cost.


You're either lying or were being taken for a ride. Or you work in a very dangerous and deadly industry. $25,000 :lol:

Besides, if you are required to have WC, you are required to have it, no matter what contracts you take.

Yep, I work cleaning apartments. All those chimerical are extremely dangerous, you should see the MSDS files I have to keep.
Sorry, then. I just don't believe you. No way your worker's comp is $25,000 per year for five employees.
And even if it does, then he is in a specialized field, and his situation is unique to him - not the majority of small business owners. Sucks for him.

And he is getting gouged by his insurance company, which sets the $25,000 price - NOT the U.S. government, which merely requires him to carry it. The insurance company could insure him for $5,000 if they wished. They are setting their profit margins.
Really -- tell that to the small bizs that make kid clothes, toys, books, and ANY product for kids. And explain to me why MATTEL -- which created the crisis with it's Chinese made junk -- GOT A FREAKING EXEMPTION.. "weigh more heavily on Big Biz" my ass.

Mattel isn't a small business. Want to try again?

That and the recent militiarized raids on Gibson Guitar who might be able to afford losing a couple days of biz compared to a smaller craft guitar artisian that lose his biz figuring out how to prove his innocence when confronted with the SAME regs.

Gibson isn't a small business. Want to try again?

How many examples do you want? I've got some time and a HEAP of em for you...

The way you are going, I would be happy with one, at this point.

You obviously can't read and obviously didn't care enough to go the link..

The CPSIA literally WIPES OUT handcrafted items for kids made in the USA. I'm talking about SELF-EMPLOYED people who make quilts, rocking horses, and other kiddie stuff. That -- my leftist bud IS small biz. The part you didn't comprehend is while the CPSIA makes these businesses to painful to engage in for SMALL biz -- MATTEL -- the toy giant who precipated this entire jihad got a freakin GOVT EXEMPTION to the regs. Do you get it NOW?An entire Small Biz sector in desperate trouble due to ONE regulation pkg.. Craftspeople, trade show reps, distributors, ect....

As far as Gibson goes -- you also can't read or are willingfully ignoring the point that I SAID --- Gibson can AFFORD to shut down for days and be run thru the paces -0- But a SMALLER Artisian Guitar shop might just have to fold over the pressure of constant govt harrassment. Do you get it now?

Let's try these two before you need some more examples.. Maybe you were being purposely dense..
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Quoting the article itself ... "says government regulation is not hurting his radio and real estate business, rising insurance costs are"

Thats a direct result of government regulation. What a moron. Article contradicts itself.

Bullshit! His insurance cost isn't regulated by the government.

What planet do you live on? Businesses are required by government regulation to carry worker's comp, health insurance, liability, and dozens of other insurance policies. Last time I priced worker's comp insurance I would have had to pay $25,000 a year to cover the minimally required 5 workers, even though I did not have 5 employees. I dropped the contract rather than go to the expense, which actually put 2 people out of work.

I am rarely this confrontational unless someone has come at me guns blazing but when I see outright lies, well there you go. I own a business and some of the stuff you've already spewed were clues that you were making stuff up but this post is proof. Unless you're talking about owning a very small nuclear power plant or you're paying these 5 Phantom employees $200K+ each, you're just pulling this shit outta your ass.
You're a liar. You don't own a business. You're making this shit up behind the anonymity of the net to try to validate a bullshit argument.
The below doesn't format quite right but the table is available if you scroll down here:

Civilian workers, by major occupational and industry group, March 2011
Occupational group
Total compensation .................................................. $30.07 100.0 $49.81 100.0 $22.54 100.0 $16.48 100.0
Wages and salaries .............................................. 20.91 69.6 34.86 70.0 15.87 70.4 11.70 71.0
Total benefits ........................................................ 9.15 30.4 14.95 30.0 6.68 29.6 4.78 29.0
Paid leave ......................................................... 2.09 7.0 3.97 8.0 1.48 6.5 0.91 5.5
Vacation ........................................................ 1.00 3.3 1.87 3.7 0.72 3.2 0.43 2.6
Holiday .......................................................... 0.65 2.2 1.18 2.4 0.47 2.1 0.29 1.7
Sick ............................................................... 0.33 1.1 0.70 1.4 0.21 0.9 0.15 0.9
Personal ....................................................... 0.11 0.4 0.23 0.5 0.07 0.3 0.04 0.3
Supplemental pay ............................................. 0.70 2.3 1.10 2.2 0.45 2.0 0.30 1.8
Health ........................................................... 2.53 8.4 3.78 7.6 2.11 9.4 1.37 8.3
Retirement and savings .................................... 1.36 4.5 2.59 5.2 0.77 3.4 0.64 3.9
Defined benefit ............................................. 0.83 2.7 1.54 3.1 0.35 1.6 0.51 3.1
Defined contribution ...................................... 0.54 1.8 1.05 2.1 0.42 1.9 0.14 0.8
Legally required benefits .................................. 2.33 7.8 3.27 6.6 1.77 7.9 1.52 9.2
Social Security and Medicare ....................... 1.69 5.6 2.72 5.5 1.32 5.9 0.98 5.9
Social Security7 ........................................ 1.35 4.5 2.14 4.3 1.06 4.7 0.79 4.8
Workers’ compensation ................................ 0.43 1.4 0.36 0.7 0.24 1.1 0.36 2.2

Next time you tell outright lies or act like someone you're not, try to be more convincing...
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So, Rip Daniels is the "poster boy" for all small business owners?

No, he is one of the examples used in the story.

Why are YOU trying to make him out to be the poster boy for small business? I think we know.

The guy that's representative of small business owners across the country?
Nope. A guy that's telling his experience with taxes and regulations and insurance.

This is Rip's radio program home page. I suggest you look at it and then tell me if you think Rip has an "agenda" and what you think it might be. > Home
What does it have to do with regulations and taxes on small business? Oh, that's right - nothing.
they will never face reality.

Facts just dont matter to them.

Only the historically failed ideas of their right wing cult matters to them.

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