Regarding Trump's EO's, everybody needs to chill


Active Member
Jan 9, 2017
Houston, TX
So, I get that there is a lot of rancor around Trump's Executive Orders. Liberals are (rightfully so, IMO) jammed up about Trump trying to normalize torture, minimize US influence at the UN, and holding conservatives feet to the fire over their newfound love of Executive Orders.

The thing is, very little of Trump's EO's will be executable without Congressional action, since they aren't concerned with executing existing law and are frankly pretty far reaching. They're mostly for show.

There won't be any removal of the military prohibitions on torture without Congress approving it. That won't happen. There won't be any increase in ICE agents as directed by President Trump, that requires Congressional approval and runs directly afoul of Trump's hiring freeze. Trump can't reduce the US participation in the UN without Congressional action.

Running down the list, almost none of Trump's EO's really have legs or teeth in them. They are largely for show, so he can appear to make good on his campaign promises. Don't get me wrong, this bunch is going to screw things up in many ways we can't imagine yet, but so far I haven't really seen much that is going to have any actual impact without Congress signing on. So far the only thing Congress appears to be co-signing on to Trump with is with action on the ACA, but now they're starting to realize just what they're up against and it's not looking quite so easy as "repeal and replace".

So I guess what I'm saying is, liberals need to just chill out and think more long game, and conservatives, hey, do your hootin' and hollerin' and shootin' yer six guns in the air or whatever it is you do, you guys won and won big so you're due a little gloating. That being said, liberals take heart; Republicans suck ass at this governing thing. When a bunch of anti-government, government can't do no right conservatives get themselves into government, turns out that people who think government can't do shit never bothered to learn how any of it works. Think about 2000-2006, the last time the GOP controlled everything, and they didn't get much done besides two wars of choosing and a bunch of budget busting tax cuts. For a party that controlled all 3 branches of government, they really didn't get much done.

I sort of expect a repeat of the same. Republicans will fuck up the country's finances again and do some truly stupid shit and get rolled up in a fair amount of corruption like the last time we did this, but overall its not going to be the end of the world (probably) and Democrats will have to come in, sweep up the messes and get a ration of shit from the liberal media for doing so.

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