Red Vs. Blue


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Some years ago I discovered an Internet phenomenon called Red. Vs. Blue. It was originally filmed inside the Halo game. Yes, I know, it sounds silly right? It is without a doubt the funniest thing I have seen in a very long time. I watched the first five seasons on Netflix without a pause. It was hilarious. The character development was pretty good, and the writing was funny. Each season it got better. After the first season, the writers really got into the groove so to speak.

So what is it? The show is almost impossible to describe. Everyone is an idiot, just some are dumber than the others. The two sides of a war are both stationed in a box canyon. Red team on one side. The blue team is on the other. The war goes on, with neither side able to win, and neither side really caring all that much. There are jokes that the military folks will be able to identify with easily enough, and jokes that gamers will spot in a second.

Time has gone by, and now Red Vs. Blue is in Season 15. Fifteen years of a bunch of people that serious folks would call slackers cranking out shows, with each season better than the last. Yet, every now and then, when it's rainy outside, and I feel like a walk through the light humor of the world, I dive back into Red Vs. Blue again.

As I said we are into Season 15 now, and so far this season is better than the ones before. Sadly, you kind of have to watch the others before you can hope to understand the current episodes.

Now, I'm the first to admit that Red Vs. Blue is NSFW big time. The language is really not appropriate for children, and some sensitive folks who object to "gutter" humor will be offended. Then again, they are usually offended by something.

Here's a link to the show, you can watch it free on YouTube. This is Season One, Episode one.

If you are a fan of the show already, then it's nice to meet a fellow fan. If you're not, and you think it's just stupid and a waste of time. Everyone has an opinion, and you're welcome to yours.
Wow, that's quite a commitment for what sounds like a barrage of juvenile humor and plots but alas I'm an old coot. I like your writing style, honest, smooth and easy to understand...

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