RED ALERT! MELTDOWN CONFIRMED At Fukushima Nuclear Reactor

Hi Lia:

Tomorrow is the official Terral DOOMSDAY.

No. Tomorrow is the day of the first conjunction. Alignments create earthquakes and dams break if severe enough. The second alignment/conjunction is on 9/26/2011 and by then everyone will see Nibiru in the sky, but those in their underground bunkers. Thatis the day of the geological pole shift, but the crap will meet fan long before that in the event timeline. The original disinformation said the pole shift would happen on March 15, 2011, but the brown dwarf is still too far away (2.01 AU = 180 million miles). The Earth will be dipped back and forth like a salt shaker later this year with the pole shifts, so let us not get too worked up if the world does not come to an end. We are living more than a 1000 years from the end of the age and then the heaven and earth are made new to do it all over again. Rev. 21.

[ame=""]Gates & Rockefeller Family in India This Month[/ame]

I am not the only one that headed for the hills. Lots and lots of people were ahead of me, because they know the crap will hit the fan anyway. The brush fires of WW3 are burning overseas in case you guys are are not paying attention and gas is getting ready to be 5 and 6 bucks a gallon with austerity kicking in.
A A new report released today in the Kremlin prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Institute of Physics of the Earth, in Moscow, is warning that the America’s are in danger of suffering a mega-quake of catastrophic proportions during the next fortnight (14 days) with a specific emphasis being placed on the United States, Mexico, Central America and South American west coast regions along with the New Madrid Fault Zone region.

This report further warns that catastrophic earthquakes in Asia and the sub-continent are, also, “more than likely to occur” with the 7.3 magnitude quake in Japan today being “one of at least 4 of this intensity” to occur during this same time period.

Raising the concerns of a mega-quake occurring, this report says, are the increasing subtle electromagnetic signals that are being detected in the Earth’s upper atmosphere over many regions of the World, with the most intense being over the US Western coastal and Midwest regions.

Important to note are that Russian and British scientists are at the forefront of predicting earthquakes based on these subtle electromagnetic signals and.......more
You guys explain to me why the Russians are warning US Citizens about earthquakes and not the Obama Administration or Congress? We have the Sun/Earth/ELEnin conjunction and super moon perigee three days apart and the Russians think we might have an earthquake where HAARP has been messing around for some time. Article w/Videos

Where will you be when the invisible mythical brown dwarf star and Planet X line up with Earth to cause a gravity "well" that shifts the Earth's Poles causing destruction unlike anything human-kind has ever witnessed?

That is the Conspiracy 'Theory' supported by the evidence that we are testing with my larger hypothesis. After all, Nibiru caused the earthquake that caused the tsunami that caused the reactor breach that caused rod exposure that caused the meltdown and people afraid of breathing the air around the world.

Who has the popcorn concession? Join me in mocking the living shit out of the idiot, Terral, tomorrow.

If we survive, of course.

Tomorrow we will get our second test of the ELEnin = Nibiru thesis to see if something big happens at the conjunction. The first test was March 4, 2011 when the events began increasing in frequency and intensity. My critics and I hope nothing happens and that people will stop dying from earth change events, but like the preacher said above in that video, this is just the beginning of it ...

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Hi guys:

[ame=""]Third Reactor Meltdown! Japan's 9-11[/ame]

The preacher is going to have a meltdown!

[ame=]Alex Jones Covers 9Nania March 11 Quake prediction[/ame]

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Hi dil with Mad mentioned:

While the Mad Scientist and I have our disagreements, he is a man of intelligence able to weigh the facts in these critical situations.

I have no problem with his posts. I'm asking if he really wants people to head for the hills in light of what could possibly happen. A mass exodus isn't really the safest thing in practice either as evidence by the evacuation for Rita.

That is why I headed for the hills on March 1, 2011 with instructions for others to do the same! I still believe we are looking at a series of earth change 'events' around the March 15, 2011 ELEnin Comet/Dwarf conjunction/alignment and then we have the March 19, 2011 super moon perigee alignment! That does not even include the 7-body near-alignment potential dangers associated with that March 15 event! I am telling you guys that what is going on right now in our solar system is nothing typical and my survival group is on the highest alert possible! When I drive 4 states with all of my survival gear to the mountains, then something is up!

[ame=]Japan Earthquake,in USA warns Russia, Madrid fault, Super Moon, Comet ELEnin[/ame]

I am not the only person on the planet sending out these warnings! No. I do not advise everyone to rush out the door. I have been telling people to head for the hills for almost a month now and you want to be near your bugout location 'before' the crap hits the fan. That increases your survival chances exponentially, while sitting on your hands and doing nothing at the wrong location can threaten your survival. Of course I hope nothing happens, but look how much the situation has ramped up since the middle of February!

All of these things are happening for a reason and that reason appears to be a brown dwarf racing towards the inner part of our solar system. I know that sounds crazy! I never even thought about any brown dwarf, until the ELEnin Comet investigation; but that is what the evidence says.

If somebody has a better explanation, then I am all ears.

That part is true. There is Mike that posts videos from his bathroom.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Hi Lia:

Tomorrow is the official Terral DOOMSDAY.

No. Tomorrow is the day of the first conjunction. Alignments create earthquakes and dams break if severe enough. The second alignment/conjunction is on 9/26/2011 and by then everyone will see Nibiru in the sky, but those in their underground bunkers. Thatis the day of the geological pole shift, but the crap will meet fan long before that in the event timeline. The original disinformation said the pole shift would happen on March 15, 2011, but the brown dwarf is still too far away (2.01 AU = 180 million miles). The Earth will be dipped back and forth like a salt shaker later this year with the pole shifts, so let us not get too worked up if the world does not come to an end. We are living more than a 1000 years from the end of the age and then the heaven and earth are made new to do it all over again. Rev. 21.
[ame=""]Gates & Rockefeller Family in India This Month[/ame]

I am not the only one that headed for the hills. Lots and lots of people were ahead of me, because they know the crap will hit the fan anyway. The brush fires of WW3 are burning overseas in case you guys are are not paying attention and gas is getting ready to be 5 and 6 bucks a gallon with austerity kicking in.
A A new report released today in the Kremlin prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Institute of Physics of the Earth, in Moscow, is warning that the America’s are in danger of suffering a mega-quake of catastrophic proportions during the next fortnight (14 days) with a specific emphasis being placed on the United States, Mexico, Central America and South American west coast regions along with the New Madrid Fault Zone region.

This report further warns that catastrophic earthquakes in Asia and the sub-continent are, also, “more than likely to occur” with the 7.3 magnitude quake in Japan today being “one of at least 4 of this intensity” to occur during this same time period.

Raising the concerns of a mega-quake occurring, this report says, are the increasing subtle electromagnetic signals that are being detected in the Earth’s upper atmosphere over many regions of the World, with the most intense being over the US Western coastal and Midwest regions.

Important to note are that Russian and British scientists are at the forefront of predicting earthquakes based on these subtle electromagnetic signals and.......more
You guys explain to me why the Russians are warning US Citizens about earthquakes and not the Obama Administration or Congress? We have the Sun/Earth/ELEnin conjunction and super moon perigee three days apart and the Russians think we might have an earthquake where HAARP has been messing around for some time. Article w/Videos

Where will you be when the invisible mythical brown dwarf star and Planet X line up with Earth to cause a gravity "well" that shifts the Earth's Poles causing destruction unlike anything human-kind has ever witnessed?

That is the Conspiracy 'Theory' supported by the evidence that we are testing with my larger hypothesis. After all, Nibiru caused the earthquake that caused the tsunami that caused the reactor breach that caused rod exposure that caused the meltdown and people afraid of breathing the air around the world.

Who has the popcorn concession? Join me in mocking the living shit out of the idiot, Terral, tomorrow.

If we survive, of course.

Tomorrow we will get our second test of the ELEnin = Nibiru thesis to see if something big happens at the conjunction. The first test was March 4, 2011 when the events began increasing in frequency and intensity. My critics and I hope nothing happens and that people will stop dying from earth change events, but like the preacher said above in that video, this is just the beginning of it ...

It's been "TOMORROW" in many countries for awhile now. So far, nothing.

Is it only us that has to worry about doomsday?

And, if all this shit that you claim is going to happen, doesn't happen, then what?

Wait till next year?

Hell, i'm still waiting for all that Millenium shit to happen. It's been 11 years, and nothing.......I'm gettin' tired of waitin' for doomsday, dammit!
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I think some people like the thrill of living in panic mode and would love some company. Y'all go ahead and join in. I'm too old for that stuff. I volunteer to be the old guy who stayed behind when Mt St. Helens blew her top.
Hi guys:

[ame=]Japanese Government Cover-up Foreshadows Mega-disaster[/ame]

Alex Jones is connecting some dots.

Hi guys:

[ame=]DEFCON Warning System Update 3/14/11[/ame]

We continue to get conflicting reports. Anytime seawater is used to cool a reactor then things are not good. The longer this continues, the higher the chances of something really bad happening.

We continue to get conflicting reports. Anytime seawater is used to cool a reactor then things are not good. The longer this continues, the higher the chances of something really bad happening.
Using sea water to cool the reactor is a last resort, "Hail Mary Pass" situation because when it's done it destroys the power plant. It can never be used again.

The Japanese keep making the evacuation area larger and are now asking the Americans for help. That should tell you everything.
Ya living on the west coast this is definately something to keep an eye on. While it is most likely the radiation wouldn't be in a large enough amount to reach california but still japans decisions now affect other nations and the health of the not just their own countrymen but others as well. They need to get that shit under control stat.
Ya living on the west coast this is definately something to keep an eye on. While it is most likely the radiation wouldn't be in a large enough amount to reach california but still japans decisions now affect other nations and the health of the not just their own countrymen but others as well. They need to get that shit under control stat.
Actually, I heard an Australian Nuclear scientist on the radio state that under the right weather conditions, we on the west coast could see rad levels of up to 1000-1500. Those in Hawaii could see much higher........Still no reason to get uppity, but it's something to think about.
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Hi guys:

[ame=]BREAKING NEWS - Harmful levels of RADIATION reach TOKYO? - March15, 2011 - READ BELOW[/ame]

Hi guys:

[ame=]Radiation update - Earthquake watch - March 15, 2011[/ame]

Dutch calms fears about radiation threats and gives predictions about what is coming next.




Hi guys:

Click on the link and watch the 577 quakes off the coast of Japan for the last 7 days. That entire 20,000-foot wall holding Japan up appears to be crumbling.

Hi guys:

Click on the link and watch the 577 quakes off the coast of Japan for the last 7 days. That entire 20,000-foot wall holding Japan up appears to be crumbling.

Speaking of which-

Section of Highway 1 Collapses into Ocean: LAist

No cause for alarm this is all very normal, despite the frequency of these events. :cuckoo:
Please don't waste your time buying silver or stocking up on emergency supplies, you are being overly paranoid. Leave those things for us kooks. :razz:
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There is an awareness from many people that there is a strong chance that the radiation that has gone out will come over here to us,so much so that the stuff you need to protect you from it,theres a 21 day waiting list for it because the ones that are in the know have already taken it all.
Hi Inside Job:

There is an awareness from many people that there is a strong chance that the radiation that has gone out will come over here to us,so much so that the stuff you need to protect you from it,theres a 21 day waiting list for it because the ones that are in the know have already taken it all.

This place has tons of information on the radiation coming from Japan.


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